View Full Version : Another Oaker OK?

Brent Harral
03-16-2006, 10:44 AM
Hi All, I've been joining in over the past couple weeks and thought I'd give just a brief "Hi, how are ya, I'm Brent" kinda thing :D I actually joined this forum back in 03, but had been at theoak for years and really have time for only one forum. Looks to be a diverse bunch here with lots of knowledge and I sure do recoginize a lot of names, and that always help in weaning into a new place. Anyway, been woodworking for a while and got fed up with my gov't job, took a buyout, and started my own one man custom cabinet shop in Feb. of 05'. Thankfully, I had a long list of previous customers from doing it part time for many years to get me through last year. This year looks very promising so I think I may be past the "any regrets??" stage of things!

I built my shop 24X24 shop in 2000 and added 160sf finish room a couple years later. Yes, it's WAY too small but I am managing doing some bigger stuff in stages and the ole' "rack and stack" method :D But hey, it's behind my house to the commute is pretty darn nice.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9438537/133558044.jpg">

Like everybody else I am sure, I've upgraded just about everything machine over 20 lbs. more times than I care to admit, but have finally reached a level of tool contentment! Almost....when I get my new 12" Bridgewood jointer later this month, THEN I may be there! (yea, that's a gloat :D )

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9438537/133558042.jpg">

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9438537/133558043.jpg">

I mainly do custom built-ins but have gotten into kitchens recently and have several lined up for this year - along with some bars and libraries. On occasion I DO get to do something other than build boxes/doors/drawers and I delieved this little table just this week..

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9438537/133558041.jpg">

First chess board I've done....fun stuff.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9438537/133558045.jpg">

It was for a previous customer who is pretty fond of cherry, and it's always a pleasure going back and seeing the cherry a shade or two darker...and why he hasn't gotten those pictures up after 8 months I do not know! Snapped this pic of the built-in I did while I was there...

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9438537/133557420.jpg">

I have been working on a website for about "forever" but will be finally be putting one together and hope to get some feedback from you guys when that day comes.

So that's it. Thanks for looking. (How was that BOB??!)

Paul B. Cresti
03-16-2006, 11:00 AM
Beautiful work! and best of luck with your business. Done upgrading equipment??? hmmm that is what I thought when I turned pro :D

Bob Marino
03-16-2006, 11:03 AM
Hey Brent,

Welcome aboard and great to see you here!

Brent is a bit too modest - his built-ins are outstanding and he gets them finished in less time it takes me to sand a bookcase.:eek: :D ;)
Besides being a skilled craftsman, he is quick to offer advise and just a plain nice guy to speak to and deal with!

Again, welcome!!


Dan Oliphant
03-16-2006, 11:03 AM
Welcome Brent, nice shop and great work. Hope you chime in a little more often than in the past.

John Miliunas
03-16-2006, 11:11 AM
Joined in '03??? Well, I guess we can't call you a "newbie" here and your work absolutely doesn't represent "newbie" status!!! :D I'm really glad that the "job" switch worked for you. You've got yourself a nice shop there but, "...reaching a level of tool contentment"????? :eek: :confused: No offense, but that's almost sacrilegious 'round these parts!!! :D Hope to "see" more of you and to glean some knowledge from you, as well. Stop often, stay long and thanks for the "official" intro! :) :cool:

Don Baer
03-16-2006, 11:12 AM
Brent welcome to the creek.

lou sansone
03-16-2006, 11:12 AM
welcome to the creek ... a good mix of folks here

Tyler Howell
03-16-2006, 11:19 AM
Another oaker:confused: :confused: :confused: .
Well OK. With pix and a great shop!!
On top of that a flat lander? They're pretty scarce these days.
Glad to have you Brent.
Picture police seal of approval

Jason Tuinstra
03-16-2006, 11:24 AM
Brent, looks like you do some great work. Good to have you back! ;)

Don Baer
03-16-2006, 12:00 PM
On top of that a flat lander? They're pretty scarce these days.

Look again Tyler. It looks to me that I see a spinney thing in that last shop picture...

Give it up Tyler risistance is futile...:D

We promise to be gentil

David Duke
03-16-2006, 12:14 PM
Nice looking shop Brent and welcome to the Creek, looks like you'll fit right in. If you haven't noticed yet watch out for the spinny guys, they pretend to be nice but I think they all got stock in Oneway or Nova :D :D :D .

Steve Clardy
03-16-2006, 12:18 PM
Welcome Brent!!

Brett Baldwin
03-16-2006, 12:19 PM
Welcome Brent. Seeing the caliber of your work so far, I'll look forward to more project posts from you.

Brent Harral
03-16-2006, 12:40 PM
Look again Tyler. It looks to me that I see a spinney thing in that last shop picture...

Give it up Tyler risistance is futile...:D

We promise to be gentil

LATHE?? Nobody warned me of such nonsense on this site!!!:eek: :D

Let's see....let's see.....where did I put mine...oh there it is over in the corner :D All 1/8hp of it too! Proud to be a flatlander and the only thing I turn are knobs when I can't buy em in the species I need off da shelf!

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9438537/133572681.jpg">

Now you all are going to ask me to just go away, huh?? :D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-16-2006, 12:47 PM
There he is!

Hey Brent, how you doing buddy!

Guy this dude can crank out built ins that are just sooooo nice in no time at all.

Come on Brent, don't be shy, show them some more of them super nice jobs you've done................ (lots of great ideas to...borrow :D )


Brent Harral
03-16-2006, 1:12 PM

Yea...you, Jim and CJ left breadcrumbs so I followed :D

Oh come on, when you've seen one box you've seen em all! Rob's doing me up a website soon anyway. Plus, sounds like some of these guys will throw their parting tools at me if I show one too many cabinets :eek:

It's good to here, nice guys and all...nice lathe stand you whipped up by the way..

Jim Becker
03-16-2006, 2:09 PM
Nice shop and great work, Brent! I'm happy you're becoming more, um...vocal (and pictorial) here. We can learn a lot from you.

Christian Aufreiter
03-16-2006, 2:11 PM
Hi Brent,

glad to meet you here.
Hey, I noticed that you joined SMC in March 2003, just like me. But instead of posting (like me) you’ve been productive in the shop.;)
Thanks for the shop pics. Really nice. More pics would be even nicer. I’m quite impressed of the excellent use of space.

BTW, how do you like the new Dewalt SMCS?

Bob is absolutely right. Brent should be called “work machine”. It’s almost incredible what he gets in an extremely short period of time. Brent’s former weekend projects would have taken me several months.



Joe Chritz
03-16-2006, 2:28 PM
Done upgrading? Bah sounds like step three of the toolaholics 12 step program.

Good looking work.

I would be interested in the construction details of that chess table. Look very similar to an idea I have for my bar.

I like the fence for the SCMC. Is that something you put together? Any chance at a close up of the adjustable stop. I've been head scratching at a good system for a sliding stop for a while.

Looking forward to more pictures of good work to admire (read that steal ideas :D ).


Rich Torino
03-16-2006, 2:39 PM
Welcome aboard Brent...

Great work, great looking shop.....One thing however, your going to have to start working on your "second" shop... Let me explain..
As you start to use this real great site more and more and get the opportunity to see the level and quality of work these guys can put out in there absolutely spotless, no sawdust, sacrap pieces of lumber or tool laying around, with workstations that look like furniture, shops, you'll come to realize that most of these woodworks must have two shops.. on for posting pictures and the other one they actually work in..So start saving up..... only kidding...

This is really a well run, site with very helpful members. I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

Brent Harral
03-16-2006, 3:49 PM
Hi Brent,

glad to meet you here.
Hey, I noticed that you joined SMC in March 2003, just like me. But instead of posting (like me) you’ve been productive in the shop.;)
Thanks for the shop pics. Really nice. More pics would be even nicer. I’m quite impressed of the excellent use of space.

BTW, how do you like the new Dewalt SMCS?

Bob is absolutely right. Brent should be called “work machine”. It’s almost incredible what he gets in an extremely short period of time. Brent’s former weekend projects would have taken me several months.



Thanks Christian. More pics? You are a picohalic :D My kind of guy...

Here's the whole deal.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/7525136/133593973.jpg">

It hurt to do, but I used a little bit of the new finish room space to house my compressor and build some storage. Where there is a wall, there is space to hang something! I freed up some space in the shop by removing some cabinets and transplanting those things into here.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/7525136/133593976.jpg">

And here is my itty bitty finish room. Like I said, I usually just build a whole wall of cabinets with some 2X's between them to shoot em all at once. I do have 10 foot cielings in there so I can go pretty high. As long as my Binks hvlp and airless fit, I'm a happy guy :)

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/7525136/133596215.jpg">

Regarding the new DeWalt....I do not like it. I still have my old 708 and after 8 years it's still slides and cuts better. There are some nice features on the new one (718?) but overall I am not that impressed given the pricetag...Bummer.

Brent Harral
03-16-2006, 5:00 PM
Done upgrading? Bah sounds like step three of the toolaholics 12 step program.

Good looking work.

I would be interested in the construction details of that chess table. Look very similar to an idea I have for my bar.

I like the fence for the SCMC. Is that something you put together? Any chance at a close up of the adjustable stop. I've been head scratching at a good system for a sliding stop for a while.

Looking forward to more pictures of good work to admire (read that steal ideas :D ).


Hey Joe,

Not sure if you mean the board or the table itself?

