View Full Version : Another newcomer to the creek

Kristian Wild
03-08-2006, 11:18 PM
Well I've been following the goings-on of Sawmill Creek for almost a year now so I thought I should finally introduce myself.
I've been woodworking for about a year and a half now and spent last winter taking a first year joinery apprenticeship program at our local tech institute to see if that's the direction I might want to go as a new/ second career.

I don't think I've ever found an on-line forum with so many positive encouraging people. It makes it alot easier to step into the ring when you feel so welcome.

Living just north of the border to most of you in the Pacific NW (aka the West Coast for us Canuks) gives me access to lots of interesting local lumber like red and yellow cedar, old-growth douglas fir, several types of pine and big-leaf (soft) maple. I really enjoy using local species in projects when I can.

It's come to my attention that pictures are highly encouraged with any new post so I'm attempting to show a few pics of my final school project last spring. It's a hall/ sofa table made mostly of quarter-sawn fir with cherry veneer for the centre of the panels and walnut inlay on the top. At the time of the photos it was unfinished so it looks a little pale.

I look forward to chatting with many of you in the future.





Ken Fitzgerald
03-08-2006, 11:26 PM
Kristian.............Welcome to the Creek! From beginners to pros they all here, willing to lend an opinion and trade information! Neat place to hang out. I can see that our thong wearing Photo Cop won't be able to hassle you! :rolleyes: Seriously....Welcome!

Jim Becker
03-08-2006, 11:46 PM
Kristian, welcome aboard! And thanks for the pics of your work...very nice!

Allen Bookout
03-08-2006, 11:46 PM

Boy do you know the right way to start out with this outfit! ----- PHOTOS. You can stay out of trouble for a long time with that approach.

Nice job! I would love to live in an area where all of that type of local wood is available. The only problem is that I have become soft here in the land of the sun and fire ants. Could be next life I will head to the Northwest.

Welcome! Allen

Greg Koch
03-08-2006, 11:48 PM
Welcome, Kris... Vancouver?

Very nice table. Any pics of your shop?


Cecil Arnold
03-08-2006, 11:50 PM
Kristain, welcome to the creek. Since you've lurked for so long you sure know what happens here as your pictures prove. Jump on in, the water's fine.

Vaughn McMillan
03-08-2006, 11:53 PM
Welcome to the Creek Kristian. I don't know how you were able to stay quiet for over a year. ;) Nice job on the table...I really like the inlay corner treatment. We'll be looking forwad to seeing more projects as you get to them.

I don't think I've ever found an on-line forum with so many positive encouraging people. It makes it alot easier to step into the ring when you feel so welcome.

Just watch out for those lathe turner guys and gals. They'll make you think they're nice and all, then they'll get you hooked like a crack baby and take all your money. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I only say this for your own good.

- Vaughn

Bill Fields
03-08-2006, 11:55 PM

You came to a freindly and really helpful place. Welcome!


Pete Harbin
03-09-2006, 12:00 AM
Welcome Kristian. Nice job on the table.


Karl Laustrup
03-09-2006, 5:29 AM
Welcome Kristian. Glad to have you aboard. Sure would like to see that table all finished up. Looks like a beauty.


Mark Singer
03-09-2006, 8:36 AM
Nice table....good proportions and design
We are nice and we welcome you! :)

Tyler Howell
03-09-2006, 8:58 AM
Welcome to the Creek.
Off to a great start with some real nice picks.;)

John Miliunas
03-09-2006, 9:31 AM
Greetings Kris!!! Great to have you join us and you certainly started off on the right foot with pics! :D Very nice work, BTW! I'm thinking you've got a knack for this WW stuff. :) Oh, and don't listen to Vaughn...Go on and stop out to the Turners Forum. We're really very, very nice people and well rounded! We'd never even dream of pushing you into the vortex. :rolleyes: (Suck you in, pull, drag...maybe. But never "push"!:D ) Come often and stay long! :cool:

Steve Clardy
03-09-2006, 9:33 AM
Welcome. Nice table!

Lou Morrissette
03-09-2006, 10:05 AM
Welcome, Kris. This is a great place to hang out and learn. Nice job on the table. Thanks for sharing.


David Duke
03-09-2006, 10:31 AM
Welcome to the Creek Kristian, great bunch of folks here, but take heed of Vaughn's warning, those spinny guys are dangerous!!

Ron Blaise
03-09-2006, 12:48 PM
Nice table there Kristian and this is a very nice group of wood workers!

Bernie Weishapl
03-09-2006, 1:12 PM
Welcome Kris. Lots of good people here and lots of knowledge. Very nice table.

Jim Hager
03-09-2006, 1:40 PM
Welcome, looks like that you have gotten off to a really good start. Nice stuff.

Jay Knoll
03-09-2006, 2:04 PM
Welcome to the Creek -- nice "first splash" with the table, I echo Mark's comments, great design and wonderful work


Chad Pater
03-10-2006, 10:25 AM
Welcome and I love the table!