View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
03-17-2006, 6:40 AM
SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! I guess printing "Weekend Doin's" backward on my forhead last night worked.

I'm not sure what's on the agenda for the weekend at this time. I'll let LOML decide when she gets back from Chicago later today. Depending on what she says, I might get to spend some time in the shop/garage cleaning up and getting ready to do some projects.

So what do you have planned for the weekend?

Whatever it is, have a good one.


Bill Simmeth
03-17-2006, 6:52 AM
Congrats Karl on remembering! I'm in continued carpentry mode this weekend hanging the siding I made earlier this week on the Victorian I'm restoring. Hoping to watch some NCAA hoops along the way.

Matt Meiser
03-17-2006, 6:58 AM
Hoping to finish up the night stands I started last week.

George Sanders
03-17-2006, 7:12 AM
I'm building a hand tool cabinet to hopefully end the clutter of too many things in too many places. I am using materials I have on hand and am incorporating some drawers from a cabinet my grandfather had stored his tools in. I also salvaged a 1" thick oak counter top from a now defunct lumberyard.
Once the clutter issue is resolved I'll have room for more tools. Ain't that the way it's supposed to work?

Steve Ash
03-17-2006, 7:27 AM
Karl, since I'm Irish and it's St.Patricks day, my weekend may be a long blur.....well maybe years ago :D.
I'll be putting finish on Jr's cabinet doors.

Brad Schmid
03-17-2006, 7:42 AM
Been in Paris all week (work related meetings), obviously no shop time;) . I'll be celebrating St Patty's day here and head home on Sunday. Frequent "pub grub" and beverage, Morrocan food last night, medievel restaurant tonight. Ahh, I love the food here:D

Larry D. Wagner
03-17-2006, 7:43 AM
I'm in the middle of building 3 baby cradles(one for first Great Grand Child, one for Church Worship leader & wife's first child and one for show) and will be continuing the prep of the Oak I'm using and glue ups for end panels.

Larry:) :) :)

Chris Barton
03-17-2006, 7:44 AM
Sock hop tomight with my 8yo daughter, tomorrow find a place for the 100 bf of curly maple that followed me home from NC and work on the federal card table.

Fred Voorhees
03-17-2006, 7:45 AM
A bonus today! I finished up working for one contractor yesterday and will begin for another on Monday. The previous contractor, in appreciation, is paying me for today. YYIIPPPEEEE!!! Getting a quick start, finally, on seven picture frames for some racing oriented lithographs for the bar room. Already have the stock milled and a walnut inlay placed in the oak framework. Today (Fri) I will be doing further milling and maybe get to some glue up. Tomorrow (Sat) my youngest bro will be coming up so we can fabricate a screen door for one of his customers. We also hope to firm up some plans for some pickeral fishing for next weekend.

Jim Hager
03-17-2006, 7:52 AM
Great Karl, you remembered.

I will be on spring break beginning this afternoon at 3:20 so my weekend is gonna be long. I don't have to go back to work until the 27th:cool: Shameless gloat.

I plan to finish the kitchen in progress during the weekend and upcoming first couple of days of next week. I have to sand the maple rp doors and drawer fronts, stain with waterbased dye stain and shoot the lacquer on with my brand new Fuji Q3 HVLP gun and turbine. (hows that for a stealth gloat);)

I also have a brand new to me fishing boat that I want to try out next week while I'm off but the weather forcast don't look good for that.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-17-2006, 8:19 AM
1. try to get over this cold!

2. Pm an MR scanner on Saturday.

3. Try to get over this cold!

4. Turn another Bonker entry.

5. Try to get over this cold.

6. Fly to Milwaukee Sunday for a week long class.

7. Try to get over this cold!

Tyler Howell
03-17-2006, 8:58 AM
Go easy on my Cheesie Bro Karl, He's busy!!!:(
Finished up Neander class last night so now I have to finish the project. Final fit and finish. Home remuttling, And lots of family time.
I plan on hitting the road for a Creeker visit.;)

Steven Shelby
03-17-2006, 9:09 AM
I'm finally getting the finish on the kitchen hutch commissioned by DW. Hope to complete the finish, install the glass in the doors, and bring it up for attachment to the lower buffet peice. Really drug my feet on this project, happy to see it done.

DW and I will be going to our RV dealer tomorrow to pick up our camper which has been getting AC installed. Hopefully we can get it set up and start prepping it for camping season.

Other than that, I hope to watch some March Madness and pull for my BC Eagles down the road to the final four!

Have a great weekend, All!

David Duke
03-17-2006, 9:40 AM
Hopefully I'll become a Grandpa!! My DIL is in the hospital as we speak, if all goes well there will be a new boss in the family by this afternoon. Other than that don't really know whats going to happen............guess hes already the boss:D :D :D !!

Jim Becker
03-17-2006, 9:51 AM
(David...congrats in advance!! Sounds like a nice annual "green beer" occasion is in the works!)

I'm hoping to get a little shop time this weekend to finish up a few spinny things that have been lying around as I do plan, outside of any unfortunate situations, to attend my local AAW chapter meeting on Monday night. But I also need to do some yard work, cleaning up all the sticks and branches that have been deposited on the lawns over the winter after removing the backhoe from the tractor. (Which I leave on over the winter as ballast/traction for when pushing snow around) We are also taking the older (Nastia) to the movies with her friend Emily tomorrow...first visit of E to our house as N has been to her house twice now.

