View Full Version : Going Backwards is confusing.

Bill Lewis
02-27-2006, 1:24 PM
If I am on page two (or three or four), and read a post, then click on the tree at the top I automatically get pushed back to page one. If I use the browser's "back" button I will go back to the page I started from, but the new post highlighting doesn't get updated. It was just as I left it, unless I refresh the browser.

On other forums I've been on, clicking on the tree takes you back to the page you came from, and updates the "posts read". Is this a bug, a feature, or a switch that I am missing in my profile?

This is a bit problematic when trying to catch up after missing a few days and the new posts cover seveal pages.

Steve Clardy
02-27-2006, 3:50 PM
I go to first page of new posts. See a post that looks interesting, right click on it, and open in new window. When done, close it.
First page is still there. On to page two

Bill Lewis
02-27-2006, 4:21 PM
Steve, I do that often too. I'd still ike to know if somehow either I'm missing something, or if there is a setting for the forum software that "fixes" this problem. All the other forums I've been to don't work this way. I know it's not L or D, just a curiosity question. If anyone will know the answer, Aaron will.

Steve Clardy
02-27-2006, 4:26 PM
Don't know Don. I just got so used to the right click thats about all I do.

Aaron Koehl
03-02-2006, 4:09 PM
It should depend on where you click in the tree.. I think the pages are renumbered depending on which post you click on... Are you in hybrid mode, threaded mode, or linear?

Bill Lewis
03-02-2006, 5:03 PM
Hi Aaron, I knew you'd be getting around to this to catch up. to answer your question, I use Linear mode.

Let's see if I can re-write this to make it clearer.

For example: If I'm on page 2 of the support forum and I click on a post to read it then when I am done I usually click on the "support forum" part of the tree at the top of the page to go back:

Sawmill Creek > Support Forum

...and this will take me back to the first page of the Support forum sub group. I'd really like it to take me back to page 2 again.
As before, if I just use the browser's "back" button the posts' highlights (read or unread) do not get updated.

How's that Aaron? I don't know if this is something you can fix, or if it's a setting I am missing, or if maybe it's a bug. I haven't tried any other forums using the same forum software so I don't know if it occurs anywhere else in c-space. Other forums I go to occasionally (though not WW'ing groups) do it as I outlined, they would go back to page 2 in my example.

Jim Becker
03-02-2006, 7:02 PM
Bill, that isn't a bug. The software is doing exactly what you are telling it to do...go back in the forum tree to the top of that forum...which is page one. If you are just reading a post on page 2 or wherever, use your browser's back arrow to return you to that page of thread listings. If you used Quick Reply to post a comment, the same will also work. If you used the full reply window, it's a bit more cumbersome, but a few clicks of the back arrow will put you back where you were. That all said, it would be nice if the multi-page "chooser" would be at the top (and bottom) of every thread page as it is on the forum... ;)

Aaron Koehl
03-03-2006, 9:43 AM
Ah yes, I understand now. As Jim mentioned, it is functioning as designed.

What you're referring to is a "breadcrumb". This particular breadcrumb takes you to the top level forum (as is standard for breadcrumbs, in teh way that the logo on a website usually always brings you back to the home page). If we had sub-forums, you'd see it would make more sense, e.g:

SawmillCreek > Turner's Forum > Member Interviews

Bill Lewis
03-03-2006, 1:15 PM
I figured this was the way it is supposed to operate, at leat for this software package.

Jim, try this on the tractor-by-net forum and you'll see that that forum operates as I describe. If you're on page 2, you'll stay on page 2 and the "read posts" highlighting gets updated. Different S/W package though.

Oh well I just had to find out for sure.