View Full Version : Speedy delivery service

David Mueller
02-17-2006, 6:28 PM
Doesn't it just frost you when you settle down for a long winters nap to wait for the call and while your out, it comes. I can't believe that I ordered a G5959Z 12" cabinet saw yesterday at 10AM and they call today at 1PM to schedule delivery while I'm at work. ( springfield to chicago) Get the message after everyone has gone home for the weekend. It's gonna be a long weekend. :mad::mad::mad:

I've been hangin around here for a while so when I have it setup soon, I plan a shop tour to make it offical for everyone.

Brett Baldwin
02-18-2006, 2:20 AM
Don't think of it as being too late to get the shipment going, think of it as having to arrange the shipment much earlier than expected. Just try to figure out the first project you are going to do with it, start to lay out the materials you need and by the time you get done running back and forth to the various stores for wood, hardware, glue and finishing supplies for the project it will be Tuesday and you'll be that much closer to the time you expected to get that call.

David Mueller
02-18-2006, 9:47 AM
Believe me Brett, I'e been collecting wood for years now and have ideas and projects up the ying-yang so it better be able to dance at the git-go. It's just sitting there only 10 miles or so away a the terminal waiting. Well I guess one thing age has helped is patience, or at least tried to help. I was still amazed that it's an 11 hour drive min. and it's ready to be delivered a little over 24 hours later. I had to wait about 1 week for my G500, 3 weeks for my LT18 and 12 weeks for my oneway. I hope their not off Monday, just schools, banks and gov?

Corey Hallagan
02-18-2006, 10:21 AM
Congrats on the new Saw! Can't wait to see pics!


Jeremy Griffith
02-18-2006, 1:08 PM

One thing I've found with Grizzly is that if they have the item you want in stock the shipping is extremely fast. More often than not if it takes more than a day or two it is the freight company holding things up. Small items that get sent through UPS are usually on my doorstep first thing the morning after they were ordered.

Congrats on the new saw,


David Mueller
02-19-2006, 12:51 AM
Jeremy, I've had great luck with small items from them too. Just thought everyone would get a kick out of how they handle delivering a 600 lb gorilla.