View Full Version : Question about mortise chisels

Jason Morgan
03-23-2006, 9:57 AM
I am contemplating the purchase of the new PM benchtop mortiser, however the unit does not come with chisels. Any recommendations as to what is best and which ones give most bang for the buck?

Jesse Cloud
03-23-2006, 10:20 AM
I just installed my PM mortiser this weekend. I bought the Lee Valley set. They seem to work very well. BTW, if you go with this set, when you get to the point in the user guide where you have to install a chuck extender if you are using short chisels - just skip that part. The LV chisels are long enough that they don't need the extender.

Also read the part in the user guide about getting the chisel parallel to the fence. Being new to mortisers, I didn't do this on my first test cut and thought I had bought a piece of crap when I saw how ragged the mortise was - straightening up the chisel fixed that and cut number two was a clean and crisp as you could want!

The mortiser is a beaut! Obviously they put some thought into this one. The chisel spacers are a great idea, very convenient. The fence and the holddowns work easily and effectively. I'm a happy customer.

Jason Morgan
03-23-2006, 10:36 AM

Thanks for the info. Ill look into the Lee Valley sets. The PM mortiser is getting rave reviews in all the mags, and it sounds like you are a happy customer. I imagine getting the chisel square to the stock would be a concern with any mortiser, right? I have never owned a dedicated mortiser before, but am looking to make some mission style tables and wanted something that would make all those slats a little easier to handle.

Did you get anything to sharpen them with (like a cone shaped stone?)

Jason Morgan
03-23-2006, 10:39 AM

I have to tell you, you are truly in God's country. I used to live and work in Los Alamos and lived for every minute I could spend in those mountains. I would love to get back there someday.

Jesse Cloud
03-23-2006, 12:46 PM
We are fortunate to be in New Mexico. I really love it. If you are every out this way, stop by for some shop time and a cup of pinon coffee.

Getting the chisel parallel would, I think, be needed for any mortiser, and its not hard to do. Unfortunately, I'm the type that isn't patient enough to read the manual before I try a new toy.;)

On the cone shaped stone, one comes with the PM, so I plan to give it a try and see if it does the job before I buy anything more.

One more caution, this puppy is heavy. I think about 100 lbs. Get some help to lift it and mount it on a solid place. I would imagine the downward pressure of the drill/chisel combined with the weight will put a lot of stress on its base.

Happy woodworking, let us know how your project comes out.