View Full Version : Really stupid use of a table saw

Rob Wilson
03-09-2006, 11:50 AM
Check out this video. The guy is lucky he still has his fingers!


Mark Rios
03-09-2006, 11:58 AM
Can someone please tell me what this guys point was? Not only cutting the egg but also what the point of filming it was? You know, there are times when I'm a real bonehead but this guy..........

David Fried
03-09-2006, 12:01 PM
Bet you can't do that on a SawStop!

Nope, what he was thinking is beyond me.

Dave Fried

Bruce Shiverdecker
03-09-2006, 12:09 PM
Compared to him, I was VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY safe!!!!!!!!!!


Andy Hoyt
03-09-2006, 12:37 PM
.....The guy is lucky he still has his fingers....

Perhaps, but he sure doesn't deserve them. What a maroon!

Lee Schierer
03-09-2006, 12:45 PM
He certainly doesn't value his fingers much and I wouldn't care to visit his shop any time after he has trimmed his egg. The rotten food smell could get pretty over powering. Someone had way too much time on their hands to think this stunt up and then actually do it.

Gary Herrmann
03-09-2006, 12:48 PM
We're gonna see that guy on the Darwin Awards some day.

Frank Pellow
03-09-2006, 1:23 PM
Maybe the person did it on a bet. But that does not change the fact that he is stupid.

Steve Clardy
03-09-2006, 1:27 PM
Totally nuts!!

Steve Schoene
03-09-2006, 1:30 PM
Totally nuts is right. This guy has a whole web site devoted to unusual ways to open eggs. In English and German no less. At least the home page contains a warning that some of the methods are extremely dangerous etc.

Lou Morrissette
03-09-2006, 1:41 PM
The egg looks hardboiled but it's his brain that's scrambled!:rolleyes:


Bill Lewis
03-09-2006, 1:41 PM
Actually it's not as bad as it first appears.
He's not using a wood cutting blade, nor even a blade with any teeth. It looks like it might be an abrasive blade, like ones used on tile saws.
Not that I am condoning this action in any way, nor do I think it's all that safe, frankly I think it's utterly pointless.

Edit:After visiting his sight I saw the still picture of the saw, it does have fine teeth, line a panel cutting plade. So I retract my previous statement. He's a bigger idiot that first appeared.

John Lucas
03-09-2006, 1:42 PM
and he is planning an egg opening with a chain saw. Stu, are you listening.

scott spencer
03-09-2006, 1:50 PM
What came first....the egg or the idiot? :rolleyes:

John Miliunas
03-09-2006, 2:01 PM
You know, it is said that we all have a purpose in life. This fella's purpose is quite obvious: He does things to make the rest of us feel real smart!:D By George, I think he's succeeded!!!:D :cool:

Larry Fox
03-09-2006, 2:10 PM
Frankly I think the world needs people like this - serves as a concrete example of what NOT to do. I think he should buy and hang one of these in his "shop" while he still has fingers to do so.


Tom Andersen
03-09-2006, 2:38 PM
Take a look at his site:
in particular the one using a ventilator/fan to peel an egg.:eek:

And he will use a lawn mower in June!

Gary Herrmann
03-09-2006, 4:02 PM
Frankly I think the world needs people like this - serves as a concrete example of what NOT to do. I think he should buy and hang one of these in his "shop" while he still has fingers to do so.


I love those demotivators!

The first one a I saw, said something like "Positive thinking: that force in the universe that keeps you from getting up on the roof naked with a deer rifle."

Been a fan ever since.

Larry Fox
03-09-2006, 4:21 PM
I love those demotivators!

The first one a I saw, said something like "Positive thinking: that force in the universe that keeps you from getting up on the roof naked with a deer rifle."

Been a fan ever since.

Yeah, I have been a fan of them for a while as well. No matter how many times I read them, they still make me laugh out loud. For a couple of years I had the "Problems" one hanging in my shop but it got wrecked when I moved.

My personal favorites:
Problems, Worth, Cluelessness, Doubt, and Failure

Reed Wells
03-09-2006, 4:23 PM
Scariest, dumbest thing, I have ever seen by anyone over 2 years old.

Roy Hatch
03-09-2006, 6:24 PM
Let's hope he's sterile.