I went back and forth between using solid or veneer (tiger maple and walnut) and decided on solids. I admit veneer over mdf would have been the "preferred" method, but I know those who did solids and never had a probelms waaaay down the road. Ripped the 2" strips, glued, crosscut, alternated the strips, re-glued and gave it a border.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9440989/133602490.jpg">

Top is solid cherry and (GOD BLESS Festool!) sank it into the top by putting some cleats under the top and a couple well placed screws to hold.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9440989/133602489.jpg">

I've done a couple tables the same way. M&T the aprons and use "beams" to support cross members for the drawer slides. Hey, I usually make this stuff up as I go :D so there just may be a better way..

Here's a bigger table..

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9440989/133602486.jpg">

A look at it done..

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9440989/133602477.jpg">

Here's the chess table..same deal :)

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/9440989/133602482.jpg"

This is the second mitersaw station I've made and have to say I wouldn't change a thing to do over again.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/5731235/133594406.jpg">

I'm sure there are better stop systems out there but this works perfect for me. I trust a tape or steel rule way more than any sliding indicator I could have used on the fence so I really did the tape for getting me in the ballpark. It's good to about a 1/16" but all I wanted was a rock solid stop for repeatability. T track and a block o wood.........I like to keep it simple. I epoxied and pinned a leader block to make it move in the T slot like butter.

<img src="http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL563/2750473/5731235/133594401.jpg">

Hope any of this helps or answers your questions!

Brent Smith
03-16-2006, 5:11 PM
Hi Brent...welcome. Nice shop there and some beautiful work.


Christian Aufreiter
03-16-2006, 5:12 PM
Hi Brent,

thanks for sharing more details of your shop with us.

Thanks Christian. More pics? You are a picohalic :D My kind of guy...

I'm with Joe.

Looking forward to more pictures of good work to admire (read that steal ideas :D ).

I try to collect different ideas for organizing the shop and storing equipment, adapt them for my needs and create new concepts.
Would you believe that I saved approx. 200 of your shop and project pics to my computer's harddisk?:rolleyes:

It hurt to do, but I used a little bit of the new finish room space to house my compressor and build some storage.

Why not build another addition that houses the compressor?;)

Sorry to hear that the new Dewalt SCMS didn't live up to your expectations. Maybe you should give Makita a chance. "Mr Bar", Per Swenson, highly recommends them.



Jim Hager
03-16-2006, 5:14 PM
Hey Brent, you over here showing out huh? All of it looks good as usual. You've got stuff hanging off of the vertical spaces like I have mine all over the horizontal flat surfaces in my shop.:D Nice checkers board, that's all I know how to play. You must have just finished that one recently cause I ain't never seen it before but I may have just had a brain freeze or something.

When I get this blasted kitchen done that I'm working on I'll put up a pic or two of it myself.

Good to see you hanging around the creek.


Reed Wells
03-16-2006, 5:19 PM
I know after walking 10 hours on my concrete shop floor, your wood floor sure looks inviting. And the sawdust in the window sills behind the mitre saw, looks like my windows. Nice shop.


Don Baer
03-16-2006, 5:27 PM
LATHE?? Nobody warned me of such nonsense on this site!!!:eek: :D

Let's see....let's see.....where did I put mine...oh there it is over in the corner :D All 1/8hp of it too! Proud to be a flatlander and the only thing I turn are knobs when I can't buy em in the species I need off da shelf!


Now you all are going to ask me to just go away, huh?? :D

Hey that just the ticket to make a nice chess set to go along with that game table..:D

Andy Hoyt
03-16-2006, 6:08 PM
A self proclaimed flatlander - with two lathes. Hmmm?

Ken Fitzgerald
03-16-2006, 6:15 PM
That's like being against tobacco with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth, isn't it Andy?

BTW.........nice to see you back Brent.........you do some really interesting work!

John Christiansen
03-16-2006, 7:33 PM
Howdy Brent,

Good to see ya make it over here. I've been here since "03" myself, but just never really posted much.

I sure would like to see "The Oak" get back up and running, but as long as I can keep up with what you, Stu, C.J. and the rest of the bunch are up to right here, well, that'll work.

There's some real great talent over here, Brent and many who enjoy viewing and encouraging others great talent. You'll fit right in.

John Christiansen (J.C. in Michigan)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-16-2006, 9:17 PM
Becoming a regular family reunion here :D

That BIG table, man I remember that! nice JOB, and, if I remember correctly, you were really worried about it holding up, but it was just fine in the end.

Great pics!


Greg Tatum
03-16-2006, 9:36 PM
Hi Brent....great shop and thanks for the big pics....love that big table...I'm already inspired:D

Dave Ray
03-16-2006, 10:08 PM
Great shop pics Brent, even better work ..... WOW! Welcome aboard

Pete Harbin
03-16-2006, 11:16 PM
Great shop and great work Brent! Good to have you aboard!


Alan Schaffter
03-16-2006, 11:20 PM
Thought you were kidding about the 12" Bridgewood :) . Are you gonna have it before the WW Show so you can show us?

I guess hopes are pretty slim that the Oak will rise from the ashes.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-16-2006, 11:34 PM
The Oak will be back, in one form or another.