View Full Version : Sticky on all the interviews?

Kirk (KC) Constable
02-26-2006, 3:11 PM
Is it necessary to have a sticky on all the interviews? A few more and they're gonna take the whole first page...

One man's opinion...

Ken Garlock
02-26-2006, 3:43 PM
Amen Kirk. I think it would be OK to have one day, maybe two days at most, of the sticky. After that everyone can do a search on 'interview'.

Andy Hoyt
02-26-2006, 3:59 PM
Looks like John M is already doing so. Note that Stu and dennis have moved down.

Be glad to see mine move down too as my name is already plastered on here way too often. Ooops - just did it again.

John Miliunas
02-26-2006, 4:07 PM
Hey guys, we're down to four right now, as I "unstuck" a few the other day. My original thought was to have two up there for probably closer to a week, as not everyone has the opportunity to check in daily. The "problem" comes in when Mark gets too efficient and blasts several up to the forum within a day or two of each other. :rolleyes: Right now, there's also the IT contest sitting there as "stickies" and will remain until it is over. Eventually, Aaron will move all the "old" interviews to one area, making it easier to track, look up and follow. Until such point in time, bear with me, as I'll try to keep only the most up-to-date ones up there. I feel that the individual interviews deserve some time "in the spotlight", as it were, so that it's easier for folks to find & see them without having to do complex searches. If the individual interview is only up for a day or two, it can quickly get "buried", without other folks getting an ample opportunity to view or reply to it. Once Aaron get a bit more "unburied" from his work responsibilities and we have a "spot" for them, it will be easier to manage. :) I appreciate your patience with this. :) :cool:

Bob Noles
02-26-2006, 4:44 PM

You just thought being a moderator was going to be fun. I think management did a sell job on you :D :eek: :p

Randy Moore
02-26-2006, 5:02 PM
John probably thinks he is overworked and underpaid. I think he ought to take a 50% paycut.....:eek: ........

Oh..............you would be paying Keith and Aaron then, :eek: :) John?????......

Hang in there John, you're doing a good job.


John Miliunas
02-26-2006, 5:24 PM
LOL! :D Awww, it ain't that bad of a "job". Nice comfy place to work, surrounded by great people doing fantastic work, includes OJT and I get to pick my hours! :) The turners group is typically one of the funnest around and, I realized a long time ago that you simply can't keep everyone happy all the time. Heck, I been married for over 25 years... Understanding that just comes with the territory!:D :cool:

Rob Littleton
02-26-2006, 5:34 PM
Dude, what about an Interview "forum". Put the interviews under that heading. Seems there are gonna be a few more?

Just a thought.

of course, no one gives a hoot about me so I'll never see an interview request (sob sob)........good thing really coz I aint got nuffing good to add.

ho hum

Dennis Peacock
02-26-2006, 5:36 PM
John probably thinks he is overworked and underpaid. I think he ought to take a 50% paycut.....:eek: ........

Oh..............you would be paying Keith and Aaron then, :eek: :) John?????......
Hang in there John, you're doing a good job.

Shoot Randy....I already put John in for a raise on his moerdatin' job here.;) :D

Gary Max
02-26-2006, 6:02 PM
John----are you trying to say--- there are other forums at the Creek.
Gee-- that's what those other topics are for.
Those must be for flatlanders ?????

Bart Leetch
02-26-2006, 6:10 PM
[QUOTE=John Miliunas]LOL! :D Awww, it ain't that bad. The turners group is typically one of the funnest around.

Could it be that we are always spinning in circles?:D :eek: :D

John Miliunas
02-27-2006, 9:14 AM
Rob, were it up to me and, if I had the "power" to do so, that's what I'd recommend. We've got, at least, one other forum starting to do the interview thing as well and, a general Interview Forum would be cool. However, I'd still like to highlight the member's interview for a week or so "at the top" of the forum, just so everyone has their moment in the "spotlight", as it were. :)

Dennis, thanks!!! It worked!!!! :D I'm getting a 25% salary increase, effective this week! :)

Yeah Gary, believe it or not, there are actually a few folks left who have not succumbed to the Vortex! :eek: Fear not...Their day will come! :)

"Spinning in circles" is right, Bart! Half the time I don't know if I'm coming or going!:) :cool:

Glenn Clabo
02-27-2006, 9:43 AM
"Spinning in circles" is right, Bart! Half the time I don't know if I'm coming or going!:) :cool:

John...That's not too bad...when you don't know when you WENT...now that's a problem.

