View Full Version : Tool rest

Jeff Horton
02-26-2006, 9:09 PM
I need a couple of tool rests for my old J-line lathe. I am using a Delta (style?) tool holder that came with it. I am looking for a curved rest and a couple of short straight one. Who has the best prices on them? I am open to traditional and bar stock style.

I thought I had a couple bookmarked but obviously not.

BTW, I just finished.... well almost finished, my first bowl on this lathe. Will post photos later on.

Pat Salter
02-26-2006, 9:41 PM
Jeff, I'm using a Delta banjo and tool rest on my J-line. I just bought a new banjo from Packwood for 72 bucks and change but I'm like you, need the tool rests. Fortunately for me, I work with a welder that is going to fix me up with some of the round bar type. Someone is selling Sorby's line of tool rest for a good price on geebay. you might check them out.

Bernie Weishapl
02-26-2006, 11:09 PM
Here is a picture of the tools rests I had made. The post is 5/8" for the Delta banjo and the cross piece is 3/4" steel. I had a 4", 9" and a curved one with a 3 1/2" radius. What a difference and cost me $30 compared to the modular ones. Just a thought.

The others are scrapers I made.