View Full Version : Bowling..........

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-25-2006, 2:36 PM
........in the Dungeon no less.......


Just the one pic for now, got to get to bed..... :D

Dennis Peacock
03-25-2006, 3:07 PM

You mean you REALLY do go to bed from time to time? :p ;)

Watch the ball return in the basement.....:D

Bernie Weishapl
03-25-2006, 3:14 PM
Hey Stu looks like you made a few chips. Now go to bed.:D

Glenn Clabo
03-26-2006, 6:35 AM
Hey Stu...
I like that one dimensional electrical connection on the Dungeon wall. Or are they really advanced in the area of plugs over there?

John Hart
03-26-2006, 7:01 AM
Woo Hoo! Way to go Stu!

Every couple of years, even Stu sleeps!;) :)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-26-2006, 11:42 AM
OK, got a little time now.

We spent the day down in Yokohama with the kids, fun, lots of walking, home late, bed early (2AM) as I have stuff to do all freaking day long tomorrow....:mad:

I got the tap for the lathe threads, 3/4" 16 tpi, had to special order it, took a week, and cost just over $20.

I found this thick piece of aluminium at the same store, it was already mostly round and mostly flat, for $3.

OK, first using the center finder, I....found the center, then I drilled it to 17mm (17.5 would have ideal, but I don't have a 17.5mm drill bit). to start the tap and keep it straight, I used the drill press, by hand....


Using the drill press like this is supposed to keep it straight.....

I then finished up on the vice with a wrench

Yep, we have threads.

You CAN turn this stuff (talk about exotics) but it is slow, hard on the tools (lots of trips to the grinder) and the little chips are HOT when they hit your hands :eek:

Light cuts, and it will get done....


Now on to the edge.....

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-26-2006, 11:47 AM
The edge went fairly quickly.......

but it did bounce around a bit

I then made some lines on the face plate so I can put some holes in it for screwing on the blanks.


Next I mounted a blank, this is a big (for me) piece of Sakura....


It ran nice and smooth, very little vibration at all...


But, alas it was 3:30 AM :eek: and I did not want to wake SWMBO two nights in a row with the sounds of the lathe turning..... :o

I hope to get down there early tomorrow, so, I'm signing off tonight.


Bruce Shiverdecker
03-26-2006, 9:51 PM
OH YEH! That's gonna be a beaut!


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-27-2006, 4:27 AM
Well, I dunno if I did this right, maybe I should have left more on the foot...?

Thinner at the bottom than it is at the edge.....





Well, what do you think?

Rough turned mainly the bowl gouge and scraper, lots of tearout.....

Now what do I do with it :D


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-27-2006, 9:40 AM
Heck I thought some one would come in and at least tell me it was good looking firewood.... ;)

Raymond Overman
03-27-2006, 10:13 AM
It's good looking firewood Stu, but better looking as a bowl. Good job with the face plate and bowl. When you turn it around and cut the tennon off of it make sure you post a pic. We'd like to see it finished.

David Fried
03-27-2006, 10:27 AM

I bet it's real stable with that big chunk of aluminium on the bottom.
Are you just going to saw off the waste and sand the bottom or do
you have a better plan? Looks good - looks like a bowl - that's more than I have done!

Dave Fried

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-27-2006, 10:32 AM
I've got some questions about that, how do I dry it? I'm looking at the boiling method, as I have water and a heat source....

I should have a chuck in a month or so... (big thanks to Barry Stratton).

I guess I have to take it off to dry it eh?

Well not bad for a first try, no real catches either.

Got to get me that longer grind on my gouge....


Mark Cothren
03-27-2006, 10:49 AM
Good start, Stu! Congrats! Lookin' good!

Keep us posted with more pics and you make progress on this. Will also be curious to hear what drying method you end up using. I guess none of your liquor will perform like DNA??? ;) :D

Thanks for the pictures!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-27-2006, 10:55 AM
Good start, Stu! Congrats! Lookin' good!

Keep us posted with more pics and you make progress on this. Will also be curious to hear what drying method you end up using. I guess none of your liquor will perform like DNA??? ;) :D

Thanks for the pictures!

Depends on how much of it I drink.... :eek: :D

I'm looking into the boiling method, if anyone has a link....?


Barry Stratton
03-27-2006, 11:48 AM
Dang Stu - from bonkers to bowls! Looks mighty fine so far to me. I screwed a chunk of birch firewood to my faceplate and spun away on a bowl shape type thing...... Got a catch, block split in half, and flew across the garage after bouncing of my chest. And I thought my contact sports days were over. Can't wait to get a real lathe - that was kinda fun!

P.S. Order has been shipped to AK.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-27-2006, 11:52 AM
I have my chainsawing helmet with face mask, but are you telling me I got to get my chest protector from my off-road gear out now...?

Sheesh, at least I do own that, and I don't have to buy one..... :D

Thanks for the shipping update!
