View Full Version : Central USA get together request...

David Rose
07-29-2003, 7:13 PM
I'm bringing a Leigh FMT jig to demo some mortises and tenons. Dave Arbuckle suggested having someone bring legs and skirts for a small table as the demo pieces. If anyone(s) would like to do this, it would be great!

I normally wouldn't want to work on someone else's hard earned work, but with a couple of test cuts this thing is almost foolproof. So I am making the offer. Also it is fast enough that we wouldn't be limited to one unit.

Hope this is coherent. I think I'm coming down with something. And yes, I'm sure it is Dennis's fault... someway. :D

I sure hope we can have a lot of "normal" people come. Between Dennis, Bob, and Terry, I think I may be the last sane woodworker in the area. And the guys are working on me! :mad: Come on everyone, we will have a great time and great food!


Terry Hatfield
07-29-2003, 7:25 PM
U gotta B kiddin' me....

You...the sane one????? Maybe all those folks out there in internet land believe that, but I have met you personally and you can't fool me. :p

You are just one of the "closet" crazies that don't let it hang out all the time like Dennis and Bob. :D

Terry....bracing for return fire form Farmington.

David Rose
07-29-2003, 7:50 PM
Nope! I won't "return fire". I'm not sure that is within safety guidelines for a gunshop owner.

I *will* say though (you knew I would) that Dennis and Bob are sort of in the middle. I always kind of figured that your lovely wife and great kids must have "found" you somewhere and adopted you 'cause they felt sorry for you. :D No comments on how I found mine~

Really! What a friend! You won't even pop down to Dennis's for a few minutes and do his floor... and then come by and do mine. Actually, I like to use mine for sharpening my cutting tools. It adds new meaning to "scarey sharp".


U gotta B kiddin' me....

You...the sane one????? Maybe all those folks out there in internet land believe that, but I have met you personally and you can't fool me. :p

You are just one of the "closet" crazies that don't let it hang out all the time like Dennis and Bob. :D

Terry....bracing for return fire form Farmington.

Terry Hatfield
07-29-2003, 8:50 PM

Never thought about the gun shop when I said "return fire". That's a good one. :D

I be glad to send pics of how to do the floor. :D I pretty sure I'm too busy to do it for you for...say...the next 6 years or so.

Them there youngins' look just like me so that on won't fly either. :D Cheryl did find me under a rock, but that's what she gets for lookin' under there in the first place. :p

That's all


David Rose
07-29-2003, 9:07 PM
Oh... OK...

So here's the deal... I've marked down on Dennis's calendar for July 29, 2009 to do his floor. (You owe me Dennis.)

You're right. That won't fly. If I wuz yer kids, I would whack you for saying "they look like you" though. There is "some resemblance". But fortunately, the looks stop there. They are likely yours, but mostly Cheryl's... also fortunately. To be whacked by that son of yours is an awesome thought!

No ~ THAT'S all.



Never thought about the gun shop when I said "return fire". That's a good one. :D

I be glad to send pics of how to do the floor. :D I pretty sure I'm too busy to do it for you for...say...the next 6 years or so.

Them there youngins' look just like me so that on won't fly either. :D Cheryl did find me under a rock, but that's what she gets for lookin' under there in the first place. :p

That's all


Terry Hatfield
07-30-2003, 8:42 AM
OK...got it on the calendar. July 2009 it is.

Your right about the kids...

Good thing they take after Cheryl. :D

I still have one up on the big boy, I control the $$$$. :D He just wacks those unsuspecting defensive linemen.
