View Full Version : Here I sit....1800 miles from the Bomb......and

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 8:30 PM
having withdrawal symptoms! Don't know which is worse...giving up the Bomb for a week or giving up smoking? They are both addictive spendy habits! But hey...........I can blame a bunch of somebody else's for the lathe habit!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Christopher K. Hartley
03-23-2006, 8:40 PM
Ken...I can feel that pain from here. Look at the bright side...your one day closer to being back with your love.;)

Gary Max
03-23-2006, 8:42 PM
We will glady take the blame for getting you hooked on turning.
I quit smoking 2 years 2 months and 5 days ago---life is a lot better now trust me.

Corey Hallagan
03-23-2006, 8:42 PM
I know Ken, I am sitting here waiting for the tax return to come so I can buy a chuck and some more toys for the lathe. I take it you just gave up the sticks? I have got to do that myself Ken. Good luck!


Andy Hoyt
03-23-2006, 8:44 PM
Ken - If it makes you feel any better, know that I was just now fondling my new bonker. Ya did good.

Don Baer
03-23-2006, 8:46 PM
Ken - If it makes you feel any better, know that I was just now fondling my new bonker.

TMI.... TMI...:eek:

Steve Clardy
03-23-2006, 8:48 PM
So Ken. What are you doing while 1800 miles away from home?
Twiddling yer thumbs?

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 8:51 PM
Andy...............:confused: I'm sitting getting ready to pull some clothes out of the dryer downstairs. I'm trying to figure how much groveling I'd have to do to get myself a bowl gouge, round nose and straight scrapers this weekend. I've got some lushous wet cherry that is just waiting for some attention! I figure I can make as good a goblet as the next guy....In fact I might just make that a challenge.................Of course....I'll have to wait until I get home........duh!

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 8:54 PM
No Steve. I had to attend a 5 day course in Milwaukee for a new 3 tesla MR system I'm installing in Clarkston, Washington. The 3 T a relatively new product.......I'll install another one in Lewiston in July-August time frame. Because of the extremely strong magnetic field strength....there are some safety issues and some significant equipment changes......3 tesla (3 T) is if IRC.....50,000 times the earth's magnetic field strength! Nothing to play around with!

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 8:57 PM
Corey......I began trying to quit smoking on Jan. 4th. I fell off the wagon on the 13th and 14th of January. I quit again on Jan. 15th and haven't had one since. It's not easy but I needed to quit. Besides.....how else was I going to finance another new habit?

John Hart
03-23-2006, 9:13 PM
Did you say goblets Ken? I haven't made one yet. I'm up for the challenge. I smell a contest.;)

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 9:17 PM
Well..........it just so happens.....I've got the next week off..........So Mister Horsey Hart................I'm up to the challenge.......Are You?:rolleyes: :D

David Fried
03-23-2006, 9:26 PM
Hmmm ... A goblet has been on my list and I haven't gotten to it yet.
(so are flowers, mushrooms, etc. )

Another rough and tumble, no holds barred, wet thong SMC contest?? :D

Maybe we should have age catagories in this one just give us geezers
a fighting chance :D

Dave Fried

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 9:36 PM
Dave......age in years or turning years?..........:confused:

Christopher K. Hartley
03-23-2006, 9:45 PM
Well..........it just so happens.....I've got the next week off..........So Mister Horsey Hart................I'm up to the challenge.......Are You?:rolleyes: :D

Ah, there's what I like to see a challenge...a man on a mission...Spunk...Darring...Confidence...Focus...W ow! What a Rush!

John Hart
03-23-2006, 9:49 PM
Well..........it just so happens.....I've got the next week off..........So Mister Horsey Hart................I'm up to the challenge.......Are You?:rolleyes: :D

Sure! Saddle up! I wonder if we can get Andy to quit fondling his bonker long enough to give it a try.;)

We'll have to work out the details on this Geezer category though.

Don Baer
03-23-2006, 9:50 PM
Well, if I get my new Iron I'm up for it and if Andy can find the time when he's not fondling his bonkers I'll bet he can come up with an entry.

Don Baer
03-23-2006, 9:51 PM
Sure! Saddle up! I wonder if we can get Andy to quit fondling his bonker long enough to give it a try.;)

We'll have to work out the details on this Geezer category though.

Mr. Hart, Great minds think alike...:D

Keith Burns
03-23-2006, 9:51 PM
Great idea Guys, let 'er rip:) :) I won't have any turning time until April 10th though as my Daughter and her 5 boys are coming for a visit. But if you extend the deadline until April 15th I can play. John, Dennis, whoever you need to get busy on the rules, hop hop:D

Keith Burns
03-23-2006, 9:53 PM
Well, if I get my new Iron I'm up for it and if Andy can find the time when he's not fondling his bonkers I'll bet he can come up with an entry.

