View Full Version : Got er plenty thick.....

Steve Ash
03-05-2006, 11:25 AM
A guy can show all his "perfect" projects on here, but I think a guy ought to show his mistakes too....I got plenty. Here is my latest, I think I got a bit too much on. :D No other runs on any of the cabinets I sprayed yesterday....just this one.


Steve Ash
03-05-2006, 11:27 AM
...the rest of them...


Karl Laustrup
03-05-2006, 11:49 AM
Bummer Steve. At least now I know I'm not the only one that screws up. ;)

Those are looking good. Should have had you do mine.


Bob Rufener
03-05-2006, 12:01 PM
Been there done that too many times. I guess the only foolproof way of finishing a project is to not finish it.

Nice looking cabinets!

03-05-2006, 12:12 PM
I can relate as to the first pic. As to the second pic, I've never had that experience! Great stuff.

Bernie Weishapl
03-05-2006, 12:14 PM
Bummer Steve. I know what you mean. Been there done that.

Steve Clardy
03-05-2006, 4:11 PM
Been there. Done that.
Is that a raised panel in there, offset to one side

Fred Voorhees
03-05-2006, 4:29 PM
Steve, you cannot imagine how much better you have made me feel today. Finishing is not one of my favorite things to do, however, I DO plan on getting better (and more knowledgeable) about it. Afterall, I hope to someday add a dedicated finishing room addition to my shop.

Larry Fox
03-05-2006, 5:42 PM
Yep, me too. Sprayed 17 drawers a few weeks ago and got a similar run on the last side of the last drawer on the last coat. What are the chances? Cabinets are looking really good - nice work.

Jim W. White
03-05-2006, 5:49 PM
After going to the effort of cutting the stiles for the doors from the same peice of cherry so they would match up next to each other nicely on the cabinet; I realized they'll have to be done again... :mad:

In setting up the cuts for the bridle joint I forgot about the removed material on the rails from the panel inset dado. Wouldn't be quite so upsetting if I had not already "learned" this lesson on a previous project about a year back. :p

looks OK from this angle:


But NOT from THIS angle :confused:


Corey Hallagan
03-05-2006, 6:18 PM
Yeah, been there, but the cabs look great. Your son is lucky!


John Miliunas
03-05-2006, 6:23 PM
Hey Steve, I think I can get 'ya a deal on some sandpaper!!!! :D Oh, and yes, I'm well acquainted with the use of sandpaper for exactly those types of "projects"! :o :rolleyes: Hey, but the cabs do look great!!! :) :cool:

Jim Young
03-05-2006, 7:36 PM
I'm glad you're not making cabinets for me, buddy.

Craig Feuerzeig
03-05-2006, 7:51 PM
your runs you can't hide... or something like that.

Steve Ash
03-05-2006, 8:01 PM
I'm glad you're not making cabinets for me, buddy.

You mean a little run would scare you away???? A little scraping, sanding, and I'm as good as new.....jeeesh, everybody makes mistakes:D I just don't mind showing mine and laughing at myself.!

Steve Clardy, I think you must be seeing a reflection or something in that picture. My son has picked out a double shaker design, for some reason he doesn't care for a raised panel door of any kind....kids these days.

John, yeah send me some sandpaper...I'll take anything that is free....send along a beer while you are sending me some goodies!

I wonder if a thread where everyone puts a pic of their mistakes on would be good humor for everyone...I see a couple of those today from diffeent people.

Joe Chritz
03-05-2006, 8:05 PM
"I wonder if a thread where everyone puts a pic of their mistakes on would be good humor for everyone...I see a couple of those today from diffeent people."

I think I'll need a bigger flash card for my camera. :eek:


Jim Hager
03-05-2006, 8:11 PM
Steve they are looking great. I like the ash, and the run just adds character as well as a little extra time to the project.:rolleyes: :eek: I hung the cabinets that I have going yesterday and shot some lacquer on them this morning and also got a run with the sanding sealer. :eek: Easy sanding in just a few minutes. After that and three top coats later I was done and went back to the shop for making some pine rp doors.

You are spoilin that kid, you need to make him do all his own work. I know you probably can't sit by and stand to watch him make all the mistakes you once made. That is about the time me and my boy wind up getting into a "discussion" about who is the boss:D Oh, the joys of being a dad of a 24 year old.

Steve Ash
03-05-2006, 8:19 PM
You are spoilin that kid, you need to make him do all his own work. I know you probably can't sit by and stand to watch him make all the mistakes you once made. That is about the time me and my boy wind up getting into a "discussion" about who is the boss:D Oh, the joys of being a dad of a 24 year old.

Well actually Jim, he has done a ton of work on his new home. I framed it for him and set windows and doors ,started the vinyl siding and soffits( he of course helped) but so far he has done all of the electrical, insulating, drywall and finishing, painting and as I am doing his cabinets he is putting down 800 sq. ft. of hardwood flooring. He'll have a lot of his own "sweat equity" into his own home and a dad couldn't be prouder.

He did tell me he doesn't have the patience for cabinets and trim...and I enjoy that the most when building someones home.

Tom Drake
03-06-2006, 5:47 AM
The cabinets look great Steve. The run you can fix quite easily. I bet your son is happy with the cabs as well.

Steve Clardy
03-06-2006, 5:03 PM
You mean a little run would scare you away???? A little scraping, sanding, and I'm as good as new.....jeeesh, everybody makes mistakes:D I just don't mind showing mine and laughing at myself.!

Steve Clardy, I think you must be seeing a reflection or something in that picture. My son has picked out a double shaker design, for some reason he doesn't care for a raised panel door of any kind....kids these days.

John, yeah send me some sandpaper...I'll take anything that is free....send along a beer while you are sending me some goodies!

I wonder if a thread where everyone puts a pic of their mistakes on would be good humor for everyone...I see a couple of those today from diffeent people.

Something. My pic actually looks like a raised panel. Different color in the middle, and offset. Must be some ciber stuff. Lol

Hank Knight
03-07-2006, 9:54 AM
After going to the effort of cutting the stiles for the doors from the same peice of cherry so they would match up next to each other nicely on the cabinet; I realized they'll have to be done again... :mad:

In setting up the cuts for the bridle joint I forgot about the removed material on the rails from the panel inset dado. Wouldn't be quite so upsetting if I had not already "learned" this lesson on a previous project about a year back. :p

looks OK from this angle:


But NOT from THIS angle :confused:


Jim, why not glue a small strip to the tenon to fill it out to the correct size. You only see the end grain on the completed door, and if you're careful you'll hardly notice the repair. I think I'd try this before I discarded the rails and recut them from new stock.
My $.02

Jim Hager
03-07-2006, 11:06 AM
Well actually Jim, he has done a ton of work on his new home. I framed it for him and set windows and doors ,started the vinyl siding and soffits( he of course helped) but so far he has done all of the electrical, insulating, drywall and finishing, painting and as I am doing his cabinets he is putting down 800 sq. ft. of hardwood flooring. He'll have a lot of his own "sweat equity" into his own home and a dad couldn't be prouder.

He did tell me he doesn't have the patience for cabinets and trim...and I enjoy that the most when building someones home.

Yeah, Steve I remember your earlier posts about the boy building his house. I'm sure you are proud as a peacock of his work. I know I will be when mine goes through the same. My son called last night and said that he has put his house up for sale. He remodeled it about 2 years ago and did a fantastic job for sure. I was proud of his work on that place. He may be hunting some ground to build another one later this year when he sells this one.