View Full Version : Floating In Alcohol

doug webb
03-18-2006, 5:46 PM
I am using a five gal bucket to soak some turnings. First time trying the alcohol soak.........So the last bowl in the bucket floats with about an inch or so above the surface.Is this a problem? I used a scrap piece to wedge it down but it may come loose and float again.
It is a piece of buckeye from Mr. Hart and I wouldn't want him to think I was not treating it right.
Excuse the apron...Gift from female cousin




Gary Max
03-18-2006, 6:13 PM
I use a old axe head to hold my stuff under---hey it works.

David Fried
03-18-2006, 6:18 PM

I just dried my first one last week. Again, John Hart wood. You should of seen the look on my face when I dropped the bowl into the alcohol and it floated. Talk about a Duh moment! Oh yeah, wood floats - I must have been out the day they taught that!! Mine was in a small tupperware container so I used a piece of wood as a spacer to allow the lid to push the bowl under.

Nice to know I'm not the only one finding this an adventure! That Ken makes it all seem soooo easy!;)

Dave Fried

Bernie Weishapl
03-18-2006, 6:19 PM
Doug I use some steel shot I got from a reloader. I put a couple of ounces in a small piece of cloth, pull the 4 corners together and tie. If it is a bigger bowl I may put two or three bags in. Works like a champ. Doesn't take much.

John Hart
03-18-2006, 6:23 PM
I hold mine under with my hand for 12 hours. ;)

Hope she works out for ya Doug!!:)

Kurt Rosenzweig
03-18-2006, 6:27 PM
I just fill the bowl to the brim and let it float if it want's. I'm sure most woods will wick up the DNA. I haven't had a problem yet with any cracking so I guess it's working! I also tried holding it under as John does but I kept getting drunk and passing out do to osmoses. DNA causes one heck of a hang over! I'm gonna stick with Michelob for that part!

Jim Dunn
03-18-2006, 6:42 PM
DNA causes one heck of a hang over! I'm gonna stick with Michelob for that part!

Try soaking it in coffee, talk about the shakes:D

I use a large butter bowl with a lid and let the wood float if it wants to.