I think Andy just talks turning...his lathe is computer generated....he doesn't really know how to turn.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 9:57 PM
Keith..I don' know if I'd buy that..........I've heard it's a toss up whose most jealous of Andy's attentions or lack there of ..........his wife or his mistress Janine!:eek: :D

Keith Burns
03-23-2006, 9:57 PM
Sure! Saddle up!

John it won't work if all you think about is this horsey stuff:D

David Fried
03-23-2006, 10:01 PM
We'll have to work out the details on this Geezer category though.

Oh, don't worry - you qualify!:D :eek: :rolleyes:

Dave Fried

Steve Ash
03-23-2006, 10:19 PM
Did you say goblets Ken? I haven't made one yet. I'm up for the challenge. I smell a contest.;)

Contest???? Maybe I can turn something on the drill press since it is the only thing that spins other than the tires on my Chevelle.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 10:24 PM
to accuse me of starting this goblet contest as an excuse to buy some new turning tools!:confused: :rolleyes: :D It worked didn't it!........My knees were already hurting from all the groveling I've been doing lately!:D

Ken Fitzgerald
03-23-2006, 10:35 PM
John........I want to turn some of that cherry you sent me. Would you turn it to near finished size and then alcohol it and then finish the turning......or.......turn it to finished size and then alcohol it.........or........nuke it............or soap it..........or......I really want to turn some of that wet cherry! I need some advice folks!

Jim Dunn
03-23-2006, 10:47 PM
The devil is in the details. I may have join in on this one!

Andy Hoyt
03-23-2006, 11:39 PM
MmMMmmm mmpphhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



Oh. Yup. me and Janine will whip your lilly livered tailstocks on this one.

Dennis Peacock
03-23-2006, 11:42 PM
TMI.... TMI...:eek:

ROFL!!!!!! Too Funny Don!!!!:D

Stephen Hibbs
03-23-2006, 11:51 PM
I have a goblet I posted on a while ago, can I enter that? It's my favoritist one, but there is one on the way that will stomp it out in size ;) , and possibly in form, but it's doubtful (I made a small error and hosed the form)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-24-2006, 12:51 AM
Do you think I can make a Goblet between centers...? :D

Gary Max
03-24-2006, 3:35 AM
Sure you can Stu-----I thought you had a faceplate?????

Ken Fitzgerald
03-24-2006, 6:33 AM
Stu......With your ingenuity..........you'll figure out something I'm sure!

Besides as I often say to new comers to the Creek.........."wade right in...the water's fine!".........I just don't tell them that in the Turner's forum....we often have mud fights!:eek: :D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-24-2006, 6:54 AM
Sure you can Stu-----I thought you had a faceplate?????
Gary, if I had a face plate, I'd have shown you the pics of the bowls I turned :D

I did order a tap that I can now make some face plates..... :)

I need to order at least one real faceplate, and the MT#1 spur drive as well as the LIVE center, as the dead one sucks.

I'm thinking of ordering from Grizzly, as they have that Talon knock off kind of chuck that other have said is good, and some other stuff too, but they have a $200 minimum on overseas orders, so I'm just waiting for some bike stuff to sell..... :o


John Hart
03-24-2006, 6:54 AM
Well...let's see...On the drying question....I have little doubt that if you turn a cherry goblet Ken from that stuff that I sent, it'll need some dry time. I'm sure there are lots of people that would turn green wood for a goblet contest as well, so maybe we should give some time for drying.

Keith Burns wants us to give him some time to fulfill his family obligations, so that gives even more dry time if we move it out to an April 15th deadline. So anyway, Dry Time is no problem.

Stephen Hibbs wants to use past projects.:eek: So we'll need to give him proper motivation to start a new project for this.;)

I think what I'll do is turn the goblet to twice the final wall thickness and soak in alcohol for two days and let it dry for a week to 10 days...then finish turn it. The stem is what has me concerned. If that warps too much during the drying, I may not be able to get it round again. May have to rough turn 3 or 4 and hope for a winner.:confused:

Stu....You're going to have a heck of a time hollowing out a goblet between centers.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-24-2006, 7:03 AM
Thanks for the answers John! I did some online reading last night at another site. I think I might turn at least 2 and alcohol 1 and nuke the other just to see which turns out better. I'm taking it for granted that I can get close enough with the new bowl gouge and scraper I haven't even bought yet?

John Hart
03-24-2006, 7:41 AM
Here's what I was thinking for what it's worth....I think I'll turn a special tenon that will fit into the mouth of the goblet and set it aside. Then rough turn the goblet with a faceplate....Dry it....then re-mount and get the inside hollowed out to the finished size.....then mount it between centers using the special tenon. That way, I'll have good control to get that stem finished off without too much chatter. I know that there is going to be a huge problem with hollowing with such a small diameter at the stem. Might have to leave that fairly fat after roughing.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-24-2006, 7:47 AM
My thinking is that I'll orbit a large number of attempts..... :o

John Miliunas
03-24-2006, 8:32 AM
No Steve. I had to attend a 5 day course in Milwaukee ..........

