View Full Version : A New House-Update #23 Long-With Pix

Karl Laustrup
02-17-2006, 7:34 PM
February 17th, 2006

BRRRRRRRR!!! Winter has come to Wisconsin. 10 inches of snow yesterday. Benny and the boys only did a half day because of the road conditions, so there was no update. Now the temps have plummeted. Wind chills will be in the -35 range tonight. High temps tomorrow may make +5.

Yesterday during the blizzard it was snowing in the house. The soffits not being in yet, the wind was whipping the snow under the eaves and into the house. I fully expected to see an inch in the house, but there was just a very light dusting around the edges.

I guess it wasn't cold enough here for Benny, so he took the day off so he could go to Minnesota for the weekend. It is colder up that way. Tim and Dan worked in the crawl space today putting up the wall on the inside of the foundation wall. Each exterior foundation wall will be framed in and then isulated. That'll make it easy to finish the walls off. All I'll need is some drywall.

HVAC guys showed up and cut the openings for the supply and returns. They'll be back Monday to start the duct work. Norm, the electrician, was there today also and we went through and marked off locations for outlets, phone and TV. Also, tried to figure out where and what I want for lighting in the kitchen, baths etc. We still have to figure where I want outside outlets as well as basement outlets. I'm also having him put outlets in the eves, in strategic locations for my Christmas decorations. He's promised a special circuit with it's own central timer to turn the Xmas lights on and off.

The guys also are putting a nailing block under the eves halfway between house and edge of roof. That'll help with my wind chimes and yellow finch feeders. And I guess the siding guy needs some more support for the soffit vents because of the 3' overhang also.

Tomorrow Norm is coming in with a couple of guys and they're going to start the wiring. Not sure how long he'll stay with the temps in the low single digits tomorrow. But he should be able to finish up my special wiring in the shop/garage. I've been keeping the propane torpedo going in there so it's been warm for the guys to take their break and lunch.

Well, that's about it for this week. More to come. Stay tuned and thanks for looking.

The framing in the west crawl space.

More of the same.

The south wall which will be getting a special coating of something that I can't remember to help waterproof it and strengthen it before it's framed.

The picture window looking out. The cats are going to love this as it'll be in the sun most of the time and they can watch the birds.


Don Baer
02-17-2006, 7:41 PM
Good progress inspit of adverse weather.

Mark Stutz
02-17-2006, 8:10 PM
I remain amazed at the speed this is going. BTW, that's the biggest "crawl space" I've ever seen!:D ;)

Ken Fitzgerald
02-17-2006, 8:18 PM
Karl.....you got a good crew and they're making good progress! Buy
them a beer.....or better yet....a hot toddy!:D

Frank Pellow
02-17-2006, 10:07 PM
Hey, I know a crawl space when I see ohne (having crawled in several to unfreeze pipes etc ), and that's not a crawl space.

Corey Hallagan
02-17-2006, 11:45 PM
WOW, I am with Mark, clicking right along!


valerie williams
02-18-2006, 1:07 AM
Thats really nice, but ya know what I thaught of when I saw that big windoe? I have a pekingeese and I took her to hubbys place of work, the front is entirely glass and when I took her out,she kept smacking into the windows trying to get back in! There would be alot of entertainment for my family in windows like that, lol!

Jerry Olexa
02-18-2006, 11:41 AM
Karl that is a very usable crawl space. Looks big to me. Great place for storage. You've got a great house. Pic window has nice view...:)