View Full Version : Dust collection adaptor fittings

Steve Clardy
07-30-2003, 10:41 AM
Well, here I am wondering again this morning why someone or some manufacter has not come up with a good assortment of adaptors for all of us woodworkers that are trying to attach our sanders and such to our shop vacs and dust collectors.
Seems like that over the years, more than once I have went to the local hardware stores in search of different fittings to do this task. [I get some really strange looks sometimes when I'm adapting pvc to wood stove pipe].
I search the sewer and drain, PVC, CPVC, water pipe, dryer vent, heat and ac, wood stove pipe, all all the isles that have anything that might work. I usually end up with quite an assortment of stuff that might work, but is not appealing to the eyes, or to bulky to really work good.
Heres a shot of my sander hooked to my shop vac. Sander, CPVC coupler, small black flex hose, undersink pvc drain tube, 1 1/2" collector hose, finally to the shop vac.
Quite a messy looking thing, but it works. Very unhandy to stop and find all this stuff and get it hooked up just to sand for a few minutes.
Steve :confused:

Daniel Rabinovitz
07-30-2003, 10:57 AM
Looks good to me - whatever works - works best.
(I'll sign Daniel - so that you don't get confused with all the other Dan's)