View Full Version : Tool Gloat w\o pic

Bob Noles
03-07-2006, 7:48 PM
I finally broke down and ordered the Tormek after pleading with the LOML on bended knee for several days. We have a pretty full summer ahead on home renovations and I really hated to be selfish and pull from the budget for this highly needed (wanted :) ) tool for my shop, but after convincing (coning) her that things would go so much better with really sharp tools, she finally approved.

That baby arrived yesterday and I finally got it unpacked and put together this evening. WOW.... this is exciting for sure. I ordered the turner's accessory kit with it and got the whole tamale for 20% off. I just gotta get some time to get out there and learn how to use it. Now my skew chisel can really dig deep on those catches :eek:

This machine appears to be a sizable investment, but after seeing it first hand and all that it will do, I really think it will be worth every cent in the long haul.

Sorry about the lack of pictures, but one of the kids has "borrowed" the camera for a few days so just whip me with a thong if you must :rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
03-07-2006, 7:51 PM
Yea, yea, yea. Really needed it with a wolverine sitting there. :p :p

Congrats Bob. Lets us know how it works.

Corey Hallagan
03-07-2006, 8:09 PM
Alright Bob, nice job! Hope it works well for you.


Keith Burns
03-07-2006, 9:50 PM
Great gloat Bob, I'm proud for you. I guess we can let you off the hook for not having photos this time, but DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN:D

Dale Thompson
03-07-2006, 9:57 PM
Seeing is believing! ;) We ain't seen nothin' yet except for the "kids took my camera" laugher! :) Did you also use the "dog ate my homework" thing when you were in grade school? :confused: :) :cool:

Dale T.

Ernie Nyvall
03-07-2006, 10:13 PM
Is Bob typing in his sleep cause without pics, it's just a dream.


Tyler Howell
03-07-2006, 10:24 PM
My Picture Possie Is on the Job. :D :D Well done men;) .

Dale Thompson
03-07-2006, 11:33 PM
My Picture Possie Is on the Job. :D :D Well done men;) .

Hey Tyler,
Two things. One minor and one MAJOR!!!
Minor: Drop the "i" on Posse! I want it spelled right on my tombstone.
MAJOR: PLEASE change the avatar picture!! In the past few months, I have spent $13,000 on psychiatric help. My recurring nightmares have been analyzed and definitely focus on one SMALL thing! :) My problems are no longer a multiple-choice question! ;) :)

Dale T.

Jim Davenport
03-08-2006, 6:37 AM
Welcome to the "wonderful world of Tormek" After you get over the cost, it's a super machine. You'll really wonder how you got buy without it. It's a quality machine. Since I've got mine, I can't believe how great the thing works. Now, I'm working up my courage to tackle the knives I just changed on the jointer.
Good luck. Follow the book and you'll do great.

Mike Ramsey
03-08-2006, 10:00 AM
Congrats on your new spinny tool sharpener!

Tyler Howell
03-08-2006, 11:35 AM
Hey Tyler,
Two things. One minor and one MAJOR!!!
Minor: Drop the "i" on Posse! I want it spelled right on my tombstone.
MAJOR: PLEASE change the avatar picture!! In the past few months, I have spent $13,000 on psychiatric help. My recurring nightmares have been analyzed and definitely focus on one SMALL thing! :) My problems are no longer a multiple-choice question! ;) :)

Dale T.

I'll accept the poor spelling rap, get over it there'll be more:o . This thong thing was started and perpetchuated
by your fellow creekers.
I'm as innocent as the driven snow:rolleyes: . Send them the bill:p

Dale Thompson
03-08-2006, 8:21 PM
: Send them the bill:p [/COLOR][/I][/B]

Hey Howl,
YOUR word is MY command! :cool: C'mon folks! The Sheriff has spoken! :eek: Be sure to send cash. None of the banks or honkey-tonks around here will accept my checks! :o :cool:

10-4, Boss, back on patrol! :)

Dale T.

Joe Mioux
03-08-2006, 9:31 PM
Bob, Bob Bob.....tisk tisk.

YOU know the rules....and considering you have over 1200 posts. ....

Well this is just not right... and Tyler should stop pussing footing around and lay down the law.

Anyway congrats on the Tormek..keep us informed... this is one tool on my list that I just can't seem to bring myself to spend the dough on.
