View Full Version : Little Wizard?

Lee Schierer
02-17-2006, 1:02 PM
Does anyone have any experience with the "Little Wizard" metal detector. Does it work well? I have a large piece of cherry that used to be a fireplace mantle that I need to check for metal before I run it across my jointer and through my planer. Investing in a metal detector seems prudent when comparing it to the cost of replacement planer blades or sharpening a set of jointer blades. Still I wonder how good a $16.00 detector might be. I normally don't use a great deal of used lumber.

Jim Becker
02-17-2006, 2:42 PM
Mine works well, Lee. It doesn't have a huge amount of depth, but it's saved a lot of cutters for me since I bought it a couple years ago...and it cost twenty bucks then!

Joe Johnson
02-17-2006, 2:49 PM
I have had one for a couple of years also. Works good.