View Full Version : What's the best way?

Quinn McCarthy
03-10-2006, 12:26 PM
What's the best way to hold a stave column on the lathe. The idea I had for the headstock was the screw some plywod to a face plate and screw the plywood to the column. The questions I have are if that is a good way to do it how do you center the plywood accurately? I have no idea about what to do for the tailstock. Could you glue the plywood to the column with kraft paper between and just pry it off when you are done? I want to make a plant stand that looks lke a column. Thanks for your help!

Steve Clardy
03-10-2006, 1:12 PM
Something like this?

Quinn McCarthy
03-10-2006, 1:43 PM
So Steve

Does the column fit over the smaller square? Do you need a block like that on each end?

Steve Clardy
03-10-2006, 2:44 PM
So Steve

Does the column fit over the smaller square? Do you need a block like that on each end?

Yes. Slides on the small square. Thats what holds it. Need two.
This is what I used when turning some spacers for the pole on a true spiral staircase. Glued them into a square, then inserted these homemade holders into the ends, mounted, then turned them round.

Quinn McCarthy
03-10-2006, 3:15 PM
Ya Steve I think we may be on to something. I am doing an octagon column but it will be easy to modify your sytem for that. Thanks for the help.