View Full Version : Scary Sharp

Steve Roxberg
08-12-2003, 4:33 PM
I've gotten my hands on a large piece of granite to use as my flat reference surface.

Where to you purchase the sandpaper? I thought one of the online vendors sold rolls of PSA backed paper, but I can't find them again.

Wouldn't self adhesive be the best?

Philip Duffy
08-12-2003, 4:55 PM
Your local auto parts store probably has 400 to 1500 grit. Mine all do. I don't bother glueing it in place but use a nice big office clamp. Works fine with a bit of water, WD, etc. You do need a real support system to keep the angle constant as that is the key. Practice, etc. Phil

Steve Roxberg
08-12-2003, 5:23 PM
Your local auto parts store probably has 400 to 1500 grit. Mine all do. I don't bother glueing it in place but use a nice big office clamp. Works fine with a bit of water, WD, etc. You do need a real support system to keep the angle constant as that is the key. Practice, etc. Phil

Nice big office clamp??? Whats that???

Philip Duffy
08-12-2003, 6:01 PM
Nice big office clamp??? Whats that???
-- - uhhh, paper clip!
Anything to avoid the process of un-gluing, re-gluing, etc. Time is money in this case, or at least, non-productive waste. Phil

Carl Eyman
08-12-2003, 6:03 PM
Mike advocates gluing down the coarser grits you use to get the bevel (bezel?) correct and then just placing the finer grits on top. The coarser papers will hold the finer.I think he glues down 80, 120, and 320 then puts the finer grits on top. You can buy the adhesive backed paper from Klinspor. Auto paint stores have the finer ones. Carl