View Full Version : On my doorstep today...

Tom Fortier
03-09-2006, 5:58 PM
...when I got home was a new Porter Cable 690 router. I purchased a Delta X5 Jointer in the fall and collected on the $100 mail in rebate from Delta. While rummaging through the paper work I came across a form for $50 rebate / a mobile base / or the router. What a no brainer that was.

Anyway, I have been expecting it each day for the last week or two. Moments ago when I got home from work, there it was. opened it up, plugged it in, and turned it on. Big difference from my old Craftsman.

Happy Woodworker here today!!

Steve Clardy
03-09-2006, 6:59 PM
Nice rebate!!

Steve Ash
03-09-2006, 8:08 PM
I sort of got the same deal when I got my 15" X-5 planer....not only did I get the router, but someone slipped up and sent me a free mobile base too.

I still haven't fired up the router though.

Congrats on the delivery to your door!

Bill Lewis
03-10-2006, 5:58 AM
I got the same deal when I bought my X5 unisaw. Goes well with my other two 690's. Great little router. You'll enjoy it.

Oh, and I also got the $100 rebate, and the mobil base because I bought it at a ww show. Actually becasue they screwed up so bad I ended up with two mobil bases.

Greg Koch
03-10-2006, 7:24 AM
Nice rebate! I've got a 690 too... Seems everyone has/had one. How is the jointer working out for you?