View Full Version : Busy Day, Multiple Gloat

Lee DeRaud
03-22-2006, 11:24 AM
Another class at Woodcraft yesterday: Turning Lidded Boxes, taught by Art Fitzpatrick. Seems like a lot of flailing around for something that looks that simple, but there ya go. A few adventures along the way (four tries to make a jam-chuck that wasn't too loose), but at least some "end-product" to bring home:
About 2.5" tall, ash (I think...that's what he said most of the blanks were).

One of the nice bits (or clever marketing, depending on your point of view) of taking these classes is that you get a 15% discount on stuff related to the class (one-time, one-week time limit, but they don't take the "related to" thing too literally). So I got a Sorby 3/8" bowl gouge and had it profiled/sharpened by Art during class (no pics: it's pretty, but doesn't photograph worth beans). And I scored the top half of my Halloween costume for this year:
Not so much for turning, but prepping thin stock for the laser can be a dusty chore.

Got home (finally) and found a UPS box on the front porch:

(insert slippery-slope/abyss comments here)

David Fried
03-22-2006, 11:36 AM
The Masked Turner Strikes Again ..Oooo...scary custume!:D
The box looks nice, sounds like it was a very worthwhile class.
Wish I could get someone else to do my sharpening!! :rolleyes:
Have fun using it all!

Dave Fried

Bernie Weishapl
03-22-2006, 11:48 AM
Looking good Lee. Box looks good. I just wish I had a woodcraft close enough to take classes. Looks like you got a great start.

Keith Burns
03-22-2006, 12:18 PM
Good looking box Lee and more great additions to your money pit...oh I mean your turning arsenal:)

Cecil Arnold
03-22-2006, 12:21 PM
Looking real good Lee. I predict there is mustard in your future--and I know that will get a comment from Andy.

Andy Hoyt
03-22-2006, 12:39 PM
Well I was gonna say something nice to Lee about his first box and all that new gear he picked up.

But not now. Thanks for blowing it Cecil.

Lee DeRaud
03-22-2006, 12:52 PM
Thanks all. Good thing I took pictures of it first thing this morning, because Ozzy chewed it up pretty good while I was at the grocery store.:eek: Dunno if the wax smelled/tasted good, but it's now, um, textured...not a design feature I had in mind.

Stupid little furball...God made him cute for a reason: it sure saved his life this morning.

John Hart
03-22-2006, 12:54 PM
Nice Box Lee!!!

You could get something Grey in your future. Stay in the Grey Area to appease both sides.;)

Geez...THAT sounded wishy washy:o Gotta figure out how to make Grey sound like a good thing.:rolleyes:

Cecil Arnold
03-22-2006, 1:08 PM
John, to quote one of my favorite politicians, "the only thing in the middle of the road is a yellow stripe and dead armadillos." Mustard rules.

Lee DeRaud
03-22-2006, 1:15 PM
Maybe I'll just paint a bunch of different colored stripes on the lathe I've already got.

Let's see: yellow, green, grey...what am I missing?

John Hart
03-22-2006, 1:26 PM
Let's see: yellow, green, grey...what am I missing?

Not missing any. That's all of them. Don't give it another thought.:D

Oh hey...I know......"Grey Matter is Smart";)

Scott Fernald
03-22-2006, 2:23 PM
How about them Woodcraft classes Lee? A lot slicker and more effective way for them to get into your bank account than those Nigerian scams.

and we pay for the privilege!

Speaking of paying for the privilege...anyone hitting the Woodworking show in Virginia this weekend?

Lee DeRaud
03-22-2006, 2:35 PM
How about them Woodcraft classes Lee? A lot slicker and more effective way for them to get into your bank account than those Nigerian scams.

and we pay for the privilege!And get to clean up somebody else's shop!:eek:

Although I do admit I did my share messing it up...maybe a lot more than my share, come to think of it.:p

Dan Stuewe
03-22-2006, 3:49 PM
I took Art's class on bowl turning in January (Christmas present). Had a great time (he did seem to play salesman a few times to miscelaneous customers). Right after I took the class I ordered a box of blanks from John H. Shipping was brutal, but the to total cost was still pretty good. Other stuff has come up in the past month, I really need to get back on the wagon.

BTW, the box looked :rolleyes: good.

Mark Cothren
03-22-2006, 4:06 PM
Looks like a great box to me, Lee! Congrats on the work and the new tools.

Thanks for the pictures!

Lee DeRaud
03-22-2006, 5:32 PM
I took Art's class on bowl turning in January (Christmas present). Had a great time (he did seem to play salesman a few times to miscelaneous customers).I'll probably take the bowl class next month. He was pretty focused yesterday: got a bit ticked when some store worker bees wandered in to plane down a chunk of wood for a customer.
BTW, the box looked :rolleyes: good.Thanks..."looked" (past tense) being the operative word. Stupid dog (grumble, grumble).

Ernie Nyvall
03-22-2006, 6:46 PM
Wow, nice job on the box Lee. Congrats on the new stuff. cool
