View Full Version : My recent remodle job! Warning lots of pics!!!

Josh Goldsmith
03-20-2006, 3:44 PM
This last week i spent a ton of hours working on my brother-in-laws house. When i first walked in i almost wish i would have got right back into my car and drove back home. There was so much more work than what he lead me to believe.:eek: I didn't feel like driving another 6+ hours so i decided to stay and work. I decided to tackel the kitchen first since it is the most important part of the house for resale value. I built new cabinet doors to make the cabinets look newer. I also put crown molding around the tops, installed newcounter tops also built a new one for the island, new sink, faucet, painted the cabinets, retextured the ceiling and painted it, installed new florescent light, new fan, put in a new front door and garage door but didn't have time to put trim around it, layed 450 sq. ft of tile and grouted in a week and half. Man was i tired. After i was done i was pretty proud of the turnout. They still have to paint the walls because i didn't have time to do it. How did you think i did? I still have to go back and put the trim on the doors and baseboards and so on.

Josh Goldsmith
03-20-2006, 3:46 PM
Here is a couple more pics. Please ignore my two friends making a fool of them selves. I wonder if i should let them know that the pic is on the internet!:D The tile is hazy because i finished grouting it right before i took this pic. They were going to whipe it down after i left. I had to make this island counter top since i couldn't buy it. Came out good! I still have to paint those two false front drawers underneath the sink.

Roger Los
03-20-2006, 3:59 PM
Looks like great work. So....how do I get you to marry into my family so some of the stuff around here will get done?

Don Baer
03-20-2006, 3:59 PM
Josh the remodel looks good. I have a question. If you wanted us to ignor your friends why bother to post the picture ?

Jim Becker
03-20-2006, 4:43 PM
Looks good, Josh. And it's nice that you left the wiping of the grout to other...yucky work!

Josh Goldsmith
03-20-2006, 6:12 PM
Thanks for the complements! Regarding my friends it was the only pic i had showing the dining room that used to be carpet until i got there and tiled it. I justed wanted to show how much of a difference it made getting rid of the carpet and keeping the same flooring through out makes the room look bigger.

Jerry Olexa
03-20-2006, 6:16 PM
Great work in a SHORT time. Very Nice!!!!

Dan Forman
03-21-2006, 4:59 AM
You did well!!! I'm worn out just reading about it.


Steve Clardy
03-21-2006, 11:08 AM
Looking good!!

Scott Loven
03-21-2006, 11:22 AM
Did you get paid for it, did he/they help, what majior tools did toy bring with you, (router table, table saw)?
Looks good!

Cameron Reddy
03-21-2006, 1:12 PM
Looks like great work. So....how do I get you to marry into my family so some of the stuff around here will get done?

My thoughts exactly!