View Full Version : Turning DVD's

Chuck Beland
03-26-2006, 6:30 AM
Hey guy's & Gal's,
I just ordered Bill Grumbines DVD on how to turn. Yup I'm a newbie/ Are there any other DVD's that you advise me to get?


John Hart
03-26-2006, 7:37 AM
Hi Chuck! I never got to say "Welcome" on your introduction thread....must have missed that the first go-round. Welcome to the abyss!!!

I've never tried to turn a DVD. Good luck...we're counting on you.

David Fried
03-26-2006, 8:24 AM

I haven't gotten Bill's DVD, yet, but I did pick up Del Stubbs DVD at WoodCraft.
It seems to be older but I certainly enjoyed it and learned a few things.

Since we're less than 60 miles apart we could swap DVDs one week if you're interested.
Let me know.

Dave Fried

Jim Becker
03-26-2006, 9:08 AM
Bill's is great...you'll really get a lot out of it. Del Stubb's video that David mentioned is really nice for learning how to work very wet wood.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-26-2006, 9:32 AM
The Richard Raffan videos from FWW are excellent too! I, also, have Bill Grumbine's video. I like both videos but they have different purposes. Raffan will take you through the basic use of all tools. If you have followed my threads recently, I have kind of followed his progression on the video......bonkers(turning exercises), weed/bud vases, boxes and then bowls.

If you have never turned (I hadn't nor had I watched someone turned) you are in for the time of your life! I don't think I'll ever forget chucking up my first piece of wood between centers; checking the tool rest for clearance and proper distance; turning on the lathe.....standing there with a roughing gouge in hand.....thinking "I'm supposed to put this...on that?...." It took me about 5 seconds to overcome the fear..What a kick! I've truly been blessed with a very understanding wife....and she'll tell you upfront....She can't remember when she saw me having this much fun!

BTW....you can watch some free....how to videos at the Woodcraft webpage under "Education".

Good luck and post pictures....ask questions! Above all.............enjoy!

Bernie Weishapl
03-26-2006, 10:07 AM
I have Raffan's video on box making and wood turning. Also have Bill's DVD. I have Chris Stott's video coming on box making. It came highly recommended. Alan Lacer's the Skew Chisel is a excellent one to get. He takes you thru how to use the skew.

Chuck Beland
03-26-2006, 10:56 AM
Thanks for all the replies, Dave no problem love to. My best friend lives in Putnam CT.
I'm a Moderartor on another forum TIF (tool info forum) A great bunch of guy's & Gal's we are a family just like this forum here. A great bunch of people willing to put up with us newbie after newbie same questions. LOL

Well to get back to my statement I met a guy that lives only 45 minutes away & he does the most amazing segmented turnings. I was stunned at seeing them in person & how little they weighed. I'm waiting for him to post pics on his homemade press & other jigs he's done. I'll post them here very easy to make & very versatile.I digress again sorry.

He showed me his shop & I cut a pen blank out of Lacewood for LOML
he turned his showing me how he did it then let me do my pen watching me to make sure i did it safely. It came out fantastic.
I also was a little apprehensive about putting a peice of steel on a spinning piece of wood but it was fantastic watching a square block of wood turn into a nice looking pen.

LOML is going to get me a Jet mini for our 24th anniversary next week.
& when I get my x mas cards filled with money from my customers It should be about $750 like this past X Mas ( sorry I'm a Mailman) I think I'm going to get a Jet 1642 lathe. Although my workshop is in my basement & it measures
12' x 10' so space is a big issue. I wonder if LOML would let me knock a BIG HOLE IN THE FOUNDATION to increase my workroom. I think if I did that I'd have to let you know when my funeral was.

Chuck Beland
03-26-2006, 11:08 AM
Ok heres a tutorial on his segmented turnings. You can see his versatile press. Ian, said soon he will do pics on his jigs. Check it out.
