View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
03-06-2006, 6:37 PM

Another weekend has come and gone.

Very nice weather here this weekend so I was able to work in the shop on more cleaning and organizing. Also took the time to work on an air filter scrub box for a friend of mine who owns an air filter cleaning business. Now I have a place to get my DC filter cleaned!!!
It was church on Sunday and then I broke out the lawn tractor, cleaned and service the mower deck and blades, attached the tiller and tilled the garden. Family time Sunday night and it back to work today and I go ONCALL for this week...as of now. Bummer.....

So, what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
03-06-2006, 6:52 PM
About the only thing I did in the shop this weekend was to spend a couple hours doing some cleanup. I've tried to get in the habit of doing that after each project so that I can find the tools I need.

Maurice Metzger
03-06-2006, 6:52 PM
Glad the weather was nice somewhere! I cleaned up some pretty ratty mortises in the table legs for a small table. The rattiness is due to chisel operator error, but I might restart that project with better wood anyway.

I also got started cutting the grooves for the bottom of a tool tray. This is some no-name soft maple, a great wood for this kind of thing. I had some tearout when I tried to freehand it, but it worked well with a scrap piece as a fence.


Steve Clardy
03-06-2006, 6:53 PM
Did a little cabinet work in the shop on a kitchen remodel.
Worked on a Revonic 5.5 plane, restoring.

And did some goofing off. Had three of the grandkids here over the weekend. Spent some time putting things back up, etc.

Fred Voorhees
03-06-2006, 7:01 PM
As I had stated in my weekend plans thread on Friday, the plan for the weekend was to go to my moms and spend some time with her down in the Cape May area of NJ. My youngest brother and I also had some plans on getting in some time wetting a fishing line, but some nasty winds negated those plans toot sweet. I did however get to a West Marine store to check on some spare parts for my trolling motor for the upcoming season. Bro and I also did discuss his upcoming door project that he will be coming up to my shop to complete once he has the parts milled up to size.

Mark Rios
03-06-2006, 7:10 PM
I got the tiling done and grouted in the kitchen and bathroom this weekend. I finished the painting today and have the vinyl scheduled for later this week. Finish electrical and cabinet doors are all that are left.

Art Mulder
03-06-2006, 7:19 PM
Hmmm, not many posts in this thread today. Slow weekend?

I spent Friday and Saturday at the "Canadian Home Workshop Show" in Toronto. On Friday I was working at the show, in the Kids Woodworking section. By my estimation I helped about a dozen kids make a small 4-board pine footstool. It was tiring, but a lot of fun to help these kids successfully make a simple project.

I've been to four different woodworking shows here in Ontario, and this is the only one where people have an opportunity to actually try out some woodworking first-hand, in a guideded one-on-one environment, and make a project. They have a Kids section, a Women's section, and another section open to any adult.

And in the downtime I made a few stepstools myself for my kids, and also wondered over to the Womens' woodworking project area during a quiet time and made a tea-light-candle holder as well. Just simple pine projects, but quick and fun.

On Sunday I found some shop time to continue working on some cutting boards that I'm making for gifts. These are also quite fun and satisfying projects. Just combine some strips of constrasting woods in a pattern, add some glue and clamps, and before you know it you've got a thing of simple beauty taking shape under your hands.

...art (temporarily in San Diego at the "Emerging Technology" conference this week at the Hyatt -- any other creekers here? :confused: )

Tyler Howell
03-06-2006, 7:26 PM
Where ya been?? I was going through withdrawal waiting for the water to rise.
Well were swimming now:D :D .
Good weekend productive, WW, Family time, New Toyls and a Creeker visit. What more could a guy ask for??

Thomas Prondzinski
03-06-2006, 7:29 PM
Just about got the sharpening station done.Poured on one of those thick clear tops,had to warm shop up to 80 to help cure faster.sold 14" bandsaw on Friday,guess I'll be ordering blades for the Rikon.Will post pics if I figure out how to resize.


Joe Blankshain
03-06-2006, 7:32 PM
Spent a great deal of time with the LOML. she needed some quality time in preparation for a spring/summer of husband at the shop during most of off-work time. Made the deal that most Sundays are her days and that has given me a schedule to work with. Received an Robland X31 from Dennis and began the unpack process. I am going to take my time so that it is done right the first time. Found a new lumber supplier in Michigan and another locally. Hope your weekends were as productive.

Jim O'Dell
03-06-2006, 7:38 PM
Art, I think the server lock up/out is the culprit for the slow response. Doesn't look like Dennis was able to start the thread until about 45 minutes ago.
I spent all weekend outside!!:D And now I'm sick for doing it. :( Seems something in the air set off my sinus problems, and I'm on my way to losing my voice. I did glue the table together and build the leg set for my TS extension. Helped my wife with a little shopping mid day Sat. Then Sat afternoon late, and most of Sunday afternoon we spent doing yard work and cleaning out the garage. Got some of my shop supplies out of the garage, and tidied up the rest. Moved some of the empty boxes out of the guest bedroom and into the garage for storage. Now I have to get my unboxed tools (Delta 22-580, Incra LS positioner, Woodpecker PRL, and Delta 7518 and 8529) out of said bedroom so we can starts craping the popcorn stuff off the ceiling, and retexture and repaint. I think I know where my shop time is going for the next couple of weekends! Jim.

