View Full Version : Natural edge

Rich Stewart
03-11-2006, 8:41 PM
Welp, Here is my first stab at a natural edge. Don't hurt yerselves laughin'. It is some wood I got off ebay. Feller called it Austrian pine or some such. I was a little worried about the pine part but it had no sap. Got a little bluish tint in places inside. Bark stayed on nice. Turns pretty nice. What do you all think I should finish that edge up with? Right now there is NO finish at all on the whole thing. I would like to make the edge look like those big burl slab tables that look like they got glass melted on them about an inch thick. How do dey do dat?

four and a half diameter and two inch high

Ernie Nyvall
03-11-2006, 8:49 PM
Pretty slick there Rich. Nice job.


Corey Hallagan
03-11-2006, 8:51 PM
You've been a busy boy Rick! Awesome stuff! I think the wood looks great!


Lee DeRaud
03-11-2006, 9:37 PM
I would like to make the edge look like those big burl slab tables that look like they got glass melted on them about an inch thick. How do dey do dat?You mean like a "bar top" finish? Probably something like this: http://www.woodcraft.com/family.aspx?FamilyID=4140
But I have no idea if it's even possible to use something like that on anything except a flat surface.

Neat little bowl, by the way.

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2006, 1:01 AM
Rich you did good. Looks good to me. I want to try a natural edge one of these days. Great work.

Gary Max
03-12-2006, 3:48 AM
To get that finish to look like it's three inches thick just takes a lot of time.
You use a high gloss finish and apply thin coats---fine sand between each coat---and just keep adding coats. You may apply a dozen coats before it even starts to look right but if you will stay with it you can get it done.
Oh one coat per day is all the faster we apply finish.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-12-2006, 4:43 AM
Now that is really cool.........

Now that I got me a lathe, and a stand, I got to get me a chuck and or faceplates!

How big is it?

Blue tint eh?

My Dad was telling me about some beetle infested wood, that the beetles leave a blue tint to parts of the wood, he said they could not sell it except for firewood, then some smart guy came along and called it "Demin Pine" or something, and now they sell a lot......... go figure :D

Looks great!!

John Hart
03-12-2006, 7:04 AM
Way to go Rich! Ain't Natural Edges fun? They make me nervous as all get out...but I keep wanting to do them.:)

Rich Stewart
03-12-2006, 8:34 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. Some of y'alls cedibility is really coming into question. Hahaha. Anyway, how about if I dipped it in lacquer. Straight lacquer. Let it dry, then dipped it again? and again? Would that do anything? I've heard you don't have to sand between coats of lacquer. Sounds good to me 'cause I'm fairly lazy about sanding. I love this forum because i don't have to conduct little experiments like that.

Thanks again


Glenn Hodges
03-12-2006, 8:36 AM
I spray most of mine with lacquer.

Ernie Nyvall
03-12-2006, 9:42 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. Some of y'alls cedibility is really coming into question. Hahaha. Anyway, how about if I dipped it in lacquer. Straight lacquer. Let it dry, then dipped it again? and again? Would that do anything? I've heard you don't have to sand between coats of lacquer. Sounds good to me 'cause I'm fairly lazy about sanding. I love this forum because i don't have to conduct little experiments like that.

Thanks again


Rich, I wouldn't dip it in lacquer... it's liable to haze over with that thick of lacquer being applied all at once. You can spray multiple coats of lacquer as Glenn suggested or you can apply coats of paintable lacquer to the bark until it quits soaking it up. Then there is the Manhattan cocktail on just the bark... just don't dip it.


Pat Salter
03-12-2006, 10:26 AM
I use tung oil on my natural edge bowls, I don't get a real high gloss shine but so far I haven't lost any bark either. I just soak it into the bark as I do the rest. Maybe soak a couple of coats of tung oil and then some lacquer??

Nice bowl BTW. I do like natural edges.

Rich Stewart
03-12-2006, 10:39 AM
I saw that term somewhere before and I did a couple searches but can't find anything about it. What is a manhatten cocktail?