View Full Version : Woodturning Clubs

Andy Hoyt
02-28-2006, 7:41 PM
I've noticed that when a beginning turner pops in here to ask questions, one of the more common responses includes something like:

"I suggest you contact your local (or nearest) woodturning club. They're usually great folks who.....".

This got me to wondering - How many of you actually belong to a woodturning club and or the AAW?

Thought I’d try this a poll – mostly for fun, and to see how one is set up.

David Fried
02-28-2006, 8:43 PM

I'm not a member. Yet. In late November I visited two local turners who are members. One told me meetings are the second Tuesday of the month, the other said it was the third Tuesday. Every other month they meet at Woodcraft but Woodcraft isn't sure when or what month. Neither person was sure where the next meeting meeting was!

The second gentleman, Gil, did have an answer. He took my name and address and told me he would send me the newsletter. Last week I received a photocopy of the newletter from him and will be attending the next meeting. They are an AAW chapter.

Oh, they also have a web site that is a year or so out of date. Big help.

So, to answer your question - no but soon!

Dave Fried

Andy Hoyt
02-28-2006, 8:58 PM
David - The club in Manchester updated their site today and Beth Ireland is demoing as we speak. She does neat stuff. I shoulda posted this thing yesterday.

David Fried
02-28-2006, 9:33 PM
David - The club in Manchester updated their site today and Beth Ireland is demoing as we speak. She does neat stuff. I shoulda posted this thing yesterday.

Yes, that was in the newsletter and was tonight but I had family obligations. Being a single parent leaves little time without gobs of advance notice. I'm aiming for the April 25 meeting just down the road at Gil's.

Thought I might make it to the shop tonight but it's just under 25 degrees in the shop and the temperature is dropping fast so I punted. Bummer.

Dave Fried

Curt Fuller
02-28-2006, 10:43 PM
I just joined a club in January and have been to 2 meetings. I don't know if the other members are AAW members but I know the club is not affiliated with AAW. We meet at the 'The Turning Post', a shop owned by Clead Christensen that does architectural and furniture turning and Clead has told me that he was one of the original members of AAW. He started the club for us Northern Utah turners that are too scared to go to the big city (SLC) and too far away to drive to Craft Supplies in Provo for an evening of fun. I've thought about mentioning getting the club signed up with the AAW but that usually ends up meaning that the guy with the idea has to get it going. How much work is involved in an AAW club?

Pat Salter
03-01-2006, 12:53 AM
We now require all of our members to join the AAW for insurance purposes. We have quit a few demonstrations and an annual symposium taught by local members. Having the members covered by the AAW's insurance keeps our local club costs down.
But then, I joined the AAW before I joined our local club. I think it's a good deal with a GREAT magazine.:D
I'm one of those who sugguest new folk to check out local clubs and the AAW. I think it's a great help to new spinners.

Gordon Achterhof
03-01-2006, 7:53 AM
I have a local club in Charleston that is part of AAW. The only problem is the fact that the Woodcraft store that they "meet" at is 65 miles away from me. Last month the idea was to meet at the store and then go another 20 miles down the road to a members home for the meeting. A bit far. I'll see what the story is for this month.

I have sent in my app and check almost a month ago for a membership but so far no answer. I'll check for a canceled check later this month. So all I can do is wait and see.


Cody Colston
03-01-2006, 12:13 PM
I met some members of the East Texas Area Turners Assoc. at a freedom pen turn-a-thon about a year ago. I've intended to attend a meeting and join but am rarely off work when they meet on the third saturday of each month.

I'm not sure if they are AAW affiliated.

Fred Ray
03-01-2006, 5:07 PM
Been a member of Carolina Mountain Woodturners in Asheville, NC and the AAW for about 5 years now. CMW is the largest AAW affilliate in North America (and undoubtedly the best):D . We have a big name demonstrator each month for an all day Saturday demo. Also lots of good turners (somewhere around 400 members) who are more than willing to share all they know.


