View Full Version : Small Bowl

Chris DiCiaccio
03-02-2006, 6:04 PM
Well, this is my first "John Hart blank". It's one of the smaller pieces of maple he sent me. John, I still need more practice on bowls. Thanks again for the blanks. I'm not too satisfied with my work on this one, I've got to get my confidence up for making the wall thinner. This one is only about 3/8" which is still too thick for this small piece which is 4"h x 3 1/2"w. I'm not sure I fully understand using the irish grind bowl gouge yet. Anyway have a great day folks, keep posting your work so I can learn from looking.

David Fried
03-02-2006, 6:49 PM

Looks nice! I do like the wood. Yes, there are folks here you can learn from but don't forget some of us are learning from you! Great job.

Dave Fried

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
03-02-2006, 6:53 PM
Nice wood for sure, can you put that one back on the chuck and make it thinner once you have more practice on the thinness thing?

I guess I need a chuck and a faceplate now..... :D

Nothing wrong with that Chris, well maybe one thing, it sure would not hold much Ice Cream now would it ;) :D


Jim Dunn
03-02-2006, 6:54 PM
So that's my problem. I was doing a Scotish grind.

Nice first bowl from Johns maple. You did it good

Bruce Shiverdecker
03-02-2006, 7:04 PM
Nice clean lines, Chris. Good lookin' wood, too.


Andy Hoyt
03-02-2006, 7:50 PM
Looking better and better, Chris.

Thinner wall confidence comes with experience. This size piece is perfect to gain it on as it wastes less wood, and there's less mass in play which I think means that the likelihood of going suborbital is reduced.

Kinda small for a bowl and shaped more like the vessel portion of a goblet. If the bottom is thick enough, you could drill a small mortise to receive a tenon from a stem. Said hole could also seve as holding point to reduce wall thickness.

Sorry - just thinking and typing out loud.

Bill Stevener
03-02-2006, 7:56 PM
Hi Chris,

I think your turning is outstanding.
It's all in how you look at something. Now you may think it has rather thick walls. It's time to get a little savvy and look at it in a different light.

I make about 2 to 3 turnings some days that look similar. They are only 1/2" high x 3/8" wide, turned from corian. Then I turn a little thing that looks somewhat like Ken's "knocker-bonker. Stick it in the little bowl thing and call it a Mortar and Pestle.

These little things are selling like hot cakes on the auction block.

What ever you wish to call it, I think you did a fine job. The form is nice and the finish looks great.


ps: Just thought I would stick in a photo, kinda like your form, with out the base. Great little kitchen item you have ther.

Bernie Weishapl
03-02-2006, 8:06 PM
That is a good looking bowl. Nice form and finish.

John Hart
03-02-2006, 8:13 PM
Nice bowl Chris....Hey...I like that Mortar and Pestle idea!!

By the way....anyone see a face here?

Corey Hallagan
03-02-2006, 8:50 PM
Nice, I love that piece of wood, very nice!


Andy Hoyt
03-02-2006, 8:54 PM
Yup. Kinda reminds me of George Conklin.

Keith Burns
03-02-2006, 10:06 PM
By the way....anyone see a face here?

See I told you guys but evertbody thought I was bonkers (looney) but look at all the faces that are showing up !!!!

Great find John !:)

Keith Burns
03-02-2006, 10:10 PM
Oh, that is a nice bowl Chris.:) :D It has a great form. You are doing a great job of teaching yourself

Dennis Peacock
03-02-2006, 10:27 PM

Nice looking bowl. Along with more confidence, will come the thinner walls.

One thing that I have learned about achieving thinner walls is that I put a fresh edge on the bowl gouge and make light cuts on the inside of the bowl. Working slowly and methodically will soon yield you a thinner walled bowl. This may not be the best method, but this is how I was able to get the walls thinner on my bowls. About 1500 RPM and a nice sharp tool will get you there. Just stay in control, take it easy, relax and enjoy the process. It'll come to ya. ;)

Ken Fitzgerald
03-02-2006, 11:11 PM
Nice bowl Chris! I wished I had the courage to attempt a bowl. I'm not ready for that quite yet.

On another subject.......I thoroughly convinced John Hart must have stood on his head to see the face in that bowl!;) :D

Ernie Nyvall
03-03-2006, 12:37 PM
By the way....anyone see a face here?

Looks reptilian.

Hey Chris, nice job. You're coming along just fine.
