View Full Version : Laser on Drill Press

Perry Holbrook
03-22-2006, 6:55 AM
I have a dedicated DP for drilling glass. Most of the bits are core bits with diamonds in a resin around the rim , which means there is no center point. When I am drilling a glass tile in the center, it can be difficult in getting the bit perfectly centered, especially when you consider that water is flowing thru the center of the bit.

So this week I can up with a solution. I went to our new Harbor Freight store and picked up a laser mounted on a short tripod for $13. I then glued rare earth magnets to the feet of the tripod, attached some sheet metal to the ceiling/wall near the drill press.

To use it, I put a piece of clay the same thickness as the tile on the table and make an indention of the bit. I then aim the laser into the center of that indention. Then put a tile with the center marked at the laser dot, turn on the water, and drill.

It's not the best looking rig, but it sure improves speed and quality. Thought someone might be interested in seeing the pictures.


Aaron Koehl
03-22-2006, 11:15 AM
Good use of the technology! I was thinking it might be useful to have a small attachment to put on the router (ShopBot) temporarily to zero it over an arbitrary point--something that could be removed once the reference point is located. The problem now is the dust collection skirt creates a low-light condition and it seems an inexpensive laser might be the ticket.

Jim Becker
03-22-2006, 11:27 AM
Very kewel, Perry!