View Full Version : What is this in this wood?

Jim O'Dell
02-19-2006, 7:05 PM
I just cut some old branches to put in the fireplace and get off the lawn. These were cut down about a year ago. May be a little green, but not much. I didn't notice the white spots when I cut them down, and they aren't visible on the old cuts that I can see. But the fresh cuts of at least this one branch shows white spots on each cut. Any ideas? I believe the tree is an Elm of some species. Some have called it a Cedar Elm. Thanks for any ideas, and if it's ok to burn!! Jim.

edit: guess it would be good to give you the picture, huh??

Cecil Arnold
02-19-2006, 7:42 PM
Jim, I would vote for elm, as I've seen something similar leech out of some I have worked.

Jim O'Dell
02-19-2006, 8:01 PM
Thanks Cecil. But this didn't leach out. It's like it is a filled tunnel of something. Could have been a diseased tree when I cut it. It appears to be hard...can't scrape any off with my finger nail at least. Jim.

Jamie Buxton
02-19-2006, 8:08 PM
They look like frass-filled tunnels chewed by boring insects. You might split the branch to see what else you can see.

Burning would be a good idea.

Chris Barton
02-19-2006, 8:18 PM
hard to tell from the pictures but, could be fungi...

John Timberlake
02-19-2006, 8:54 PM
This is almost certainly the larva of some sort of insect such a powder post beetle. They leave behind the waste while burrowing through the wood. You will not see them at the surface of wood until a fresh cut is made. My guess is that you will see these in the other pieces if you make another cut.

David Rose
02-20-2006, 2:20 AM
Looks like Pac Man to me!