Bill Turpin
03-01-2006, 8:36 PM
We have a great club in the CMW. People who re-inlisted or joined at first of the year in the AAW will get a free sharpening video in April. This is almost worth the price of membership plus the magazine. This offer may still be available. We have three large screen TVs and several switchable cameras that show our world-class demonstrators. There is not a bad seat in the house of several hundred attendees. We meet on the third Saturday at the Folk Art Center in Asheville, NC. Most clubs have to charge fifty to $75 for demonstrators like ours. We do it for FREE! Cindy Drozda this month. Ben Pho, Ellsworth, Stott, Nick Cook, Dave Hout, etc. in the past. :) :)

Bill in WNC mountains

Steve Clardy
03-02-2006, 11:37 AM
Can't vote. I'm not a member of any turning club. [sigh]

Jim Becker
03-02-2006, 12:40 PM
AAW membership is worth it even just for the wonderful quarterly (color) magazine. Local chapters (or similar groups) are wonderful opportunities for mentoring, gloating (!) and general comradarie.

Jim Stoppleworth
03-02-2006, 1:50 PM
Can't vote either cause I don't belong to a club, but I am a member of AAW.


John Timberlake
03-02-2006, 9:56 PM
I belong the North Coast Woodturners in Cleveland, OH area. We require all member to belong to AAW for insurance. Also one of the longest AAW member clubs and very active with about 90 members each week. Meets the first Saturday of each month at the Rockler store - coming up this Saturday.

Andy Hoyt
03-02-2006, 10:23 PM
Lesson Number One on posting a poll - Think it through and come up with categories that apply to all possibilties. Sorry, Steve!

This has been interesting to see the poll results, and I'm glad to see that the tallies are getting up there.

Me? Yup. My AAW affilated chapter is the Maine Woodturners and we meet each third Wednesday in the student shop at Erskine Academy in China. China Maine, that is. I enjoy the camaraderie of my fellow members, the demos, the coffee and doughnuts, the skill learning opportunities, and so forth. Some of our members drive as much as three hours to get there and never miss a session. I was never much of a club joining kind of guy; visited on a whim and invitation; and haven't missed a meeting since. Good fun.

Jim Dunn
03-02-2006, 10:39 PM
My AA chapter is trying to get me to stop smoking. Oh, wait, were talking turning here, right? Don't belong to a turning club as yet. Still fish to much.

Dennis Peacock
03-02-2006, 10:50 PM
Well, if a turning club was closer to me, I would attend, but right now there are none fairly close. One day....maybe.

Carole Valentine
03-02-2006, 11:17 PM
Nearest club is 150 mile round trip and a $17 toll, so as much as I'd like to, I don't belong to a club. I do belong to AAW.

John Hart
03-03-2006, 5:49 AM
I finally got up the gumption to join...Went to Rockler to do it at their monthly meeting....."Nope! Sorry kid! We're having an auction this month!"....Maybe next time.:rolleyes:

Ernie Nyvall
03-03-2006, 9:05 AM
I am not a member of a club because it is just too far away. I have met and talked with several members of the local AAW chapter, and because they are so helpful, I have recommended for others to join if a club was within their reach.


Paul Douglass
03-03-2006, 11:02 AM
I was never much of a club joining kind of guy; visited on a whim and invitation; and haven't missed a meeting since. Good fun.

I was suprised to read tha you belonged to one, Andy. I just figured from reading you posts you weren't a joiner. I don't mean that as a negative, I love you sense of humor. I am definately not a joiner, The Model airplane club cured me of that years ago. Maybe it's time to try again. I sure could use the training and information I would reap from one. A friend of mine has been going to the local one here and says it is a great bunch of people. Now if I can just quit working on Saturdays

Keith Burns
03-03-2006, 11:18 AM
I was suprised to read tha you belonged to one, Andy. I just figured from reading you posts you weren't a joiner. I don't mean that as a negative, I love you sense of humor. I am definately not a joiner, The Model airplane club cured me of that years ago. Maybe it's time to try again. I sure could use the training and information I would reap from one. A friend of mine has been going to the local one here and says it is a great bunch of people. Now if I can just quit working on Saturdays

Paul, I too have always been a "loaner". Never a joiner. However a year ago I attended my first meeting and joined our local club, the Midsouth Woodturners Guild. I liked it so much I ran and was elected to the Board. I wouldn't miss a meeting, in fact I've put off leaving on vacation so I could attend the meeting. I learn something at every meeting as well. I would encourage everyone to find a club to attend, you can't beat the experience.