View Full Version : Hello again!

Kenneth George
03-17-2006, 1:04 PM
It has been quite some time since I posted around here as I lost my password and never got around to doing anything about it. Today I came across a note where I had wrote it down so here I am. I pretty much feel like I know everyone here as I read this forum daily and have been doing so for a long time.

I thought I would mention a bit of what I have been doing for about the last year. I have gotten into hand tools and then decided I wanted to build a nice cabinet to house them. In my quest for that I had issues with the design as I really did not know what all I was going to put in it. So, with that I started making and purchasing some tools. I guess it was natural progression for me to attempt making a hand plane. The pictures that follow are what I have done to this point. All I really have left to do is apply some type of finish to it. I designed the plane and constructed it using Quilted Jarrha, Red Heart, Brass and steel. I made all the parts myself from raw materials with the exception of the blade which is a Lie-Neilsen 1-3/8” block plane blade. I was forced to remove the bevel and regrind it bevel up.
Anyhow, what came out is not very conventional but works very well. The pictures are not all that great as I had to turn off the flash due to reflection. When a sunny day comes around I will retake them. If you are a member of another forum I am on you may have already seen all this and in this case I am sorry to be redundant.

http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1627.jpg (http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1627.jpg)

http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1628.jpg (http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1628.jpg)

http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1629.jpg (http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1629.jpg)

http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1620.jpg (http://www.theturnersshop.com/images/plane/DSCF1620.jpg)

The handle was turned on the lathe offset and then hand shaped. The handle was carved and was my first attempt at such. Opinions thoughts and comments welcome! Some of the other tools I have made;

Thanks for taking the time to look at all this. Hope to spend more time here.

Mark Stutz
03-17-2006, 1:37 PM
Welcome back! That is very nice! I suspect the "tote" is very ergonomic,even if a bit unconventional;) :D . With work like that, you need to hang around and help the rest of us out!


Michael Stafford
03-17-2006, 1:42 PM
Kenneth, I have missed seeing your posts over in the Turning Forum! You are slightly off target over here in Neanderland....:p I love your website and have learned a lot from the articles you have there.;)

Dan Forman
03-17-2006, 4:18 PM
Beautiful work on the plane. What are the dimensions? Very nice website too.


Mike Henderson
03-17-2006, 6:25 PM
Wow, that is really beautiful. I especially like the way the knob came out. Very impressive.


Jim Becker
03-17-2006, 9:09 PM
That is one of the most unique planes I've seen...great work!

Terry Beadle
03-18-2006, 9:31 AM
I'm very interested in making a in fill plane. May I ask what tool(s) you used to make the dovetails in the metal? What thickness are the sides and bottom? Does the blade sit just on wood or is there a blade seat with bevel?

How did you make that knob screw? Sure is pretty!

What a wonderful design. Good choices in wood too.

Did you use a mill?

Kenneth George
03-20-2006, 5:55 PM
Thanks everyone who commented it was a lot of fun to build but took some time.

Terry, sorry it took so long to respond I have been a bit covered up. To answer your questions I would refer you to the write up I did for that plane. It is kind of my habit when doing something new and different to record what I do both good and bad. In any case if you will check my profile you will see a link to my personal site. From there enter the woodwork section and you will find three writeups on the plane that I posted a day or so ago. If you have questions or comments just let me know.<O:p</O:p