View Full Version : Louis Philippe furniture plan

Mario Brissette
03-17-2006, 4:15 PM
I'm looking for plan or a book that describes the Louis Philippe style. I searched on amazon, google, and also here in the forum but my searches were unsuccessful. If someone here have a link to a web site, or a ISBN number of a good book to buy, I will appreciate ! Thanks all.

here is that style below :

Mario Brissette
03-20-2006, 4:29 PM
No answers confirm me that this style is not very popular !!! :eek:

If I find something, I'll post you here for the benefit of the forum.

Tom Pritchard
03-20-2006, 5:01 PM
Mario, try this link and see if it's what you are looking for.:)





Tom Jones III
03-20-2006, 5:01 PM
Maybe it would help if we knew more about what you are looking for. Do you simply like the furniture in the picture and want to make some? When you refer to "Louis Phillippe" I assume you mean the model name of the current manufacturer and not the French king or the current French singer/songwriter? If you mean the French king, the furniture styles he would be associated with would be empire and directoire, or the American equivalent federal.

Mario Brissette
03-20-2006, 6:18 PM
Tom Pritchard, thanks for these links. These images will help me to make my own plan if I don't find any.

Tom Jones III, You are right, I want to do my furniture like the picture I previously post. This style is named because of the French King. But you really help me, I didn't know that "empire" and "directoire" were synonyms to "Louis Philippe".

Thank you both of you ! :)

Mike Cutler
03-20-2006, 7:00 PM
Wow! Apparently I have a piece of Louis Philippe style furniture. I have that exact same bed. Wait until I tell my wife.;)

Mario Brissette
03-20-2006, 7:05 PM
Mike Cutler,

I don't know if all sleigh bed are from Louis Philippe style, but if yours is very similar to the one in my picture, it is probably a Louis Philippe style.

Mike Cutler
03-20-2006, 7:09 PM
Mike Cutler,

I don't know if all sleigh bed are from Louis Philippe style, but if yours is very similar to the one in my picture, it is probably a Louis Philippe style.

Mario. It is an exact replica, down to the color. I could take the measurements from my bed and you could recreate the bed in that picture exactly.

Mario Brissette
03-20-2006, 7:23 PM
Thanks for the proposition of taking the measures Mike but I'm interested in everything but the bed ! :eek:


My girlfriend doesn't like a "sleigh" bed but she likes the other Louis Philippe furniture. And if a girl said that, we must listen !!! :D