John Miliunas
02-27-2006, 9:56 AM
John...That's not too bad...when you don't know when you WENT...now that's a problem.

LOL!:D Yeah, been there, done that, didn't get the T-shirt! :o Now, what exactly were we talking about????:confused: :rolleyes: :) :cool:

Mark Cothren
02-27-2006, 10:13 AM
The only "thing" about an interview forum is that the interviews we have here are geared mostly toward turning. The ones Zahid is doing in the Neander forum are geared toward Neanders. That may not be a big deal for anybody - I dunno... I prefer to keep 'em separate... just my opinion... worth no more than what you paid for it...

I have a few completed interviews queued, but I'm trying to spread them out and not take up the whole front page. Hopefully John and Aaron will work out a place to archive these for future reference.

And just so everybody knows, I'm compiling a list of the active members of the turning forum... I'm up to about 85 right now... I've still got a lot of you to hit and I plan on eventually getting to everybody. So no "sob, sob", Rob - your name is on the list...:D

Ken Garlock
02-27-2006, 11:08 AM
OK, I can agree to a one week sticky on each interview. But, let's hold the total number of interviews down to a reasonable number at any given time. I like to use the New Posts option so that I get to see what is going on across the complete Sawmill Creek world. Having 5 or 6 stickies per forum would be a little much to wade through every time I visit. :eek:

John Miliunas
02-27-2006, 11:13 AM
OK, I can agree to a one week sticky on each interview. But, let's hold the total number of interviews down to a reasonable number at any given time. I like to use the New Posts option so that I get to see what is going on across the complete Sawmill Creek world. Having 5 or 6 stickies per forum would be a little much to wade through every time I visit. :eek:

Thanks Ken. I PM'd with Mark and we're going to try and coordinate between ourselves to be sure there are no more than 3 up there at any given time, while most of the time, there should only be two. Please, bear in mind that a couple more non-"Interview" related stickies can show up from time to time for "special interest" items, such as the IT Contest presently being run. :) :cool:

John Hart
02-27-2006, 11:24 AM
John...That's not too bad...when you don't know when you WENT...now that's a problem.

This reminds me of the old joke

"Daddy Daddy...I'm Spinning Around in Circles!!"

"Shut-up...or I'll nail your other foot to the floor"

Dennis Peacock
02-27-2006, 11:34 AM
Hey....don't sweat the small stuff......and it's all small stuff.

I think the interviews are great and produces a venue for getting to know each other better. I don't care if my interview was in there or not.....I just like knowing more about others.:D After all.....it's all about people. ;)

Keith Outten
02-27-2006, 11:34 AM
We now have a Members Interview Forum to archive Interview threads. I would suggest you use the Forum name when starting threads with interviews, this will make it easy to find Member Interviews that have been archived by searching on the classification, ie;

Neander Interview, Dave Anderson
Turners Interview, John Miliunas

John Miliunas
02-27-2006, 11:43 AM
We now have a Members Interview Forum to archive Interview threads. I would suggest you use the Forum name when starting threads with interviews, this will make it easy to find Member Interviews that have been archived by searching on the classification, ie;

Neander Interview, Dave Anderson
Turners Interview, John Miliunas

Awesome, Keith!!! Thanks to whomever is responsible for setting that up for us!!!:D :cool:

Andy Hoyt
02-27-2006, 11:55 AM
Mark/John - I kinda like what Zahid is doing with his interviews. Has a sticky with links to all the interviews.

Suggest that (for us anyway) a new interview is stickied for a week, then gets unstuck. But the master list of links to all interviews will always stay up top.

EDIT: Note to self - read page two of the thread before trying to solve the world's problems.

John Miliunas
02-27-2006, 12:07 PM
Mark/John - I kinda like what Zahid is doing with his interviews. Has a sticky with links to all the interviews.

Suggest that (for us anyway) a new interview is stickied for a week, then gets unstuck. But the master list of links to all interviews will always stay up top.

EDIT: Note to self - read page two of the thread before trying to solve the world's problems.

Hey, I hadn't noticed what Zahid had done on the Neander side. That IS a cool idea and great suggestion!!! :) Tell 'ya what...As soon as our IT Contest stickies disappear, I'll attempt to do the same! (If you don't see it after the IT stuff is gone, give me a "nudge" [as in a cyberslap]. My memory ain't what it used to be!:o ) :) :cool: