View Full Version : Hey, Frank!

Larry Norton
03-26-2006, 9:28 AM
If you haven't already figured it out, you can reconfigure your JessEm miter gauge to use one the right side of your blade. But, after thinking about it, i can see where the left may be better. I was thinking before that the finished piece would be on the right side of the blade, but now I see where it would be on the left.

Oh, and yes, I did buy one. The guy had to go out to his car to get it, I got the last one. I'm going to play with it today. And I did something I said I would never do, I bought a Forrest Woodworker II. They had the old version for $79, but I figured for another $21, I would buy the new version.


Frank Pellow
03-26-2006, 10:10 AM
Larry, I did figure out how to set up the miter guage on the right side and experimented with it on both sides, In the end, I decided that I liked using it on the left side better. This is the first time that I used a miter guage on the left of the blade, but I uickly got to like it.