View Full Version : Bonkers

Rich Stewart
03-11-2006, 10:54 AM
I was telling my son about the bonkers contest and he is a little confused as to what a bonker is. Could somebody show a sample pic of a bonker? This contest seems like it is right up my alley. I gotta say I was a little intimidated by the last one after seeing Bills treadle lathe I knew I was WAY out- classed in that contest. I guess that isn't the greatest attitude to have but you can't fight what you feel. Haha.


Lee DeRaud
03-11-2006, 11:11 AM
Form a picture in your mind of the stereotypical cartoon caveman dragging a woman back to his cave.

See that honking big club in his other hand? That's a bonker.

Scale and refine as required for desired usage.:cool:

Rich Stewart
03-11-2006, 11:13 AM
Ok, I think he has it now.

Dennis Peacock
03-11-2006, 11:14 AM
I was telling my son about the bonkers contest and he is a little confused as to what a bonker is. Could somebody show a sample pic of a bonker? This contest seems like it is right up my alley. I gotta say I was a little intimidated by the last one after seeing Bills treadle lathe I knew I was WAY out- classed in that contest. I guess that isn't the greatest attitude to have but you can't fight what you feel. Haha.


Various forums of: A Night Stick.....Billy Club....Head Knocker....Salmon Bonker

Get your son involved!!!!!! At least ONE Of mine are going to participate in the Bonkers About Bonkers contest.

Michael Stafford
03-11-2006, 4:29 PM
Form a picture in your mind of the stereotypical cartoon caveman dragging a woman back to his cave.

See that honking big club in his other hand? That's a bonker.

Rich, it is imperative that you explain to him that Lee's description of obtaining date with club in hand is not recommended for impressing today's feminists.:p :D I would impress upon your son that wooing a woman with chocolate, jewelry and fine wining and dining is the approved method today.;)