View Full Version : FedEx and UPS all in the same day

David Fried
02-23-2006, 8:59 PM
That's more traffic than our little road usually sees.

The first arrival was in a box from John Hart.
Thanks John! It looks great. Now all I have to do
is figure out what to do with it. It's too big for Salmon bonkers.

The second box had a couple of tools to help me attack
John's wood.
I got the rounded one because it appeared on the list
compiled by our distinguished Mr. Hoyt. It appears to be
a Hot Fudge spreader. I got the square one just to have
a set. I think it's for getting that last little bit of ice cream
out the corner of the box.

With any luck I'll get to try these guys out this weekend.

Dave Fried

Ken Fitzgerald
02-23-2006, 9:42 PM
Dave.....Congrats on the tools and wood. I've got some of Mr. Hart's generousity coming my way in the form of 4 pieces of 4x4x33 cherry. It's spindle table time. Congrats again!

Corey Hallagan
02-23-2006, 10:10 PM
Cool David. Remember for big salmon, yah need a big bonker... sumpin to think about......


John Hart
02-23-2006, 10:24 PM
When I looked at it, I saw two vases, or 4 bowls. You're going to like that buckeye. It turns like cherry and has a real nice sweet nutty smell.

Have fun Dave!

Andy Hoyt
02-23-2006, 10:45 PM
Yup, you're gonna like that buckeye. Big wet curls and tons of fun.

And I'm really pleased with the way you're catching onto to the proper usage of those Sorby things. I've found that their Hollowmaster series are excellent for snatching cookie dough chunks outta other peoples bowls.

Bernie Weishapl
02-23-2006, 10:48 PM
Congrats David on the tools and wood.

Pat Salter
02-23-2006, 11:13 PM
WOW, a door stop and two ice cream scoops in the same day! Awesome!:D

Keith Burns
02-24-2006, 8:28 AM
Great tools and a nice hunk of wood:) :) Too cool !

Rob Bourgeois
02-24-2006, 8:43 AM
David..I suggest you try using something other than the knife in the first picture. It might take a while to whittle that wood down to a bowl. :p

Jason Christenson
02-24-2006, 9:38 AM
[quote=...and has a real nice sweet nutty smell.[/quote]

Sounds like a cigar review. :)

Jim Dunn
02-24-2006, 10:41 AM
When I looked at it, I saw two vases, or 4 bowls.

Next time have him draw those shapes on the blank:p Then you just have to trace em on the lathe:rolleyes:

That's the difference between somebody with an artistic ability and myself. I have none, zip, zero ability to "see the wood". I tried to let the wood tell me what to do and in between tears it said "Burn me. You know your going to anyway":eek:

Nice tools though.

David Fried
02-24-2006, 11:33 AM
David..I suggest you try using something other than the knife in the first picture. It might take a while to whittle that wood down to a bowl. :p


I was only going to use the steak knife on the outside. The coffee cup was for scooping out the inside. Figure that will make it go alot faster.

Next time have him draw those shapes on the blank:p Then you just have to trace em on the lathe:rolleyes:


I think that is a most excellent idea!! Wish I had thought of it.

Cool David. Remember for big salmon, yah need a big bonker... sumpin to think about......



The piece does have some checking on one end so I may get a little less from it than John envisions. I do need turn a mallet someday - a close relative to the classic salmon bonker.

Dave Fried

John Hart
02-24-2006, 12:08 PM
Sheesh! It's hard enough to get me to label what the wood is....Now you want me to draw pictures on it too?

Ok...here we go. I did a quick sketch. Just print this out and trace it onto the wood and go from there.

This is a vase. Good luck. We're counting on you.:)


Andy Hoyt
02-24-2006, 12:44 PM
Nice form, John!

But I think the smile detracts from the overall neo-psuedo-classical style.

David Fried
02-24-2006, 5:53 PM
I did a quick sketch. Just print this out and trace it onto the wood and go


Nice! Unfortunately there's only six and half hours left in the IT contest otherwise I'd be in French Vanilla heaven!! ;) I think it's great your Mom saved your early art work.:D

My kids admired the waxy stuff your kids put on the log. Their first find was a 1986 penny stuck to the back, after that it was CSI SMC. They pulled long, coarse, black hairs off the log. We checked your avatar and decided you must have brushed the log.:D Then they found shorter, fine, silvery hairs. Hmmm...:rolleyes:

Dave Fried