Steve Clardy
03-17-2006, 10:17 AM
Going today to finish a cab job install so I can get paid:D
Then on down to the Osage Beach to pick up some base from a customer and come back and plane it down.
Then sat or sunday get some panels up around the barn so we can get these hay burners off the pasture so the grass will come on up.

Larry Fox
03-17-2006, 11:55 AM
I was gone all last weekend at the Jeff Jewitt class at Alan Turner's PFW so it is time to pay the piper so-to-speak.

Wife has a full-day of activities planned for heself on Saturday - none of which involve me or the kids. As a result, I get to have a full, uninterrupted, day with my sons which I am really looking forward to (4 1/2 and 1 1/2). Little does she know I am getting the better end of the deal.

Sunday is shop cleanup day and getting started on milling the panels for my kitchen cabinet doors.

Byron Trantham
03-17-2006, 12:38 PM
I hope to finish spraying a couple cabinets. I want to deliver them next weekend. Monday I need to start another project for the LOML.:rolleyes:

Don Baer
03-17-2006, 12:48 PM
since we have another storm scheduled to come in it looks like any othside activities will be curtailed so... I guess I need to spend the weekend in the shop. :D

I raided my neighbors firewood stash and was able to find a nice eucalyptus log so I sharpened up my turning tools and will make a bonker. Then I guess I continue cleaning up the gar...shop and cleaning out the attic so there will be less to move when I sell this place.

Mark Pruitt
03-17-2006, 1:03 PM
Continue organizing my shop, get out the chainsaw and cut up a few turning blanks, maybe work on my DC system, and look into my options for a new workbench--I'd like to have a nice workbench for a change!!!

03-17-2006, 1:14 PM
My wife and kids are going out of town this weekend. Usually that would mean shop time. Unfortunately work is kicking in to take up any time for fun in the next few weeks :mad:.
Hopefully, I'll get a couple hrs. to draw up the design for finishing the other half of my basement. Sheesh, we thought building the shop took a long time ... work will make sure that this takes much longer. I think my shop will become a staging area for the basement finish for a loooong time ... sigh.

Dave Anderson NH
03-17-2006, 2:50 PM
I'm teaching a class on how to make a Lee Valley/ Veritas spokeshave for our NH guild. I'm full up with 14 students registered. This should be a great time and folks will get to walk away with a useable tool for a pretty gloatable price. No hassles for me since this is a volunteer effort and not a money making thing. I just really love both making tools and teaching others how to make them. Can you tell I'm psyched up for this?

Vaughn McMillan
03-17-2006, 5:00 PM
I've got a paper towel holder that's been on a backlog list for a couple months that I hope to start (and finish) this weekend. (The lady in Ohio who ordered it has probably figured I forgot about here.) Other than that, I'm about caught up on shop projects, so I guess I need to start thinking about the next new project. I've also got several little shop-related bits and pieces I could make, but I might just spend the time trying to de-kludge the shop.

Today LOML's mom is coming home from the rehab hospital, after being laid up since early January. Her broken hip's not fully mended, but Blue Cross says she's got to go home or start paying room and board. I'm guessing LOML and I will both be pretty busy taking care of her and getting her settled back at home with us.

Sunday I'm helping out LOML's brother on a photo shoot. He's part of some viking re-enactment group, and they are doing pictures for an article that's being written on them...the article promotes an event this fall in Solvang, CA, where this viking group will be one of the centerpieces of the whole deal. Apparently, they were short on people to pose as vikings, so future BIL asked me to join them for the photo shoot. Since I'm a tall, thin, long-haired blonde guy, he says I look more viking than anyone else in the group. Sounds like they're gonna dress me up as the King. I can think of a lot of ways I'd rather spend a Sunday afternoon, but this event is important to my future BIL, so I'm glad to help out.

- Vaughn

Bob Reeve
03-17-2006, 9:05 PM
The LOML is working all weekend so I will have sometime in the shop but first I have to try and finish installing about 200' of

Tom Fortier
03-17-2006, 9:40 PM
Daughters last Bball game on Saturday. Between that, the Father / Daughter dance last weekend, and walking into campground to check on camper, I got no time in the shop last week. Hoping to find some time this weekend to work on her dresser.

Andy Hoyt
03-17-2006, 10:04 PM
Windows are in; trim, siding and chair rail are installed. All that's left are the shakes on the roof. I'll post some new pics tomorrow.

Dennis Peacock
03-17-2006, 10:41 PM
Howdy Karl,

Glad you remembered this time. :p :rolleyes: :D

This weekend will be some work in the shop with rearranging to establish the new homes on the shop for the newly purchased PM planer and jointer. I got the power applied to them last night and fired them up for the 1st time. Sure are SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday I've got to play bass at church again and then it's back in the shop. I sure do LOVE not being OnCall!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone.

John Kain
03-17-2006, 11:08 PM
I'm putting together a new entryway table. Just finished sanding all parts but the top. Gosh, I wish I had a planer or a drum sander! Either would make life much easier. Saw the design online and duplicated it, but mine will be stronger and way, way cheaper. Building it with pine, transtint dye, clear shellac, spray USL (my first spray project). I've been practicing a bit with the new HVLP. I know I can spray tinted shellac.............but one step at a time!

Pete Harbin
03-17-2006, 11:26 PM
Pen Turning class at Woodcraft tomorrow (I'll have to record the Stars vs. Sharks game for later viewing), followed by dinner with some friends coming down from Santa Fe.

Church on Sunday. I don't play the bass, but I do wrangle 5th graders in the kids service. Then hopefully get to installing a few Herc-U-Lifts I picked up for $29 apiece!
