View Full Version : Help with Drill press

Jim McFall
08-08-2003, 7:37 PM
I have a cummins mack drill press and I can not get the light bulb out of it to replace it. So, I figured before I broke the glass bulb by turning it too hard, I would see if I could get to the socket. I opened the top where the pullys are and took the belt off. Now I can not figure out how to get the pully off the driven end. there was a "lock down type" nut which came right off. the shaft thet comes up thru the pully is hollow and the shaft that goes up and down when you are running the drill is inside this hollow part. the outer diameter of the hollow shaft is threaded and that is where the "lock down type " nut was positioned.

When I tried to unscrew the pully(don't even know if the inside of the pully is threaded) the chuck came off. I think it's just tapered and will go right back on.

Any help anyone can give me will be greatly apprecaited.

many thanks,


Tom Sweeney
08-08-2003, 8:07 PM
In my infinite wisdom I was trying to install one of the pully's on my drill press & it wouldn't go on - so I took my 2lb plastic mallet & persuaded it. Then I plugged the drill press back in & something shorted out - I guess the force broke something in the motor.

If you don't get it figured out by next week give me a shout & I'll come up & we can scratch our heads together - maybe we'll even figure it out.

PS: Good to see you out of lurker mode :D

Jim McFall
08-09-2003, 9:40 PM
Thanks for the offer. I did manage to figure out how to get the bulb out without breaking it, The pully did not have to come off. good thing cause I did not figure that part out. All is working as it should, lite and all. My next step if things did not start going right was going to be the hammer, and not the plastic kind either. Glad it did not come to that.

Even though the problem is solved, you are welcome to stop by. We do not dinnk Bud Lite but there could be a Yuengling or two hanging around.

Thanks, Jim