View Full Version : Parents 30th Anniversary Gift: Need Idea

George Gong
03-09-2006, 2:07 PM
My wife and I are going to make a gift for my parents' anniversary but we only have limited tools. I am having a problem deciding on exactly what kind of woodworking project to make because I have only made a few things. :confused: Usually I used my ww teacher's jointers and tablesaws when I made things. :p

We have a few tools:
- finishing planer
- standing drill press
- 3 routers
- 14" bandsaw
- scroll saw
- reciprocating saw
- 2x drills, 1x impact driver
- chisels
- jointer plane (not conditioned, don't know how yet)
- vice
- Computer worktable + cheapie melamine 4' shelf acting as a workbench for now.

And some materials
11BF Walnut (rough) :o
6BF Ash (rough)

I don't have the budget to get a table saw yet. There are a couple of lumber stores nearby which sell rough lumber and some which sell S4S lumber. They usually have 40-50 species in stock at all these places. :eek:

I've been having a problem with figuring out how to get the rough lumber ready and what to make for them. My parents live 300 miles away and the climate is completely different there. I live on the coast and they live inland. I would like to make them something, but I am afraid that if it is too big the wood will move a lot. So I was thinking of a small box. But this might be too lame to get them for their anniversary. :(

Does anyone have any suggestions? i will need to know where to get the plans from. (buy, barter, or free download) We are still relatively new to woodworking, but have taken a few classes. I will post pictures of whatever we decide to make, but I have to make it in the next couple of weeks.

Micheal Cobb
03-09-2006, 2:27 PM
I struggled with the same problem for my folks 50th. I ended up making a nice box and we filled it with letters and cards from their friends and family. The box was nice but it was special because of the contents.


Bob Johnson2
03-09-2006, 2:49 PM
Being a few months from my 30th I've got a good idea, it's what most parents would want and you've got the right tools.

Grandkids, the more the better.

Welcome to the creek.

Steve Ash
03-09-2006, 3:00 PM
One small item they may enjoy is a picture frame complete with the picture of both of them, doesn't use up a lot of wood or take much time but it is something they can always look at. The box idea is also a good one....but the grandkids is the best, I'm still waiting for that one.

Also...Welcome to the creek!

Gary Herrmann
03-09-2006, 3:39 PM
I made a picture frame for my parents and put in a bunch of pics (nicely matted) of all three generations for my parent's anniversary after my son was born. I also like the box idea.

Tom Pritchard
03-09-2006, 4:03 PM
George, you could make them a nice mantle/shelf clock or a weather station (temperature/humidity/barometer). I know that Woodcraft carries kits for both of these ideas that include the plans with the clock/gages.

A nice mirror would be another idea, or a picture frame with a portrait of your family. The little box idea is NOT lame in my opinion, and I'm sure they would treasure it much more than any store bought gift you could give them! Don't sell your ideas or capabilities short, they all sound like they are coming from the heart and will be a great gift! Looking forward to seeing your final product! Good luck George.

Vaughn McMillan
03-09-2006, 4:34 PM
Lots of good suggestions here George, and I'll echo all of them. I also second (or third or whatever) the point that making a little box would not be lame. After 30 years together, it's likely they already have most of the material things they really need and want (at least any that you'd likely be able to afford). However, a small box made and filled with love can't be bought at any price, and I'd suspect your parents would appreciate having one.

- Vaughn

George Gong
03-09-2006, 6:37 PM
Thank you everyone who replied with the suggestions.

I am sure that my parents would love grandchildren. All I hear is nagging about it. My dad has a family tree book which goes back 800 years and gave a big sob story about the family tree ending. But, I didn't buy it.

But I think I will make them a box and if I have time maybe the weater station. My dad wouldn't like a clock, but I was thinking of also printing copies of the pictures to put into the box. I'll post a picture of it once I get it together.

George Gong
03-09-2006, 8:19 PM
Does anyone know where I can get a plan to make a nice walnut or other dark wood box where you can see the joints? I am looking for a plan which has either feet or other type of decorative trim along the bottom.

I have the tools mentioned above, so I think I will need to figure out how to flatten the first surface the stock with manual tools.