View Full Version : Dust collector arm setup

Earl Eyre
02-21-2006, 6:02 PM
While I was taking pics of the tilt away, I took these. Got the idea some time ago based on an idea I saw in some catalog. I've have tried mounting the Big Gulp many different ways and never been completely happy. This system works beautifully. It's off the floor so cleaning up is easy. It "telescopes" all the way from one end of the lathe. It works smoothly so there is no man handling a big tripod. I just made it out of some old 2x4's and bolted it to the window sill. You could use many different mounting methods.

Bob Noles
02-21-2006, 6:08 PM

Very timely post as my gulp just arrived today :D

Again, thanks for passing this along.

Bill Stevener
02-21-2006, 6:11 PM
Earl, quite the design. Now if you would have made that using turned spindles, just think of the possibilities of showing it in the IT contest.


Jim Dunn
02-21-2006, 6:35 PM
Earl a very nice design indeed. But 2 things? I notice, can it be, TILE on the floor of your shop?? Or are your turning in the livingroom?:)

Bernie Weishapl
02-21-2006, 6:43 PM
Nice idea Earl. Looks like it works great.

Earl Eyre
02-21-2006, 6:56 PM
Earl a very nice design indeed. But 2 things? I notice, can it be, TILE on the floor of your shop?? Or are your turning in the livingroom?:)

LOL! It is tile but only because the floor had so much crud, paint, epoxy, cracks, etc I couldn't take it anymore and bought a bunch of the 50 cents a tile self sticking stuff and covered it all up. It was easier than trying to clean it! I also sheetrocked the walls so now with the floor and the walls if I ever decide to sell some stuff I can say they were designed and crafted in a studio instead of a plain ol' shop! :-)

Rich Stewart
02-21-2006, 7:05 PM
That rig is slicker than snot on a doorknob. I have been having a heck of a time positioning my hood. Too far away and it does nothing, too close and it falls into the turning chuck. Been a real problem. Gonna rig something up tomorrow. Thanks for the idea.

Andy Hoyt
02-21-2006, 7:17 PM
Nice, Earl. I've rigged up something similar, but it's nowhere nicely thought out and executed as yours. I like it.

Travis Stinson
02-21-2006, 7:27 PM
Neat idea Earl. I have my gulp mounted on a tripod sort of setup that gets to be a pain to move when the curly mountain gets too high.

Cody Colston
02-21-2006, 9:36 PM
That's a great idea.

I've been planning a renovation of my turning area and I believe I'll incorporate a similar arrangement for the DC hose.

Jim Becker
02-21-2006, 10:06 PM
Earl, that's almost identical to the first one I had in the shop...your arm pieces are just a little wider, but other than that... it worked great for the lathe it was mounted to. (OneWay 1018) I do use a ceiling mounted arm I bought now, but still have the wood one somewhere in the shop waiting for another application.

Jeff Singleton
02-22-2006, 7:49 AM
Earl, That is one neat looking set-up for sucking up the dust. Does the unit have much stability and is it grounded? I may have to look in to that.

Jeff Singleton;)

Earl Eyre
02-22-2006, 3:12 PM
Yes it is quite stable...at least suitable for the job. You wouldn't want to sit on it or set the PM tailstock on it, though! I just had some 1/4" lag bolts available so used those for the connections. 1/2" or even bigger with big washers would make it alot more stable.

Woops on the grounding. Guess I didn't reconnect the wire when I moved the flexible pipe. It must be hanging up by the ceiling! I'll have to reconnect it. But all the pipe down to the flexible piece is grounded to the dust collector so I don't think I've been in any danger.

Bill Simpson
02-22-2006, 9:57 PM
That is precisely what I had in mid but I didn't know what I was thinking untill I say your posting. Just like that thing the dentist has his tools :eek: laid out on. I built my "BIg Gulp" from the flange that you put around 4" PVC roof vent pipe. Fits the DC great and lightweight as well. This is exactly what it wants to be mounted to.

Thanks for the posting. :cool: I think I just stole another idea....

Bob Noles
02-22-2006, 10:04 PM
That is precisely what I had in mid but I didn't know what I was thinking untill I say your posting. Just like that thing the dentist has his tools :eek: laid out on. I built my "BIg Gulp" from the flange that you put around 4" PVC roof vent pipe. Fits the DC great and lightweight as well. This is exactly what it wants to be mounted to.

Thanks for the posting. :cool: I think I just stole another idea....

Hey Bill..... Welcome to SMC. Hope you will visit us often.... there is lots of good stuff to steal around here :cool: :D

Earl Eyre
02-22-2006, 10:53 PM
I think I just stole another idea....

Hey, you didn't steal another idea. It was certainly posted with the hopes that others may find it interesting or useful! If you are like me, 95% of what you make for jigs or bowls or hollow forms or spindles comes from other's ideas.

You never know what people respond to. I thought most would respond to the post on the tilt away tail rest but this string has provoked more discussion. I only posted this as an afterthought!

Hope you are hanging around the Creek and you take away alot of ideas. Please post some of your turnings.
