View Full Version : Basswood ---Gloat

Gary Max
02-19-2006, 7:23 PM
This was a couple months ago and I forgot to post these pics--It is Basswood The real monster is in the middle of the trailer. See the big hunk on the front the monster is the next section off the tree it is standing up on the trailer. The deal was to good to refuse. They cut it up and used a loader to get it on my trailer----for free.
We had to cut it into blocks on the trailer since there was no way of moving it.

Bernie Weishapl
02-19-2006, 7:37 PM
Great gloat Gary. Don't you just love the free wood. What does basswood turn and look like? I don't think I have ever saw any. Thanks.

Cecil Arnold
02-19-2006, 7:39 PM
I know basswood is white, and I'm green. Great gloat.

Chris Barton
02-19-2006, 8:08 PM

You'er the man! (with the wood)

Ron Ainge
02-19-2006, 8:19 PM
Hey Gary

I wish that I had that much Basswood so that the LOML and I could make some more of those bowls that we made this weekend. I put some sealer on the bowl a little while ago and I will start putting a finish on it tomorrow. Thanks for the nice comments that you gave about it. If you have any extra mabye you could send some my way and I could see if it is as good as the stuff I have.

Gary Max
02-19-2006, 10:05 PM
Ron I sent you a PM.

Corey Hallagan
02-19-2006, 10:09 PM
Bernie, I would think basswood would turn nicely. It is used widely by carvers as it is fairly soft and workable.


Bernie Weishapl
02-19-2006, 11:10 PM
Gotcha. Thanks Corey.

Rob Bourgeois
02-19-2006, 11:54 PM
Fun to carve and easy..but bland as a turning. Now if you wanted to carve it or <gasp> paint it you would have a good wood for that.

John Hart
02-20-2006, 7:18 AM
Nice haul Gary! A departure from cedar? You'll make it nice I'm sure!

Ron Smith ... Richmond, VA
02-20-2006, 7:42 AM
and it engraves well, too. Here's a large lidded box I did for our church auction a couple of years back. It's 7.5" tall X 5" wide and turned like butter. Sanded to 400 grit and BLO finished. Our own Keith Outten provided the engraving.