View Full Version : Wader's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
08-04-2003, 8:42 PM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. I got a little shop time in the weekend working on a couple of benches for the kitchen table until I can figure out how to make the chairs that LOML wants me to make. A camp out with my 3 boys and needless to say, that was an experience...!!!

Best of Weeks......

Jim Becker
08-04-2003, 9:12 PM
Friday, I cut out all the components for the upper cabinets, masked off as appropriate and pre-finished the interiors prior to assembly on Sunday. They all went together without incident and I moved on to the face frames and doors Sunday and today. Saturday was a "day off" from the shop (other than a brief stop in the evening to spray another quick coat of clear) as I went to the 5-Barns Pic-a-nick up at the Grumbine's ranch. That was a great time and it was enjoyable meeting many SMC and WoodCentral participants and seeing some old friends. This week is my last vacation week for a bit, so I really have to get these cabinets done and ready to install! (And the 'rents are coming to visit sometime on Saturday...)

Doug Jones
08-04-2003, 9:21 PM
Didn't get a single thing done. Had to work at the track (Brickyard 400) both days this weekend.

Jeff Cybulski
08-04-2003, 9:23 PM
Drove to Flower Mound TX on Satuday to pick up a 54" blade for my John Deere. After dropping it off at the new house Sunday morn I discovered that the storms that blew thru Tulsa on Friday night downed a few limbs, so after unloading the blade and making sure it worked (it did) it was time to fire up the ole chain saw and make some dust. Got about a rick of wood out of it. I guess you could say I did some woodworking this weekend.

Have a safe week


Joe Tonich
08-04-2003, 9:36 PM
No WW'ing. :( Slept out with the boys Fri. & Sat nights. They had their first encounter sleeping in a thunderstorm! Now THAT was an experience!!:D Had a yard sale Sat. NEVER again. Cannot believe how rude some people can be! Next accumulation of stuff goes to Goodwill or will be given to someone who could use it. Gonna take some stuffed animals to the Police station. I guess they use them to help calm the children they come into contact with while working. Looked at a couple of trailers. MAN I miss my pickup! :( Hopefully will be picking one up this week. In a couple of weeks there's a Sawmill giving tours and 15%off of their hardwood. Need about 100bf. of QSRO for my kitchen cabinets still.


John Miliunas
08-04-2003, 9:37 PM
Just spent my time chipping away at my current, main project. I mean that quite literally, too. Finally bit the big one and bought a small 5hp chipper/shredder and was busy clearing brush AND putting the chips to use for landscaping. Kind of a double project, I guess. I did take my Festool 125 ROS for a test drive. Again I say, "Wow! What a nice piece of equipment!" Have a great week everyone! :cool:

Bob Lasley
08-04-2003, 11:33 PM
Well, my wishes for rain came true. Rained just enough Saturday and Sunday mornings to keep me away from yard work, though I did have to run an emergency service call Saturday morning due to the storms. Spent most of the weekend milling and glueing lumber for the bookcase I am building for my youngest daughter. Also, got to spend some time with my grandson on Saturday.

I must say I envy those of you that made it to Grumbine's, but glad you all had a great time.


Mike Evertsen
08-05-2003, 1:02 AM
Got started on a entertainment center for a client this weekend I knocked off the horses twice ,,,not good,,,,so I made a low bench
56"x48"x18" high now can work on it without it falling,,,
also got the carpet laid in the popup camper only 1 1/2 weeks till we take off for some camping in northern wisc and entertainment center has to be down by then and the camper needs to be cleaned and packed,,,,,,

Scott Coffelt
08-05-2003, 12:25 PM
I had my 20 high school reunion. Started with a round of golf and beers, lots of beers; moved onto an informal get together with lots of more beers; to a classmate's bar after that, and more beers; ended the evening (morning) going to a classmate's house for you guess it ... more beers. Finally, decided it was time to go to the hotel about 4AM.

Saturday, visited the new Nebraska Furniture Mart, reminds me why I build furniture. But a very neat store.

Saturday Night we had a formal gathering and yes, more beers; again visiting the classmate's bar..... boy a few more beers.

Sunday.... time to dry out. Took my son to " A Day out with Thomas the Choo Choo Train". Took a 20 minute train ride, had some food and enjoyed the day.

Abosolutely no wood working, though I got to talk about it some.

Earl Reid
08-05-2003, 12:44 PM
With the help of our son, my brother-in -law and his son-in-law, THEY tore off the roof on my garage, replaced 6 rafters, replaced 200bd ft of the deck and reroofed it Fri and Sat. also took all the debree to the land fill. I was all tuckered out after all the supervising.