View Full Version : really small hinges

Scott Campbell
08-01-2003, 6:05 PM
Gday all,

I'm in the middle of making 30 6"X6" picture frames, and need some ideas on where to find hinges (or some other method) that would attach the stand onto the back of the frame. The hinges couldn't be more than 1/2" wide (width of the stands is 5/8"). Silver color would be best, but brass would do just fine. I've had no luck yet in my search.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Steve Clardy
08-01-2003, 7:21 PM
I have info on very small hinges I used to buy from a speciality hinge co.
Cannot find it right now. But you had to buy in quanity, 1000 per size. The ones I used were 1/2" by 1", very thin. Price was around $108.00, plus shipping. If you can use this size, I'd make you a good deal, as I no longer use them. But these are brass, not silver. Steve

Kevin Gerstenecker
08-01-2003, 7:29 PM
Scott, I have found very small hinges, jewelry box size, at Walmart. I think they were Stanley Hinges, and I bought several sizes to use on a few small boxes. One set were plain, leaf type hinges, and the other set were more decorative. They were 1/2" or less..........the one set was very small..........had to use a jewelers screwdriver for the small brass screws. I know that Rockler and Woodcraft have small hinges as well. I have checked at Home Depot and Lowes, and have no luck there. Seems like Sears Hardware has a decent selection of decorative hardware, they may be able to fix you up also. I don't have the part numbers, as the packages have been pitched. Check out Wally World and Sears, I think they may have something that will work for you. :D
Don't forget to share a picture or two of the frames with us! ;)

Scott Campbell
08-01-2003, 9:32 PM
Steve, thanx for the offer, but if Walmart has them, I can pick them up tomorrow.

Kevin, thanx for the tip. I didn't even think about Walmart.