View Full Version : Before and after pics. Check it out!

Josh Goldsmith
03-02-2006, 12:45 AM
My dad picked up this Jet 15" planer at an auction about 1 month ago. When he brought it home i was excited until i saw it. It was rusted, the stand was crooked, infeed and outfeed tables were completly crooked and bent, it looked like crap but i had faith after realizing it actually worked. So i started taking it apart and cleaning this, painting that. Finally i am all done so i thought i would share my excitement. All i have to do now is sharpen the blades and start planing alot of wood.

http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/2913/picture0298nf.th.jpg (http://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0298nf.jpg)

http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/8205/picture0508jc.th.jpg (http://img90.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0508jc.jpg)

http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/4621/picture0311um.th.jpg (http://img113.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0311um.jpg) I sanded the infeed table prior to this pic. Then i remembered to take pics first then work on it. It was rusted just like the outfeed side.

http://img452.imageshack.us/img452/5097/picture0499xa.th.jpg (http://img452.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0499xa.jpg)

http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/7100/picture0329yq.th.jpg (http://img90.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0329yq.jpg)

http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6470/picture0517oy.th.jpg (http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0517oy.jpg)

I made the base out of 1 1/2 angle iron then wraped it in 16g galvenized. I was going to make it with less strength but after lifting this i decided to go all the way. I didn't want this thing crashing down to the ground. I also used the original infeed and outfeed rollers. I had to tweak the heck out of them trying to get them back to square. It was fun some of the time but well worth it. Thanks Josh

Bill Fields
03-02-2006, 12:51 AM
Neat Josh!--I love it when folks rescue something worthwhile.

Hope it serves you well.


Karl Laustrup
03-02-2006, 6:28 AM
Wow, Josh. Great restoration. Looks like new. Hope it serves you well.


Jeffrey Makiel
03-02-2006, 7:39 AM
Wow! That looks great! You did a lot of work on it, but now it looks like new again. I bet with a sharp set of knives, it will also run like new.
-Jeff :)

Bruce Page
03-02-2006, 9:25 AM
That ain't the same machine - no way!

Seriously, nice job!

Byron Trantham
03-02-2006, 9:34 AM
Josh, great job! It really does look new.

Josh Goldsmith
03-02-2006, 11:29 AM
Sorry about the pop-ups that image shack adds without you knowing. Thanks for the complements it really makes you feel good after doing alot of work refinishing something. I thought about painting it green to match all of my grizzly products but the green was a shade darker and i thought i would keep the original silver color. I just added the charcol color for contrast.

I do have a question for all of you 15" planer owners. I have not adjusted any of the rollers and blades since i got it. My question is does your infeed roller sometimes scratchs the top of the wood. I was planing a piece of sycamore wood and after i planed it i notice grip marks from the infeed roller and wasn't sure if that is normal or does it need to be adjusted. Thanks again.

Josh Goldsmith
03-03-2006, 12:25 AM
Nobody else has had problems with the infeed rollers sratching the top of the wood when you run it through?

Brett Baldwin
03-03-2006, 1:53 AM
I can't help you with the infeed problem as I don't own a powered planer but I can say well done on the restore. I'm sure you'll find a solution to the infeed roller problem.

Brad Kimbrell
03-03-2006, 2:19 AM
Any marks made by the infeed rollers are generally planed off as it goes by the knives. At least that's what I've experienced and been told. You should not see any serrated roller marks upon exit.

They may be taking a little too much bite.

Great restoration and yes, it's great when you put something back together better than it came to you! I always appreciate things more when I know how they work and I know I can fix 'em. I'm sure you can do anything to your "new" machine that it needs.

Again, very nice finish...

Kyle Kraft
03-03-2006, 9:37 AM

I have a Jet 15" planer like yours, and I'll get marks on the workpiece from the infeed roller only when I attempt to remove less than 1/16" of material. To avoid this I just take more than 1/16" off on my final pass.

One other problem I have is shavings getting pressed (embedded) into the workpiece by the outfeed roller. I have PLENTY of dust collection suck, but I still have some escapee chips. The plastic shield near the cutterhead is adjusted to within .030" of the knives, so I'm kind of at a loss. Suggestions, anyone?

Jack Hoying
03-03-2006, 11:47 AM
Your planner looks great! I'm sure you'll get lots of enjoyment out of it.

Jack Hoying
03-03-2006, 11:50 AM

I have a Jet 15" planer like yours, and I'll get marks on the workpiece from the infeed roller only when I attempt to remove less than 1/16" of material. To avoid this I just take more than 1/16" off on my final pass.

One other problem I have is shavings getting pressed (embedded) into the workpiece by the outfeed roller. I have PLENTY of dust collection suck, but I still have some escapee chips. The plastic shield near the cutterhead is adjusted to within .030" of the knives, so I'm kind of at a loss. Suggestions, anyone?
Is it possible that you don't have enough air flow? Maybe with your shield adjusted so close, there isn't any air movement to carry the chips away?

Josh Goldsmith
03-03-2006, 11:55 AM
When i was restoring it i never hooked it up to my dust collection. I just put it where it is going to be sitting and still haven't hooked up dust collection yet. Do you think that might cause it?