WHAT????????? :eek: You were in Milwaukee for 5 days and never even mentioned it to me????? :mad: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: I'm not that far from the brew meister city and we could've met up!!!! That's it...50 lashes with a wet staining rag!!! :D :cool:

David Fried
03-24-2006, 8:43 AM
Gary, if I had a face plate, I'd have shown you the pics of the bowls I turned :D


How about you mount your goblet blank between centers and rough turn the outside leaving enough at one end that you can turn it down to the size of a MT 1? Then stick the blank in the head stock to hollow the other end?? Sounds crazy so I knew it would appeal to you :D :D

Dave Fried

Ken Fitzgerald
03-24-2006, 8:56 AM
John..........sorry! They don't allow us to have rental cars. Besides we never know how much, if any, lab and homework will be expected to be done in the evenings. I even thoght about finding you at your new p/t job and buying some gouges and scrapers from you. The next time I'm here for a 2 week course, I'll hook up with you over the weekend.

Dennis Peacock
03-24-2006, 9:15 AM
WHAT????????? :eek: You were in Milwaukee for 5 days and never even mentioned it to me????? :mad: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: I'm not that far from the brew meister city and we could've met up!!!! That's it...50 lashes with a wet staining rag!!! :D :cool:

Yea.... And Ken didn't even wave at me as he flew over Arkysaw!!!!! Shame on you Ken.....ya gotta do better next time ok? :p :D

John Miliunas
03-24-2006, 10:49 AM
John..........sorry! They don't allow us to have rental cars. Besides we never know how much, if any, lab and homework will be expected to be done in the evenings. I even thoght about finding you at your new p/t job and buying some gouges and scrapers from you. The next time I'm here for a 2 week course, I'll hook up with you over the weekend.

OK,....I guess... I'll let you slide this time but, next time around, give me a heads up, OK??? :) :cool:

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-24-2006, 2:13 PM
Well let me be the first to post my attempts at a goblet, between centers yet............. (don't laugh too hard):o

I tried, I really did, but this was just not working.
I was using my parting tool as a scraper of sorts, lots of vibes and it was not purdy....:o

I think the basic shape is OK, but it is GREEN wood so it is rather thick.

The piece of wood is junk, it was super gnarly, and had stress cracks all through it, so it was goin on the fire wood pile anyways, but now it is neat looking firewood.

Funny thing, as I was turning this my mind kept saying to me "Pancakes....Pancakes...." I kept wondering why I'm thinking about pancakes.... then it hit me, I use PAM to spray on my dead center to stop it from making a high pitched screech, and that PAM is burnt up by the friction, so I was smelling it, and I guess it triggered the "Pancakes" thought.... :)

One more thing, while I was trying to scrape the inside of this, my lovely wife beeped me on the intercom....."Are you sharpening something or grinding something down there......? I can hear it up hear"............:( crap, that means she can hear the vibrations all the way up on the 7th floor through the concrete.....

Hey honey, a new live center would be MUCH quieter..... ;)

I think I'll have change my turning habit into a morning one.....


Don Baer
03-24-2006, 2:19 PM
Thats cool Stu,
Now lets seet a Talon Chuck and a Live center should get you right where you need to be and if you order them right away youll have time to finish that puppey after it's had time to dry. ...:D

Pete Jordan
03-24-2006, 2:20 PM
Contest???? Maybe I can turn something on the drill press since it is the only thing that spins other than the tires on my Chevelle.:D
You know you can come over to my house. Just bring a piece of wood and you are all set.


John Hart
03-24-2006, 2:27 PM
You know you can come over to my house. Just bring a piece of wood and you are all set.


Personally, I'd like to see Steve try the Chevelle. Plenty of horsepower, variable speed, nice color....;)

Steve Ash
03-24-2006, 4:44 PM
You know you can come over to my house. Just bring a piece of wood and you are all set.


Thanks Pete, do you think you could hold back on the laughing at me this time? :D Just Kidding, I read this a while ago and promptly went out to the shop and started gluing up some ash and cherry in between making cabinet drawer boxes....if the goblet doesn't turn out you'll have more firewood. You guys are in for a good laugh.:eek:

Pete Jordan
03-24-2006, 5:04 PM
Thanks Pete, do you think you could hold back on the laughing at me this time? :D Just Kidding, I read this a while ago and promptly went out to the shop and started gluing up some ash and cherry in between making cabinet drawer boxes....if the goblet doesn't turn out you'll have more firewood. You guys are in for a good laugh.:eek:

There is no laughin by me except at me. I just went out in the garage and tried to make my first goblet. They are not supposed to be in two pieces are they? That oak sure is hard!


Frank Chaffee
03-24-2006, 6:34 PM
Careful Steve,
You hang around here too long and the spun out guys will be working on you to convert the SS to a lathe.
I’ve heard tweets thru the grapevine of a movement afoot to to get Stu to gear down his 12k rpm or so to do something similar.
Be vigilant, Steve, you’re runnin’ with a tough crowd.