View Full Version : Are we allowed to cry? (Now with Pics)

Christopher K. Hartley
03-24-2006, 9:46 PM
I turned my first bowl out of green wood and not knowing much about drying I left it sit out. I was hoping to get it all done and post the pictures when it was finished. well I took it down today, and low and behold, little cracks starting in the bottom of the bowl. I went and got my big white bucket with a lid and bought some alcohol and plunged my bowl in. Hope I can save it but if not I'll just have to start over with a bit more knowledge this time. Should I try to fill the cracks or are they best left alone? Do all new guys make this many blunders or is it just me?:(

Ok, I'm learning about pics! Just got it out of the Alcohol Bath.

Greg Savage
03-24-2006, 10:04 PM
There is no crying in turning!

Christopher K. Hartley
03-24-2006, 10:09 PM
There is no crying in turning!

Oh Alright! I was just trying to keep the wood from cracking any more. You know a little salt water.

Robert Mickley
03-24-2006, 10:28 PM
As long as we don't hear you its ok,

Don't feel to bad, I put lots of bowls in the woodburner in the begining. LOTS!!

Andy Hoyt
03-24-2006, 10:43 PM
Well, if Real Men Do Eat Quiche then....

Pat Salter
03-24-2006, 11:23 PM
If there's no pictures... it didn't happen. Works for crying too :D

Jim Dunn
03-24-2006, 11:28 PM
I cry all the time. Seem to make the wood feel sorry for me and finish a little better each time. Course the spalted maple is in the corner laughing it little guts out.

Corey Hallagan
03-24-2006, 11:36 PM
Hope it turns out ok for yah Chris, good luck!


John Hart
03-25-2006, 6:40 AM
Once the cracks start...there's usually not much you can do. But then, I havn't tried salt water yet! Here's a possibility......Feel the force move through you....Do....or Do Not....There is no Try.:)

Glenn Hodges
03-25-2006, 7:35 AM
Chris, this is a common occurance in the drying process at my shop because I like to turn a lot of fruit wood. When I see cracks I put thin , and sometimes medium thin CA glue in them. I have found this helps prevent them from spreading. I am not sure the alcohol will help with the crack which is already present in the wood, but good luck. Go ahead and cry, it might make you feel better.

Ernie Nyvall
03-25-2006, 9:18 AM
No crying... we're not playing basketball here... and don't eat quiche either.:D


Greg Savage
03-25-2006, 9:25 AM
If there's no pictures... it didn't happen. Works for crying too :D

So....It is kinda like a tree falling in the woods.......If there is nobody there to hear the chainsaw, it didn't happen.

Christopher K. Hartley
03-25-2006, 9:28 AM
No crying... we're not playing basketball here... and don't eat quiche either.

Dang! ya'll ar a tough croud! Even en Texas we're aloud to cry when our horse dies! I thought Turn'in was at least as important as a horse. Ya'll are cold!:D

Ken Fitzgerald
03-25-2006, 9:36 AM
Chris.........Horses are pretty important! Just ask John Hart!:D

Hang in there Chris....the bowl! I'll soon be joining you and then we can cry together over some quiche! Just ignore these hardnoses..........they're just too "macho" to admit eating quiche or crying ......but as turners....they all whine!;) :D

Christopher K. Hartley
03-25-2006, 9:47 AM
..........they're just to "macho" to admit eating quiche or crying ......but as turners....they all whine!;) :D

You know, you're right Ken, what's a little cry'in when we have all that whin'in going on. Hurry up, I think we gona to be learn'in this stuff together.;)

Ken Fitzgerald
03-25-2006, 10:04 AM
Chris........SWMBO sleeps until 0900 on weekends. We have to go shopping for a new mattress/box springs this morning. Then we are going to a turning display at the museum at the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID this afternoon. There is a hardware store there in Moscow that sells Robert Larson tools. I hope to come with a square end scraper, a round nose scraper and a bowl gouge! I might have to whine a bit but hey.......I'm a turner!

Andy Hoyt
03-25-2006, 10:47 AM
I actually have not yet decided on this point yet.

Is crying aloud?


Is crying allowed?

How about one, but not both?


Ken Fitzgerald
03-25-2006, 10:51 AM
It's just one question Andy......Is crying aloud allowed? And the answer is yes if you're secure within yourself and No if your hung up on being macho........???????????

Dennis Peacock
03-25-2006, 1:53 PM
Hey Ken.....

Aren't all turners macho?????;)

Andy Hoyt
03-25-2006, 2:34 PM
Yup. Sure are.


Don Baer
03-25-2006, 3:04 PM
Yup. Sure are.


:eek: Thats just wrong..

Pete Jordan
03-25-2006, 3:50 PM
Yup. Sure are.

Be careful Andy, I have Photoshop too!

This is what happened to the macho guy.

Pete Jordan
03-25-2006, 4:11 PM
Be careful Andy, I have Photoshop too!

This is what happened to the macho guy.

Hopefully the pict will show up this time

Christopher K. Hartley
03-25-2006, 10:47 PM
I actually have not yet decided on this point yet.

Is crying aloud?


Is crying allowed?

How about one, but not both?


You got me! And they say you guys from Maine are Back Woods. Ive been watching your posts...you're a scholar under all that wood dust. Thanks for the catch.:o

Andy Hoyt
03-25-2006, 11:07 PM
.....you're a scholar under all that wood dust...... Ha! I flunked out of Kindergarten

Paul Downes
03-25-2006, 11:12 PM
I've not cryed yet, but I've cussed a few times. With green wood I have rough turned bowls and then dunked them in liquid dish detergent and water mix 25% to 75% for a few days. Some guys use a 50-50 mix. This seems to prevent cracking more often than not but the bowls still warp. I recently turned a maple burl. I had dunked the whole burl for about six months-oops I forgot about it. It already had some cracks in it when I got it so I knew it would be a problem. I filed some copper into fine dust and CA glued the dust into the cracks before finish turning. It turned out quite nice. It looks like wood with copper inclusions. I gave it to my brother-in-law who provided the burl, so I can't post a photo. He happens to own a logging co. so I figure I might have made a good investment with the bowl.:D

doug webb
03-26-2006, 12:11 AM
What is quiche? ................Crying not allowed here.SWMBO tole me so when I asked her.

Curt Fuller
03-26-2006, 12:20 AM
For crying out loud, of course crying aloud is allowed!

John Hart
03-26-2006, 7:24 AM
I hate to seem like a lout...but who is the hot guy in the cheerleaders outfit?:confused:

Andy Hoyt
03-26-2006, 8:31 AM
Looks like that hottie from Advanced Woodworking 101 - Jim Becker

John Hart
03-26-2006, 8:37 AM
Ahhh...That explains it. Setting an example for his girls. Good papa.;)

Jim Dunn
03-26-2006, 9:36 AM
Hope the girls don't see it till their old enough to vote! Give em a complex it will.

Wayne Kuhn
03-27-2006, 12:22 AM
Seems they all go south just as you are making that one last final pass.

Mike Ramsey
03-27-2006, 9:15 AM
Well, if Real Men Do Eat Quiche then....

Real turners can't spell keash!

John Miliunas
03-27-2006, 9:47 AM
Yup. Sure are.


And yet another bottle of Windex added to your debit list, Andy Hoyt!!! :mad: (Ever have orange juice come back up your nasal passages????:mad: :mad: :mad: ) :D Anyhow, that's just wrong!!!! :rolleyes: :D :cool: