View Full Version : woodburning

Rich Stewart
03-04-2006, 12:04 PM
My son has expressed an interest in adding some woodburnings to his turnings. Right now he is too involved in computer gaming to be turning much but he may come back to it as the weather warms. Anyway, after seeing Travis's latest HF with the woodburned collar I was hoping maybe someone could give me a short tutorial. Equipment, technique, cost. That type of thing.

Thanks in advance.

Travis Stinson
03-04-2006, 12:27 PM
Rich, a guy from my club demo'd his burner and provided the link for the plans to make the pen. I put mine together for just a few dollars. Basically, you add a dimmer switch to the AC input to a battery charger to vary the heat. The pens are super easy to make. Some nichrome wire to make different tips, a short piece of hot water PVC pipe, a $2 connector from Radio Shack and some wire and you're all set. I hope this link doesn't violate the TOS. http://www.fishcarver.com/images/burning%20instructions.PDF

Jim Becker
03-04-2006, 3:16 PM
My burning system is from Colewood (http://www.woodburning.com/) and I've been pleased with the unit.

John Hart
03-05-2006, 7:15 AM
I'd like to add a warning if I may.....DO NOT build one of these things and plug it directly in the wall! As Travis states, use a battery charger or other low voltage output device and a dimmer of some kind to vary the power to the pen. Not only will it get too hot....It will kill you otherwise.:eek: I just wanted to say that because the instructions make no mention of it.

Pretty cool homemade pen. I want one!:) 'course then, I want what Jim posted too. Where's my credit card?:o

Rich Stewart
03-05-2006, 10:19 AM
I remember when I was about 15 I had a portable tape player that was eating batterries so i went to Radio shack, got me a jack, connected wire to it so i could plug it in thus saving me from buying all these batteries. My Dad looked at it and said, "That won't work." When did a 15 year old ever listen to his dad? I plugged it in and heard my little brother in the other room yell, "HEY!!!" because the TV went out when the fuse blew.