View Full Version : Things I learned about the MKII

Charlie Kocourek
03-19-2006, 1:29 PM
After Tyler mentioned in a posting that I had devised a jig for the MKII sharpening system I received a request for more details on that, so here it is!

I built this jig for sharpening curved plane irons, carving tools, and turning tools. It allows me to rock the blade as I sharpen and still maintain an exact angle across the whole grind. It work very well.

What I did was attach a board to an extra tool holder. Then all I have to do is set the jig on the tool rest and begin grinding. The upright 2X4 supports the jig and keeps it from dragging on the platter. On the other side, I just double face taped a small block to support that side. If I were to build this again, I would probably make the jig wider that this one. I might forego the block with the tape in favor of another upright 2X4 too.

Here are a few shots of the jig in use:

Charlie Kocourek
03-19-2006, 1:36 PM
This seems obvious, but I will mention it anyway.

When I am flattening the back of a chisel or plane iron I touch the heel of the blade to the edge of the platter before I lower the blade on to the platter.


I try to reverse this by lifting the front of the blade first and then the heel when I remove the blade. This helps to keep me from nicking the back corner when I remove the blade.

Charlie Kocourek
03-19-2006, 1:44 PM
Finally, I use green rouge for final polishing. I wanted a hard, flat surface for this rather than felt as suggested in the manual. I first tried applying rouge to a platter that had a piece of the finest paper available from LV. This did not work very well because the rouge did not stick and tended to kind of ball up rather than coat the platter. I then bought some polishing discs for the Lap Sharp. I like the LV paper better for sharpening, but the rouge worked well on the Lap Sharp paper.


Steve Clardy
03-19-2006, 4:23 PM
Nice tip!! I'll have to make one. What angle is cut on your board?

Tyler Howell
03-19-2006, 4:54 PM
Per your instructions, I put this together yeterday. I'm going to tweak it a little to get my tool rest closer to the platter. Works slick;)

Charlie Kocourek
03-19-2006, 9:41 PM
Steve, The board is cut at a sharp 20 degree angle and is just under 2-1/2" wide. The notch in the center of mine is not necessary. I thought I would need it to clear the retaining nut, but clearance is not a problem.

Looks good Tyler, I'm glad it worked for you!

Steve Clardy
03-20-2006, 12:19 PM
Thanks Charlie!!

Bob Swenson
03-20-2006, 3:11 PM
Charlie- I like the looks of the jig, have to make one.
I have trouble keeping the disks from coming lose, what am I doing wrong.

Charlie Kocourek
03-20-2006, 3:48 PM
The retaining nut on the platter for my MKII sometimes comes loose, but not very often and it is not a problem. So, I guess I can't be of much help with that one.

Steve Clardy
03-20-2006, 4:09 PM
Bob. Never had the discs come off of mine. Maybe there wasn't eough glue on them?
I did clean the platters with lacquer thinner before sticking discs on.
Oily residue from machining was on them. Or maybe yours had some oil on them?

fred woltersdorf
03-20-2006, 4:51 PM
Finally, I use green rouge for final polishing. I wanted a hard, flat surface for this rather than felt as suggested in the manual. I first tried applying rouge to a platter that had a piece of the finest paper available from LV. This did not work very well because the rouge did not stick and tended to kind of ball up rather than coat the platter. I then bought some polishing discs for the Lap Sharp. I like the LV paper better for sharpening, but the rouge worked well on the Lap Sharp paper.

charlie,did you get the lap sharp paper from lee valley?,i don't see it listed on their web site.thanks

Charlie Kocourek
03-21-2006, 9:13 AM
I found the Lap Sharp paper at Highland Hardware.

Tyler Howell
03-21-2006, 9:24 AM
I have trouble keeping the disks from coming lose, what am I doing wrong.

Bob, That really got me cranked:mad: . Bunged up a couple practice chisels. Manual says its a "design feature" to keep you from catching a tip.
It only happens to me with the real fine disks.
I started putting a coarse (80) disk on the opposte side of the 9 micron disk to get some bite on the turntable. It's working much better now.

Bob Swenson
03-21-2006, 2:14 PM
Tyler, you have it right, the paper doesn’t come off the disk, it unscrews! I would need some more disks to use your method. I don’t know what kind of steel is in these Chinese Planes, but it took two days of spare time to true them up and turned an 80-grit disk into a
Polisher. They are nice and they are cheap. Bob
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Bob Swenson
03-21-2006, 2:20 PM
Tyler, I don't know what I did but that is a picture, don't arrest me!!!!

Steve Clardy
03-21-2006, 2:22 PM
Well I though everyone was talking about the sanding discs coming off the platters. Guess not.
I haven't had a platter [disc] come loose from the machine.

Bob Swenson
03-21-2006, 4:13 PM
Here is the picture, here is the picture.........

Mark Singer
03-21-2006, 4:21 PM
Here is the picture, here is the picture.........

Those are nice...I have a couple ...one high angle and tight mouth...planes well! I am learning the cross your thumbs method that Terry Gordon showed me:confused:

Bob Swenson
03-21-2006, 4:46 PM
For the green rouge my book said to glue a piece of cloth to the disk,
Like a fine pima cotton cut from your Sunday shirt. Cut it out of the back
Wear a jacket. No one will know. Look sharp like your tools.