Tyler Howell
03-06-2006, 7:54 PM
Spent a great deal of time with the LOML. she needed some quality time in preparation for a spring/summer of husband at the shop during most of off-work time. Made the deal that most Sundays are her days and that has given me a schedule to work with. Received an Robland X31 from Dennis and began the unpack process. I am going to take my time so that it is done right the first time. Found a new lumber supplier in Michigan and another locally. Hope your weekends were as productive.

Pictures Joe Cough-Em Up

Brett Baldwin
03-06-2006, 8:12 PM
Not enough, never enough but I did finally get my TS's mobile base finished. Built to exacting specs, it should last until I move the saw again at least! Also fell prey to another SMC heads up and picked up the Rigid mobile CMS stand. It really is a nice rig, especially for $99. I really needed to get that saw off the floor anyway.

Vaughn McMillan
03-06-2006, 8:36 PM
Didn't get much shop time this weekend at all, and the little time I spent there was nothing to write home about.

Sunday was spent on a whale watching trip. We didn't see any whales, which was a first after about 5 of these yearly trips. Nonetheless, we saw a lot of other cool sea and air critters. In no particular order, we saw ducks, pelicans, cormorants, bald eagles, California sea lions (lots of 'em), a sea turtle (very rarely see around here), and tons o' common bottlenose dolphins.

I'm not done editing the video, but here are a couple of frames taken from the video footage. (Sorry about the poor resolution...it's from a DV camera with a long telephoto shot from a moving boat. Not the ideal conditions.)

These two bulls were sunning on a rock a few yards from the rest of the gang...about 60 or 70 seal lions were hanging out in this particular spot. That's an unusually large group for this area. Notice the "ring" around the neck of the one that's upright...that's a scar from a fishing line tangle or some other type of man-made junk getting caught around his neck. It's probably been on his neck for quite some time, and it will most likely eventually kill him. :(


Here's a pretty poor shot of part of a pod of dolphins that came alongside the boat to play. We saw a large number of dolphins on this trip, but several years ago we took a similar trip and at one point were surrounded by over a thousand dolphins playing all around the boat. Even the wildlife biologists/narrators on that trip that day were blown away by the size of that pod. Even in smaller groups, the guys are a blast to watch in the wild.


The animal spottings were almost secondary, since we had a great time just spending the day doing nothing but circumnavigating Catalina Island on a beautiful sunny day. When I get the video done, I'll probably put a link to it in the OT forum.

- Vaughn

Jim Hager
03-06-2006, 9:47 PM
I hung the cabinets for the customer down the street. I hired a guy to help me all day Saturday then he stiffed me after lunch:( Guess I worked him too hard or something. Anyway we got all the bases and uppers set by noon anyway so I worked on finishing the parts that couldn't be finished until the install saturday afternoon. I went back down there early Sunday morning and sprayed the lacquer on the bar panels while nobody was around to stir up dust.

I laid around the rest of the morning then started a set of 44 knotty pine rp doors. I got almost all the parts cut out then ran out of material. I placed an order this morning so I will be back in business tomorrow after work. They deliver to me on Tuesdays.

Then today I went out and bought me a new to me jon boat, motor and trailer. Lowe 14-40 boat, Nissan 4 stroke 18 hp, trolling motor, stick stearing in the front, and loads of other little extras. Found some guy wanting out after just 1 year so I got a really good deal. Now this ain't woodworking of course but I still count it an accomplishment. I gave him a little over 2 thou less than he had in the boat and I got to see all of the receipts. And no I didn't have to wear a mask.

john mclane
03-06-2006, 9:48 PM
Had a great time this weekend with family. we attended the New Haven CT Irish Parade Ball at one of the halls at Yale. Our only chance in the year to get dressed up and dance.

Jim Becker
03-06-2006, 11:04 PM
It was a nice weekend...finalized the architect choice for our prospective home addition...and sent him some money, took "the older" shopping for a couple pairs of jeans while "the younger" was at the dentist with Dr. SWMBO, got a year older while enjoying family time and started on another Shaker style candle stand (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=32449)...this time in tiger maple. I also worked on refinishing a really nice turned box that I boloxed up the finish a couple years ago...I had forgot it was sitting in the shop all this time. It will get posted in the turning forum once it's got some form of clear coat on it...probably shellac.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-07-2006, 12:32 AM
Saturday...........cleaned the carport, the pickup and made a run to the dump getting rid of leaves, metal etc. Saturday evening a couple of hours on the lathe.

Sunday, more yard work, trimming trees, etc.

Planned next move on candle tables.

Lee DeRaud
03-07-2006, 12:52 AM
Pretty much as planned: finished up the DVD rack and got it hung up. Nothing too stylish, same design as the TV stand I built a couple years back, but it gets the discs out of the cardboard box they've been in lately.

