View Full Version : Got that new Woodcraft slow speed grinder ....

Ken Fitzgerald
02-25-2006, 8:50 PM
and started building a top for the stand so I could install the Wolverine jig. Spun the grinding wheel by hand.....120 grit wheel wobbled..:( ...Checked the nut...it's tight ...but.....it's only touching the washer on one place on the nut. Loosened the nut and held pressure on the 120 grit wheel with my fingers and spun the grinding wheel by hand....No wobble.....Looked closer...sure enough the threads were not perpendicular to the surface of the nut. Went to a local hardware store...purchased a new nut. Installed the new nut......it touches the washer on its entire surface....spun the wheel by hand.....no wobble..........Just because it's new doesn't mean it's right.:mad:

Taking the LOML out to supper for her birthday this evening. Tomorrow I'll mount the grinder and the Wolverine and SHARPEN SOME TOOLS! Then I smell more curls in my life as I continue to make those Idaho Salmon Bonkers!:D

Andy Hoyt
02-25-2006, 8:53 PM
....the world is round and it doesn't wobble........

Any more, that is.

Where'd that thing come from? Took eightever to get there!

Cecil Arnold
02-25-2006, 9:00 PM
Wonder how long Ken will give LOHL tonight before he slips back to the shop to sharpen things? Think he will stay around for dessert?

Corey Hallagan
02-25-2006, 10:20 PM
Congrats Ken, you will like it!


Bernie Weishapl
02-25-2006, 10:24 PM
Congrats Ken. You will be turning up a storm now. You will be amazed at how much easier it is with sharp tools. Make some chips.

Karl Laustrup
02-26-2006, 5:46 AM
Idaho Salmon Bonkers!:D

"Patent Pending"

Hurry, Hurry! Get your genuine, made from real wood "Idaho Salmon Bonker". Each is truly one of a kind, just like it's maker.

Way to go Ken. Just let us know when the shavings get up to your neck. :eek:


Glenn Clabo
02-26-2006, 8:28 AM
Talking a little out place because I don't own one...but I spent the day with a pro turner (another story) who stated that the installation of the gig needs to be in accordance with the directions exactly...or it won't work right. Again...I know nothing about the whats or whys...just passing on the little I know.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-26-2006, 8:41 AM
I can appreciate that Glenn.....except there weren't any instructions with the jig. However, I did go to the Oneway website and download the instructions and believe me I'm following them to the "T"! In fact, I had to mount an extra piece of 5/8" plywood immediately under the grinder to get the required height from the center of the grinder shaft to the surface the jig mounts to! The jigs need to be parallel with respect the the rotational axis of the grinding wheels and centered to the face of the grinding wheel! I'd be outside finishing the mounting as we speak but it's only 0530 and the neighbors might complain! Besides.......it's coffee time right now......Thanks for your concern!

Ernie Nyvall
02-26-2006, 8:53 AM
Congrats on the new toy Ken and nice save discovering the crooked nut.


Ken Fitzgerald
02-26-2006, 3:04 PM
I'll post some pictures later but......I just got to use my new sharpening station........I didn't realize that turning tools weren't supposed to act like a rasp!:eek: What a difference a sharp tool makes! I sharpened a roughing gouge, a 1/4" and 1/2" spindle gouge and a 1" skew. I slapped on one of my proto type "salmon bonkers" and WOW! Even decade old fir turns a lot easier!
Photos and a further report tonight!:D

Steve Clardy
02-26-2006, 7:41 PM
ah!!! BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!:eek: :eek:

As we usually say---------------

No PICS, didn't happen:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Am I gonna hafta send Tyler and the pink thongie in here after you Ken???????:eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;) :D :D

Tyler Howell
02-26-2006, 8:28 PM
And you use to be a deputized member of the picture malitia!!!! Shame Shame Shame!!!
We have ways of making cooperate!!!!:mad:

Steve Clardy
02-26-2006, 8:42 PM
And you use to be a deputized member of the picture malitia!!!! Shame Shame Shame!!!
We have ways of making cooperate!!!!:mad:

Atta boy Tyler:D :D :D :rolleyes: ;) :D

Andy Hoyt
02-26-2006, 9:36 PM
Guys - Ken was so excited that he emailed me his photo of the re-turned bonker. He's a bit anxious about it though, and asked that I post it for him. Here 'tis.


It's amazing what a sharp tool can do!

Ken Fitzgerald
02-26-2006, 9:49 PM
Yeah.........I wish that was my turning! If it was I'd quit while I was ahead! I've got a lot to learn about turning and a lot to learn about sharpening! This afternoon I had my first major "catch"! Broke 2 inches off my 1/4" spindle gouge! Woke me up at the controls! See my thread for photos http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=31972

Steve Clardy
02-26-2006, 10:06 PM
Yeah.........I wish that was my turning! If it was I'd quit while I was ahead! I've got a lot to learn about turning and a lot to learn about sharpening! This afternoon I had my first major "catch"! Broke 2 inches off my 1/4" spindle gouge! Woke me up at the controls! See my thread for photos http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=31972

Oooof!!! Ken will be off tomorrow for more tool buying:eek:

Mike Ramsey
02-26-2006, 10:32 PM
Ken, glad you got it fixed and going!

John Miliunas
02-27-2006, 8:23 AM
Hey Ken, you should have a lot more fun turning with sharp tools and you've now got a great setup for doing just that! IMHO, that slow speed from WC is one of the better values out there! Have phun!:) :cool: