View Full Version : Questions about walnut wood?

Josh Goldsmith
03-03-2006, 10:59 AM
I was just curious what process you normally do when you finish walnut. I was told that it is a porus wood and that i might want to seal the wood. Is that true. Also do you normally just varnish it or do you prefer to use tung oil and so on. Just curious your techniques when using walnut. Thanks Josh

Donnie Raines
03-03-2006, 11:05 AM
Yes, it is a pourous wood. But no...you do not need to seal the pores....unless you desire a finish with more sheen(read glossy).

I like linseed oil sealed with shellac. Then I top coat with a varnish.

Larry Crim
03-03-2006, 2:44 PM
I'm really happy with just BLO and clear coat

Guy Germaine
03-03-2006, 2:46 PM
I'm even simpler than that. Spray a couple coats of a 2# cut of shellac, wet sand with 400 grit, and finish of your choice.

John Miliunas
03-03-2006, 3:05 PM
My finish of choice for Walnut has pretty much always been Velvit Oil. If there's any figuring to the wood, Velvit will bring it out. Multiple coats, as well as a wet sanding with 600 or so and the oil will give you knockout results! :D :cool:

Jim Becker
03-03-2006, 3:57 PM
Some of the suggestions folks might have will depend upon whether your walnut is air dried or kiln dried and steamed. But in general, walnut really benefits from a coat of de-waxed orange or garnet shellac, although I prefer blond shellac on air-dried material. As the wood gets lighter in color over time (as walnut is prone to do) the shellac really helps bring out the beautiful golden brown colors.

Ben Roman
03-03-2006, 6:20 PM
They are really easy to use and applying them is a no brainer. Wipe on a coat. Buff with steel wool in between coats. You can pick the gloss level in the Arm R Seal Semi Gloss Gloss or Flat.

:rolleyes: David Marks is the King of That Combo and he always uses it in his show.

Joseph N. Myers
03-04-2006, 7:03 AM
A lot depends on what the project is, how big it is and how it is to be used. In my case, Watco has been pretty good for me as I just need good coat that will take some abuse. Cover it with Briwax or Watco Poly. For better projects, lately I've started to use Bush oil and while time consuming, does a real nice job, more coats, the better.

Regards, Joe