View Full Version : Delta Tailstock?

Mac McAtee
02-25-2006, 8:57 AM
Anyone have or know someone that has a spare tailstock (complete) for a 30 year old Deltal 12" Heavy Duty wood lathe? If anyone has a lead on one that may be for sale, please let me know.

Dick Strauss
02-25-2006, 1:59 PM
check this site out:


Is this what you are looking?

FOR WOOD LATHES<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
16. Tailstock for 12” Delta new style $200, old style, $225 (both fit), old style has offset feature.

I have no connection...just trying to help!

good luck

Mac McAtee
02-25-2006, 8:48 PM
Thanks for the tip Dick. I have sent them a message.