View Full Version : Yet Another Oaker Slinking In

Mike Robertson
03-21-2006, 12:19 PM
I was directed to the forum by my friend (and fellow ag instructor) Jim (Bonyfingers) Hager, and have been lurking around for a few weeks since the Oak went down. Seems like a number of friendly woodworkers on board here, so I took the plunge and registered. Lots of really great project pics from the members! I see that the registered optomistrist from the Oak has joined you, and ready to administer eye tests as they are required. ;)

I live near Springfield, Illinois, and most of my woodworking time is spent making scrapwood for the firebox, but every once in a while I get lucky and turn out a piece of funiture or two. I take on a couple of projects per year to supplement the pension. As I learn the ropes and ettiquite of the forum, I'll post a picture or two of some projects, but it's very slow with my dial-up internet connection.

I'm a former school teacher and retired from our state education agency three years and 21 days ago. I spend most of my days in the shop (except on days like today when I shovel snow) and do quite a bit of volunteer work.

So anyway, enough about me - Thanks for allowing me on board, and howdy again to all the old timers from the Oak.

Don Baer
03-21-2006, 12:22 PM
Welcome to the creek and watch out for the picture police. The rule is, If theres no pictures it didn't happen,

Jim Becker
03-21-2006, 12:23 PM
Welcome aboard, Mike!

Josh Goldsmith
03-21-2006, 12:23 PM
WELCOME!!!! You will meet alot of nice people on this site along with alot of very good information.

tod evans
03-21-2006, 12:35 PM
welcome mike!

Steve Ash
03-21-2006, 12:39 PM
Mike, welcome to the warm waters of the creek.

Cecil Arnold
03-21-2006, 12:41 PM
Welcome to the creek Mike. The water's fine.

Royce Meritt
03-21-2006, 12:42 PM
Jump right in HEAD FIRST. The water here at the creek is nice and deep. (And warm, too.)

john whittaker
03-21-2006, 12:43 PM
Welcome to SMC Mike. Nice to have you aboard.

Von Bickley
03-21-2006, 12:44 PM

Welcome To SMC

tod evans
03-21-2006, 1:10 PM
Mike, welcome to the warm waters of the creek.

this time of year warm water causes me to look upstream........02 tod

Ken Fitzgerald
03-21-2006, 1:11 PM
Welcome to the Creek Mike! No need to slink! Just walk right in, pull up a stump...set as long as you like ...........take and leave information as you deem appropriate!

Michael Gibbons
03-21-2006, 1:14 PM
Welcome to the Creek. You came to the right place.

John Miliunas
03-21-2006, 1:16 PM
Great to have you at the Creek, Mike! :) As you have probably already seen, there are a pretty civil, knowledgeable (OK, not necessarily yours truly...:rolleyes: :o ) and fun bunch 'o folks who wade these waters. :) Jump right on in and enjoy yourself! Oh, and don't forget the pics... :D :cool:

Jim Hager
03-21-2006, 1:39 PM
Jump right in Mike and enjoy the forum. It has been a great place for me to visit for the last year and definately a needed resource since our oak fell.

Lots of us have landed over here, you will find Brent, Stu, Jace, CJ, Leroy, and on and on. Glad they have made over here so we don't loose contact.

Sure wish you could come help me enjoy spring break. We have a few days off from school and of course I'm covered up in the shop. I worked on hanging doors on the kitchen project yesterday, today I've got an order of 40 paint grade doors going and tomorrow I'll start an order of 17 maple doors, then it is an order of 6 paint grade........................... and the list just keeps growing. I may fly the coup earlier than I had thought. There is a retirement meeting on the 26th and I'm going to find out some info from the main guru and should get some solid numbers on what the monthly income will be. If it is good enough to cover all my expenses I'm outa there.

Glad you are over here with us. Join in.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-21-2006, 1:51 PM
Hey Mike welcome to the creek!

Like others have said, great bunch here, heck, they put up with me, Bony, Brent, Jace.......... even CJ..... :eek:

I know you have the old slow net connection, but really, pick a fav pic or two and show these guy, trust me, you don't want the picture police on you tail :D


Brent Harral
03-21-2006, 2:38 PM
Haywoo...oops, that's the other new guy :eek:

Nice folks and a good place to share ideas, talk tools and projects.

Bob Swenson
03-21-2006, 2:57 PM
Mike, Now that your up the Creek throw away the paddle stay awhile.
Place makes you wonder why the rest of the world isn't like Saw Mill

Vaughn McMillan
03-21-2006, 7:38 PM
Mike, welcome to the Creek. Any friend of Jim "Bonyfingers" Hager is...uh...erm...well, never mind. :p :D ;)

- Vaughn

Larry Klaaren
03-21-2006, 8:18 PM
Hi Mike,

Used to be an Illini myself. You'll enjoy this forum.

I've learned a lot here in the last few months. I just happened to find it when I ran a google on my wife's last name and a post by Jason Tuinstra (that was her maiden name) showed up. I lurked for about four months. What a find!

Lot's of good craftsmen, good thoughts, and some off topic stuff. It's nice, hardly any flaming (or not so much). It is much more civil than any of the "professional" forums I have been using.

I even get by with a corny joke once in a while, and they only wince a little.

Watch out for the turners. I hear you can get sucked in to something called a vortex. Just a warning. I have to ignore those posts - my Dad was sucked in around 1948 or so and can't get out.


Steve Clardy
03-21-2006, 8:21 PM
Welcome Mike!

Ron Challender
03-21-2006, 8:32 PM
Glad to see you . I too am new to this forum and have found the people here to be a fine group. I retired from teaching shop about 4 years ago and have never looked back. Welcome.