03-07-2006, 9:45 AM
I did manage to finish the kids beds this weekend. My spray booth looks like a blue bomb went off in there. But, my happy "customers" are enjoying their new beds. I'll post pics when time permits.


John Miliunas
03-07-2006, 11:40 AM
Worked Job #2 Friday evening, funeral on Saturday. Finished up a mini-project for the LOML Sat. evening and got it hung up Sunday. Got a couple small boards of Cherry prepped for another mini-project and hauled in some BE Maple from outside to allow some environment acclimation for yet another LOML project. :rolleyes: Actually got to turn the lathe "on" for a bit and roughed out a small Box Elder bowl. Soaking in DNA as I write. :) Hope everyone has a great week and that the Creek's waters don't come to a standstill again! :D :cool:

Ryan Ricks
03-07-2006, 12:03 PM
Made a small medicine cabinet for the bathroom - decided it was too small. Now I have a nice router bit cabinet for the shop!


Maurice Metzger
03-07-2006, 12:20 PM
Surely I'm not the only person wondering "what the heck is a Revonic 5.5?"

- Maurice

Byron Trantham
03-07-2006, 12:24 PM
Finally delivered and installed the Bay Window desk! They fed us dinner and gave me another job! All in all, a nice day.:D

John Miliunas
03-07-2006, 12:27 PM
Surely I'm not the only person wondering "what the heck is a Revonic 5.5?"

- Maurice

Not sure, Maurice but, I'm guessing it's bigger than the Revonic 5.0 and smaller than the Revonic 7.0! :rolleyes: (Sorry...couldn't resist!) :D Seeing as to how Steve has been on this handplane resto craze, I'd have to believe it's some off-the-wall Stanley clone???? :) :cool:

Steve Clardy
03-07-2006, 12:37 PM
Surely I'm not the only person wondering "what the heck is a Revonic 5.5?"

- Maurice

Lol. Off brand #5 1/2 corrugated plane. Base made by bailey or stanley.
Conover was the manufacturer, seller. Spelled backwards, it is a revonoc. I mispelled the name the first time.
This is the history on it I'm told.
Here it is, not finished yet. Had a very heavy blade. Working on the tote, cap iron.
Not as heavy as a stanley bailey.

Steve Clardy
03-07-2006, 12:41 PM
Not sure, Maurice but, I'm guessing it's bigger than the Revonic 5.0 and smaller than the Revonic 7.0! :rolleyes: (Sorry...couldn't resist!) :D Seeing as to how Steve has been on this handplane resto craze, I'd have to believe it's some off-the-wall Stanley clone???? :) :cool:

Yep. Its off the wall. Bought it last year on the bay for a few bucks. Was supposed to be a stanley:mad:

Maurice Metzger
03-07-2006, 1:23 PM
You've got it looking good. I like that frog.

- Maurice

Steve Ash
03-07-2006, 1:39 PM
I sprayed the finish on my son's kitchen cabinets on Sat. then helped him a little on Sunday put down his hardwood floor in his new house.


David Duke
03-07-2006, 2:04 PM
Got pretty much everything and them some that I was hoping to. Finished the porch swing, did the tie-in on my neices home remodel, got the yard all cleaned up and fertilized (guess I'm gluttin for punishment). Sunday was family time.Sunday evening I was able to run new phone lines out to the shop did have it underground but ended up losing both lines in the past couple months so I just ran an overhead line, plus was able to do my post project shop clean up.

Steve Clardy
03-07-2006, 2:04 PM
You've got it looking good. I like that frog.

- Maurice

Thanks. What I like about this plane, it has a very heavy blade. 3/16" on the business end, 1/6" top side. Tapered blade. Anxious to get it into a chunk of wood.;) :D

Bill Lewis
03-07-2006, 2:07 PM
We got more done on the basement bathroom project.
On Friday, I woke with a real stiff neck, must've slept on it funny, so I spent most of the morning on a heating pad. Later I started sanding out the drywall, then did a few touch-ups.

We took a break later in the afternoon and went to the "Great Indoors" store where we found, by chance, a vanity/sink that we both liked. It was an open box, so it had a big discount, plus they were having a sale on vanities. The price was about what I was going to pay for an"off the shelf" vanity with a solid surface top and undermount sink at Home Depot. and yes I considered building one, but time is an issue. It is made to look like a piece of furniture, with bun feet, rounded corners, and carvings, and a synthetic top that closely resembles marble. Exactly what my wife had in mind for this bath. It even came with a nice little stool to match. Unfortunately, there's not enough space in this bath to use the stool.

On Saturday, I finished the drywall, and the wife painted both the primer and the topcoat. The primer was some we had leftover from another project, it was pre-tinted Pepto-pink. Made me sick to look at it :eek: with the 1000W worklight.

After all the painting was done, we started laying tile. The shower floor is done with 2x2's and the main floor area is set with 13 x 13's on the diagonal. The 2x2's were a perfect fit, no cutting needed except around the drain. I got the pleasure of cutting all of the big floor tiles. The main floor is done except around the toilet drain pipe, I still have to chip out around it to get the closet flange to fit.

One of these day's I'm going to post a series of pictures in the OT forum of the process.