View Full Version : Group Gloat for the Turning Forum

Andy Hoyt
02-27-2006, 2:02 PM
We got another one. and this is indeed a prize catch.

Any takers on the identity of this previously devout flatlander?

Finished doing taxes Saturday morning, pretty much vegged out all afternoon.

Most of Sunday was spent taking "Lathe 101" at Woodcraft. Six hours of standing on bare concrete floor in what turned out to be the wrong shoes, so of course my stupid dog wanted to take a longer-than-usual walk this morning. Arrgghh!

A hearty welcome to _____________________

Mark Cothren
02-27-2006, 2:09 PM
Tyler??????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Don Baer
02-27-2006, 2:12 PM
I know but I ain't telling...he owns a Laser and lives in california..;)

Don Baer
02-27-2006, 2:30 PM
Take 2:

I don't turn yet, so I don't really know for sure, but I'm willing to take it on faith that turners walk up to a spinning piece of wood with a sharp chisel in their hand and no preconceived idea what's going to come out at the end. That's about as "free-form expression" as it gets. (Not saying that's how it always (or usually) works, but hey, it can happen.)

Actualy he got infected some time ago. Here is one of his posts from 2-11..

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
02-27-2006, 3:15 PM
and a quote........

"You can never be too rich, too thin, or have too much ammo"


Steve Clardy
02-27-2006, 3:22 PM
Hmmm. No idea at the present:confused: :confused: :confused:

Does the winner who guesses, get a group hug:eek: :confused: :confused: :eek: :D

Cecil Arnold
02-27-2006, 3:28 PM
Okay, Stu gave it away for me. Welcome ______ ______, and remember "this side toward enemy." I wonder how the exotic curls and laser smoke will react?

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
02-27-2006, 3:34 PM
Okay, Stu gave it away for me. Welcome ______ ______, and remember "this side toward enemy." I wonder how the exotic curls and laser smoke will react?

Oh sure, blame me.............. :rolleyes: :D:D

Ken Fitzgerald
02-27-2006, 3:49 PM
A six hour class would put him above my rank amateur status!:D

You did notice he's not gone public yet!.......Don't push him Andy!

Andy Hoyt
02-27-2006, 4:35 PM
Ken - He can stay in the closet as long as he wants. But we know he's in there!

Lee DeRaud
02-27-2006, 5:53 PM
Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm not even going to order a lathe until after I do a bowl/hollow-form class...
and if I hear any ticking, I'm calling Homeland Security.:cool:

tod evans
02-27-2006, 6:00 PM
what happens when lazers start spinin`?? this may be a job for homeland..02 tod

Steve Clardy
02-27-2006, 6:06 PM
Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm not even going to order a lathe until after I do a bowl/hollow-form class...
and if I hear any ticking, I'm calling Homeland Security.:cool:

:D :D :D
I think Tylers "thong" has been bunched up lately:eek:

Andy Hoyt
02-27-2006, 6:11 PM
..... I'm not even going to order a lathe until after I do a bowl/hollow-form class....:cool: Lee, they weren't bunched one bit 'til I read that! Going back for more, huh? Not gonna buy until, huh? Yup - he's in!

Glad to have you here, Lee; closet rods, laserized and bunched panties not nonunwithstanding.

Bruce Shiverdecker
02-27-2006, 6:13 PM
Pretty "SLIPPERY" there, ain't it, Lee. Did they let you use the Rikon or the Jet?


Bernie Weishapl
02-27-2006, 6:30 PM
Lee you got your foot on that banana peel and you are in trouble. Once you start sliding oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

Cecil Arnold
02-27-2006, 6:48 PM
Classes, classes, really Lee, why do you want to start out in front of the rest of us. Bowls and hollow forms, do I see mustard in your future? Welcome to the slope, watch for the banana peals.

Keith Burns
02-27-2006, 6:52 PM

Ken Fitzgerald
02-27-2006, 7:03 PM
Lee when you buy that lathe......take your wallet and put it on your night stand............it'll stay empty and you won't need to carry it. Just put your driver's licence in your pocket.:eek: :D

Jim Dunn
02-27-2006, 7:21 PM
Congrats (I think) Lee. It's real fun in the spinny zone. Course the vortex is expensive:)

Lee DeRaud
02-27-2006, 7:59 PM
Pretty "SLIPPERY" there, ain't it, Lee. Did they let you use the Rikon or the Jet?Very slippery: I found out that epoxy floor paint and wood shavings are a bad combination. Different shoes next time, that's for sure.

The classroom machines are all Jets. This store is sold out of the Rikon at the moment.

Lee DeRaud
02-27-2006, 8:02 PM
what happens when lazers start spinin`??Oh, that is so not happening: ULS wants $800 for their rotary attachment.:eek:

Don Baer
02-27-2006, 8:05 PM
Oh, that is so not happening: ULS wants $800 for their rotary attachment.:eek:

But Lee with a little modification to your Laser the Lathe can be your rotary attachment...:D

Ernie Nyvall
02-27-2006, 10:59 PM
Oh man, you could see this coming a mile away.... especially with the post of denial.:D


Lee DeRaud
02-28-2006, 12:01 AM
Oh man, you could see this coming a mile away.... especially with the post of denial.:D (scratches head) What denial? The only thing I ever denied was owning a lathe.:cool:

Ernie Nyvall
02-28-2006, 12:12 AM
(scratches head) What denial? The only thing I ever denied was owning a lathe.:cool:

Actually... I don't know what I was thinking:confused: ... I'm going to bed now.:o
